簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李承哲
Lee, Cheng-Che
論文名稱: 岡山產業聚落的傳統螺絲到技術緊扣
Industrial Cluster of Traditional Screw to Technological Fastener in Gangshan, Kaohsiung
指導教授: 王文誠
Wang, Wen-Chang
口試委員: 王文誠
Wang, Wen-Chang
Lin, Sheng-Chin
Guo, Da-Xuan
口試日期: 2024/05/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 岡山螺絲窟產業群聚三位一體產業升級
英文關鍵詞: Gangshan Screw Cave, industrial cluster, trinity, industrial upgrading
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400790
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:206下載:11
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  • 本文旨在探究岡山螺絲聚落在地理上呈現空間集中之意義與其對產業升級應對之策略。「從傳統螺絲到技術緊扣:岡山的產業聚落升級」試圖解釋被視為傳統產業的螺絲,如何在產業轉型階段運用先進技術升級為高產值的緊扣件,又為岡山的產業聚落造成什麼影響。故本研究回顧Porter(2000)群聚理論與Stroper(1997)三位一體架構中的非貿易性互賴及垂直去整合理論,同時參考近十年之國內外相關研究作為論點。透過半結構式訪談與觀察法實際踏查8間工廠與3位產業人士共計11位相關人,梳理岡山螺絲窟之發展歷程、傳統工業區位因素與現代知識經濟視角優勢,作為主要論據。將理論論點與蒐集論據兩者進行對話產出本研究論證,發現以春雨集團分化的過程與中小型螺絲工廠整併產銷管道等,反映廠商在應對產業轉型的組織變革方式;春雨人透過非貿易性互賴維繫技術傳遞的管道,交換知識的同時帶動產業持續發展;金屬中心以研發之領導者串聯航太、汽車、生醫領域等策略聯盟形成產業群聚,透過鄰近性與關係串聯出社會網絡,同時形塑岡山獨有的地方性,產出本研究之論據。本研究認為群聚是形塑岡山螺絲聚落生產區位優勢的重要根基,廠商間互相以非貿易性互賴關係維繫生產鎖鏈與默會知識的傳遞,並透過垂直去整合等組織變化因應技術與資本限制,由新經濟地理學觀點來解釋則能發現三位一體要素在其中交織的發展路徑,為螺絲聚落提供產業升級之動力。

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the significance of the spatial concentration of Gangshan screw settlements in terms of geography and their strategies for industrial upgrading. "From Traditional Screws to Technological Fasteners: The Upgrading of Gangshan Industrial Clusters" attempts to explain how screws, which are regarded as a traditional industry, have been upgraded to high-value fasteners by high technology during the stage of industrial transformation, and what impacts this has had on Gangshan industrial clusters. This study reviews Porter's (2000) cluster theory and Stroper's (1997) theory of untraded interdependence and vertical disintegration in the holy-trinity framework, and makes reference to domestic and international studies in the last decade. Semi-structured interviews and observations were conducted with eight factories and three industrialists, totaling eleven stakeholders, in order to analyze the development history of Gangshan screw caves, the factors of traditional industrial location theory, and the advantages of the modern knowledge-based economy as the main arguments. The dialogue between the theoretical arguments and the collected arguments resulted in this study. It was found that the process of the division of the Chunyu Group and the consolidation of the production and marketing channels of small and medium-sized screw factories reflected the organizational changes of the manufacturers in response to the industrial restructuring; the people of Chunyu maintain the channels of technology transfer through untraded dependence, which leads to the sustainable development of the industry in the process of knowledge exchange; and the Metal Industries Research and Development Center, as a leader in R&D, has formed strategic alliances with other industries such as the aerospace, automobile, and medical fields to form an industrial cluster, creating social networks through proximity and relationships, and at the same time, shaping Gangshan unique locality, which is the basis for the argument of this study. This study suggests that clustering is an important foundation for shaping the production location advantage of Gangshan screw clusters, and that manufacturers maintain production chains and tacit knowledge transmission through untraded interdependence, and cope with technological and capital constraints through organizational changes, such as vertical disintegration, which can be interpreted from the viewpoint of new economic geography to reveal the intertwining of the holy-trinity of elements in the development paths that provide industrial upgrading power for the screw clusters.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 6 第三節 研究對象與空間之範疇 8 第二章 文獻回顧 15 第一節 產業群聚 15 第二節 非貿易性互賴 19 第三節 垂直去整合 24 第三章 研究設計 29 第一節 研究架構 29 第二節 研究方法 31 第四章 傳統螺絲工廠尋求的技術升級 34 第一節 岡山螺絲窟發展歷程 34 第二節 岡山螺絲窟傳統工業區位優勢 48 第三節 岡山螺絲窟現代知識經濟視角之探討 52 第五章 岡山螺絲產業聚落之轉化與討論 57 第一節 垂直去整合後的組織變革 57 第二節 非貿易互賴間的技術傳授 64 第三節 產業群聚下的領域效應 69 第六章 結論 75 第一節 研究結論 75 第二節 後續研究建議 77 參考文獻 78

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