研究生: |
胡剛郡 Hu, Kung-Chun |
論文名稱: |
賽博龐克文化應用於潮流品牌設計創作之研究 A Study on the Application of Cyberpunk Culture to the Creation of Trendy Brand Design |
指導教授: |
Su, Wen-Ching |
口試委員: |
Kang, Ming-Lan 廖偉民 Liao, Wei-Ming 蘇文清 Su, Wen-Ching |
口試日期: | 2022/07/07 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班 Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 賽博龐克 、潮流品牌 、街頭文化 |
英文關鍵詞: | Cyberpunk, Trendy Brand, Street Culture |
研究方法: | 個案研究法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201369 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:310 下載:0 |
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近年人工智能、元宇宙、虛擬世界等議題受到世界矚目,而變化多端的現代, 災難發生的頻率越來越頻繁,讓眾人開始注目到賽博龐克的預言;賽博龐克原是科 幻小說的分支之一,隨著《銀翼殺手》、《攻殼機動隊》、《阿基拉》、《雪 崩》、《駭客任務》等賽博龐克作品問世後討論度越來越高,組成賽博龐克文化最 重要的兩個元素分別為賽博空間以及反烏托邦精神,賽博空間為虛擬世界的建構, 也是現在原宇宙世界的原型概念,反烏托邦精神則是賽博龐克文化認為高度科技的 發展會給人類社會帶來巨大隱憂,進而進入反烏托邦社會。賽博龐克文化為「次文 化」的一種,而「潮流服飾」、「潮流品牌」等語彙大量被媒體、網友使用,也是 年輕世代追尋的生活態度,當今「潮流品牌」的商業行為背後,為滑板、龐克、嘻 哈等反叛體制的「次文化」組成,本研究首先建構出賽博龐克文化與風格,以賽博 龐克文化為基底,再探究潮流品牌的發展脈絡,將兩者「次文化」結合,以街頭潮 流服裝品牌形式來表達賽博龐克文化。運用研究及案例分析成果來執行自創品牌 Necsus的實務商品設計,包含外套、背心、包包、機能褲、衛衣、T-Shirt等六款商 品,以實體創作來驗證本研究設計模式之可行性,並提供組作建議給日後設計、潮 流工作者相關題材的參考。
In recent years, issues such as artificial intelligence, metaverse, and virtual worlds have received worldwide attention, while the changing modern era and the increasing frequency of catastrophes have brought attention to Cyberpunk's prophecies. Cyberspace is the construction of the virtual world, which is also the archetypal concept of the original universe, while the anti-utopian spirit is the Cyberpunk culture's belief that the development of high technology will bring huge hidden worries to human society, and thus enter the anti- utopian society. Cyberpunk culture is a kind of "subculture", and terms such as "trendy clothing" and "trendy brands" are used by the media and netizens in large numbers, which are also the attitude of life pursued by the young generation. The study firstly constructs Cyberpunk culture and style, takes Cyberpunk culture as the base, and then explores the development of trendy brands, combines the two "subcultures", and expresses Cyberpunk culture in the form of street trendy clothing brands. The research and case study results are used to execute the practical product design of the self-created brand Necsus, including six products, including jackets, undershirts, bags, functional pants, sweatshirts, and T-shirts, to test the feasibility of this research design model with physical creation, and to provide suggestions for future design and trend workers on related topics.
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