研究生: |
李雅雯 Ya Wen Lee |
論文名稱: |
口碑網站使用者涉入程度與消費行為之關聯性研究─ 以「i TRY試用情報網」為例 The Degree of Involvement and Consumer Behavior of Word-of-Mouth Website Users-- Case of www.itry.com.tw |
指導教授: | 劉立行 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 96 |
中文關鍵詞: | 口碑行銷 、消費者行為 、涉入行為 、i TRY試用情報網 、Bzzagent公司 |
英文關鍵詞: | Word-of-Mouth marketing, Consumer behavior, Involvement behavior, i TRY.com.tw, Bzzagent Corporation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:302 下載:0 |
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本研究聚焦於台灣第一大試用品索取網站— i TRY試用情報網,研究網站涉入程度、口碑說服效果、使用品索取行為與消費者消費行為的關聯性,並以i TRY試用情報網會員為抽樣對象,共回收176份有效問卷,並以SPSS軟體進行各項資料分析方法,得到的實證結果如下:
Nowadays, traditional marketing methods have not raised sale volume successfully, and the same blubs can’t attract consumers anymore. Therefore comes to a new marketing mode- word-of-mouth marketing. By using consumer's oral traditions recommendation, lets the company and the product becomes the topic which the consumer discusses. The advertisement benefit is approximately the conventional routes three to five times. However, the Internet urges network's oral traditions dissemination to be more convenient, effectiveness. And the digitizing oral traditions' proliferation maybe many kinds of ways carry on the dissemination, for example: The network social group, immediate communication between the general website discussion of area, electronic bulletin board (BBS), the email, etc.
This research focuses on the biggest trial products demanding website in Taiwan - i TRY.com, studies the website to ford into the degree, the oral traditions to convince the effect, to cause the thing claim behavior and the consumer behavior relatedness, and take the members of i TRY.com as the sampling object, altogether recycles 176 effective questionnaire, and carries on each item of material analysis method by the SPSS software, obtains the real diagnosis result is as follows: First, the user website fords into the degree to have the remarkable influence to the consumer behavior Second, the network oral traditions convince the effect to have the remarkable influence to the consumer behaviors. Third, the user demands cause the number of times and the purchase behavior number of times are not remarkable related.
一、 中文部分
Schultz & Robinson(民91) 。實用促銷手冊。(莊麗卿譯)。台北:遠流。
關復勇、楊亞琦、鄭尹惠(民94)。知覺品質與網路口碑溝通間關係之研究--以顧客承諾為中介角色之分析(Relationship between perceived Quality and Network Word-of-Mouth Communication--Customer Commitment as Mediator)。行銷評論,2:2民94.夏,149-169。
彭映淳(民95)。客家文化產業與體驗行銷︰以東勢庄生活體驗為例。國立台北大學2006 年文化創意產業與地方發展策略 研究生學術論文研討會。
i TRY試用情報網站 http://www.itry.com.tw/
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