研究生: |
謝美慧 Hsieh, Mei-Huey |
論文名稱: |
教育政策評估理論之研究-以北高兩市幼兒教育券政策為例 The Study of Educational Policy Evaluation Theory-A Case of Nursery Education Voucher Policy in Taipei and Kaohsiung |
指導教授: |
Wu, Ching-Ji 盧美貴 Lu, Mei-Kuei |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 335 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教育政策評估 、政策評估理論 、幼兒教育券 |
英文關鍵詞: | educational policy evaluation;, policy evaluation theory, nursery education/early childhood education voucher |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:727 下載:190 |
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一、 對教育政策評估理論建構的建議:(一)擴大教育政策評估研究範圍;(二)增加教育政策評估研究對象;(三)多樣教育政策評估研究方法;(四)應用多元教育政策評估標準;(五)整合教育政策評估研究模式;(六)長期教育政策縱貫評估;(七)加強教育政策評估相關研究。
二、 對一般教育行政機關的建議:(一)定期進行教育政策實施成效評估,以落實教育績效的提昇;(二)教育政策評估所採取的模式宜有多元化考量;(三)教育政策評估方法兼採質量並重,以深化落實教育活動成果;(四)重視教育政策評估過程中的政治倫理,以利教育政策的有效評估;(五)建構教育政策評估標準系統,以增加教育政策評估的可信與有效程度。
三、 對幼兒教育行政機關的建議:(一)幼兒教育券政策實施除應有全國統一做法外,更應有因地制宜的調整;(二)幼兒教育券政策的實施應朝向降低補助年齡,以擴增受惠幼兒;(三)幼兒教育券政策之實施宜提高補助金額,以減輕家長負擔;(四)幼兒教育券政策施行宜簡化申請手續,以達到便民的目的;(五)幼兒教育券政策應持續施行,以落實嘉惠幼教的德政美意。
The aims of this dissertation are to explore the content, rational, model, standard of educational policy evaluation theory, and to analyze the nursery education voucher policy in Taiwan and the other nations. And then the framework of educational policy evaluation theory is applied to evaluate the effects of implementation of nursery education voucher policy in Taipei and Kaohsiung. Finally, it is concluded to the results of theory construction and case analysis. The suggestions are presented to educational administrators for planning and evaluating educational policy.
The methods literature review, questionnaire and interview are used in this study. Ten important conclusions are as follows:
First, educational policy evaluation is based on the theories of philosophy, administration, economics, sociology, and psychology except the delicate measurement and technique of quantities.
Second, the diversified models of educational policy evaluation models are helpful for improving the accuracy of policy.
Third, the method of educational policy evaluation emphasizes both on the quantity and quality based on experimentalism and hermeneutics.
Forth, political ethics, and concern about the role of stakeholders and how to handle political affairs, should be taken into consideration in educational policy evaluation.
Fifth, the standards of educational policy evaluation must establish reliability and validity for evaluators to use professional judgments.
Sixth, the experience of nursery education voucher policy implementation is focused on parents’ school choice and the quality improvement of early childhood education.
Seventh, satisfaction of nursery education voucher policy implementation in Taipei and Kaohsiung is high because the voucher would reduce the tuition of five-year-old children.
Eighth, there are significant differences between Taipei and Kaohsiung on the effects of nursery education voucher policy. Parents’ choices are more emphasis in Taipei, and policy influence and problems are more emphasis in Kaohsiung.
Ninth, the main work to promote the quality of nursery education voucher policy is to push the government to place more importance on lowering the age to receive the grant and raising the amount of voucher in the future.
Finally, nursery education voucher policy must be continued to put into effect and simplify the application procedures are contributed to carry on the purpose of nursery education policy.
According to the findings and conclusions of this research, some suggestions are given to follow-up research in the construction of educational policy evaluation theory, educational administrative organs, and early childhood educational administrative organs.
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