研究生: |
李政霖 Lee, Chen-Lin |
論文名稱: |
貝登堡《童子警探》之研究 The Study of Baden-Powell Revealed on Scouting for Boys |
指導教授: |
Wang, Chin-Chueh |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 158 |
中文關鍵詞: | 貝登堡 、《童子警探》 、童軍運動 |
英文關鍵詞: | Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys, Scout Movement |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203682 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:191 下載:17 |
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Scout movement is developing at community in all European countries and America, whereas it is developing at schools because of Chinese historical and political consideration. Time is changed. The scouting course in formal education now only have its name; however, its connotations has already gone. Regarding to overnight camping in informal education is carried out by travel agencies because of Enforcement Rules of the Government Procurement Act. The main question is that overnight camping is integrated by scouting education, or just as an outdoor education. Scout troop is a main body in Scout Movement, a troop in schools is declining due to current educational system; on the other hand, a troop in communities is departing from the essence of scouting in majority. Scout movement is becoming only has a scouting formation without its sole in Taiwan. Returning to the foundation of scouting as Scouting for Boys, this book is written by Baden-Powell who is founder of Scout movement it the world, and Scouting for Boys is the first book written for Scout movement. Therefore, the purpose of this research was that 1. to understand the historical background of Great Britain in 19th century, Baden-Powell’ life, and why and how Scouting for Boys was published. 2. to analyze Baden-Powell’s educational thought of 3Hs. 3. to understand people in 20th and 21st centuries evaluated Scouting for Boys.
This research was analyzed by Document analysis and Hermeneutics. Document analysis was understanding the British society and the main reason why Scouting for Boys was published through many biographies of Baden-Powell, letters, and his speeches in videos. It also enabled research to know how people evaluated this book and this movement. Baden-Powell’s perspective of 3Hs was interpreted by Hermeneutics through the contents of Scouting for Boys. From historical background in 19th century, Great Britain was entitled “Empire on which the sun never set.” However, its social, cultural and national issues had been triggered, and it had evoked educational attention which wanted to improve the problem of moral deterioration, and enhanced the citizenship of populations. Scouting was developing from Baden-Powell’s childhood and his military career which outlined the activities fields, contents, value and spirit of scouting. Moreover, Scouting for Boys was appeared and positively influenced in the British society. This book has been created a globe movement --- Scout Movement. The movement has represented Baden-Powell’ main thoughts of 3Hs, which were “Happy,” “Health,” and “Helpful citizens.” Happy, firstly, was to know what people needs and to help them and society which was the top level of happiness rather that self-amused. Health in the secondary was to have well physique, great fitness and mind, and to know how to look after himself which enabled individuals to complete the task he wanted. Health was not a personal business. Individuals’ health associated with national power. Helpful citizens, finally, were not bother others and did not become social encumbrance. It means that have a vocation and know thrifty in life. Individuals had their beliefs and were able to help others which could be called a useful man.
Scouting for Boys reflected the British empire deterioration resulted by industrialization. People had unhealthy body and mind, and wrong habits. Public schools were dysfunction which over emphasized on academic fields and did not teach students how to live. This book also had very strong ideology of militarism. Patriotism became a major citizenship. Consequently, scouting could solve negative impacts from industrialization, and schools’ problems. Although Scouting has military image; in fact, it is educational activities. Patriotism is a part of citizenship. Individual development and civic education are an important point in Scout movement. The British social circumstance in 19th century and the reason of Scouting for Boys published, Baden-Powell’s perspective of 3Hs, and evaluation of Scouting for Boys were three major conclusions and contributions in this research. Researcher suggests all scouts regardless their age, genders and positions, the public, teachers and official members in schools or government, and educational administrant in government need to fully understand the connotation of Scouting for Boys and Baden-Powell's educational perspective, so that it allows the value and spirit of Scout movement to truly practice in Taiwan, not mere formality.
Key words: Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys, Scout Movement
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