研究生: |
鄭斐娟 Fei-Juan Cheng |
論文名稱: |
探討國中生生物科自我效能與教師期望之關係 A Study on the Relationship between Self- Efficacy and Teacher Expectation in Biology |
指導教授: |
Yang, Wen-Gin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 177 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我效能 、教師期望 、學生知覺的教師期望 、凱利庫存方格技術 、生物科 |
英文關鍵詞: | self-efficacy, teacher expectation, students' perception of teacher expectation, Repertory Grid Techniques, biology |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:354 下載:43 |
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一、 學生的生物科自我效能在整體及「師生互動」、「概念理解」、「同儕互動」、「概念應用」上的次數分配情形皆接近常態分配;除了「概念理解」以外,其餘的平均值皆顯著低於期望值;而四個分向度的自我效能達到顯著差異。
一、 學生所知覺的教師期望顯著高於期望值,且其次數分配曲線接近常態分配;至於不同班級學生所知覺到的教師期望達到顯著差異。
一、 無論是在整體或是各分向度上,不同知覺教師期望組別學生的自我效能皆達到極顯著的差異。整體而言,高知覺組學生通常為高自我效能者,而低知覺組學生則有較多人為低自我效能者。
一、 在個案班級中,除了「概念理解」以外,不同期望組別學生在整體或是其他分向度上的自我效能平均值皆達顯著差異。整體而言,高期望組的自我效能高,而中期望組與低期望組則具有相似的低效能感。
一、 在個案班級中,不同知覺組別學生在自我效能整體或各分向度上皆達顯著差異。整體而言,高知覺組具有高自我效能,中知覺組與低知覺組則具有相似的低效能感。
一、 在個案班級中,高期望組學生則在生物教師肯定自己的生物能力及生物成績方面比低期望組學生具有較佳的知覺傾向。
Based on self-efficacy theory, teacher expectation theory, this study attempted to (1)explore the distributions of junior high school students’ self-efficacy in biology and their perception of teacher expectation; (2)analyze the relationship between self-efficacy and perception of teacher expectation; (3)investigate a case teacher’s expectation in biology by the Repertory Grid Techniques(RGT).In this case, the relationships among teacher expectation, perception of teacher expectation and self-efficacy in biology were explored.
The following instruments were modified and developed: the Biology Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, the Students’ Perception of Teacher Expectation Questionnaire, and the Semi-Structural Interview Questionnaire of Teacher Expectation. 258 students in five classes were involved in this study for the first two purposes, and a case class of 20 students and one case teacher were engaged in this study for the last purpose. Major findings were summarized as follows:
1. Students’ self-efficacy in biology for whole and each subscale were approximately normal distributed. Some significant differences were found among subscales.
2. Students’ perception of teacher expectation was significantly higher than the expectation value and was approximately normal distributed. The perceptions of teacher expectation among different classes were significantly different.
3. Perception of teacher expectation and self-efficacy were significantly correlated.
4. In the class of case teacher, students of higher level of teacher expectation were found having higher level of self-efficacy. Similarly, students’ perception of teacher expectation was significantly correlated with their self-efficacy.
5. Furthermore, those students who were expected to have higher ability of biology perceived more positively of teacher expectation.
Accordingly, several issues were raised and the implications of self-efficacy of biology teaching were also discussed.
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