研究生: |
賴亞彤 Lai, Ya-Tong |
論文名稱: |
臺灣南部海域增積岩體流體滯留深度與力學強度之探討 Study of Fluid Retention Depth and Strength of Accretionary Wedge Offshore Southern Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Yeh, En-Chao |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地球科學系 Department of Earth Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 不均質増積楔型體理論 、流體滯留深度 、滑脫面斷層強度 、增積岩體強度 、基底滑脫面之Hubbert-Rubey孔隙水壓比 、基底滑脫面上的平均摩擦係數 |
英文關鍵詞: | critically heterogeneous Coulomb wedge theory, fluid retention depth (FRD), strengths of decollement, strengths of wedge, Hubbert-Rubey pore-water pressure ratio, average coefficient of friction |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DES.006.2018.B07 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:225 下載:2 |
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在震測剖面處理上,本研究使用特徵向量濾波(eigenvector filter)及Radon濾波消除剖面的複反射能量,並利用層間速度(interval velocity)進行剖面時深轉換以獲得地層中正確的構造深度。藉由速度資料可獲得地層中的流體滯留深度(fluid retention depth, FRD),同時量測海床坡度(α)及滑脫面傾角(β)。最後將測得數值經由臨界不均質増積楔型體理論進行計算,並利用航次OR1-1032於小琉球外海取得岩芯之平均抗剪摩擦角(φ)推算影響增積岩體強度的基底滑脫面上的孔隙水壓比(λb)及基底滑脫面上的平均摩擦係數(μb)。
According to historical tsunami data, most of the tsunami events are triggered by submarine earthquakes, and the submarine earthquakes that occur in the subduction zone are highly threatening. The accretionary wedge is one of the important geological features of the subduction zone, but the strengths of decollement and accretionary wedge are difficult to constrain. In the Manila subduction zone south of Taiwan, previous studies have reported that a major decollement is present in the accretionary wedge. This study analyzed four large-offset seismic profile collected during the TAIGER survey in 2009, for the purpose to understanding the evolution and influencing factors of the mechanical mechanism of the accretionary wedge in southern Taiwan.
In seismic process, Radon filter and eigenvector filter are applied to eliminate the multiples on the seismic profiles and uese interval velocity to time-depth correlation. The fluid retention depth (FRD) is constrained by the velocity structure, and measure the seafloor slope (α) and the decollement dip(β). Controlling factor of shape of Manlia subduction zone is investigated via the critically heterogeneous Coulomb wedge theory. Also, the average shear-friction angle (φ) of the core obtained from the OR1-1032 survey at Xiao Liuqiu is used to calculate the pore-water pressure ratio (λb) and the average coefficient of friction (μb) of the decollement.
Integrating the results from previous studies and this study, found that the fluid retention depth (FRD) deeper before the fault occurs and may indicate the direction of future fault development. Compare to previous studying, wdge in the southern of Taiwan relatively sronger decollement strenght and weaker wege strength. The wege strnght is about two to four times the decollement strenght. Because of the seamount subduction in lines MGL0905-25A and MGL0908-4, the pore-water pressure is relatively low and the average coefficient of friction is relatively high. And the average coefficient of friction of line MGL0905-25A is much higher than other lines, there may be a high potential to produce large earthquakes in the future.
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