研究生: |
梅家齊 Mei, Chia-Chi |
論文名稱: |
用藝術走進頂級顧客的心 Touching The Heart of High-End Clientele Through Art and Aesthetics |
指導教授: |
Wang, Kuo-Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | 藝術與時尚 、時尚與精品產業 、精品品牌 |
英文關鍵詞: | Art and Fashion, Fashion and Luxury Industry, Luxury Brand |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204632 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:277 下載:0 |
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目前世界經濟疲軟,不論是歐洲還是美國都還在前一段的經濟衰退中緩慢恢復。而敘利亞難 民流竄整個歐洲、英國通過脫離歐盟公投、ISIS 對於全世界的恐怖攻擊、乃至於中國大陸內 需疲軟、經濟泡沫化,都讓世界經濟前景蒙上陰影。
近幾年來台灣因為開放陸客來台旅遊,直接或間接的為同樣逐漸衰退的台灣注入了一股活水, 但是近期因為各種敏感的政治問題所影響,挹注大量金流的大陸旅客來台人數數量也因此快 速減少。在面對如此嚴峻的挑戰下,身為精品主管的我認為,鞏固台灣自己的頂級顧客是當 前最刻不容緩的重要議題。
於是,我以自身多年的精品經驗以及對於精品從業人員的觀察,發現能夠在此產業發光發熱 並且手上能夠握有眾多忠實的高端消費顧客群的頂尖銷售人員們,都有一個共通點,那就是 對於各類的藝術以及生活型態經驗的累積要比一般的銷售人員來的更加深入與廣泛。因此, 我便將我的論文題目訂為「用藝術走進頂級顧客的心」,透過深度的專家訪談來探討頂尖銷 售人員以及高端消費顧客們在他們豐富的銷售與購物經驗中,到底與藝術有關的經驗佔比是 否真如我所觀察,有著重要的比例與影響,尤其是對於高端客戶來說,當銷售人員運用藝術 作為銷售話術與技巧時,是否能讓顧客感受到更多的專業與區隔,進而能夠創造品牌更高的 績效呢?
在訪談之前我以文獻為基礎發展出 16 個問項,並且經過兩位專家審閱修改後才執行訪 談。一共約訪了 8 位分別來自 ANNA HU、BURBERRY、BVLGARI、CARTIER、CHANEL、 COACH、GUCCI以及 HERMÈS 的頂尖銷售人員,以及 8 位具有豐富精品消費經驗的高端 消費者來進行深度訪談。訪談內容經過整理成為接近 20 萬字的逐字稿後,由具有相關產業 豐富經歷的兩位 judges 針對逐字稿一共劃出了 900 個分析單位,然後經過四次會議的收斂、 歸納與篩選後,得到最終有效的 702 個分析單位。再由 judges 將這些分析單位分類歸納成為 77 個分析構面。的確可以發現在所得到的構面中,有相當高的比例與廣泛的生活藝術有關。
不論是在頂尖銷售人員還是高端消費者的回饋裡,也都可以看出,現在的銷售手法已經不能 再與之前一樣,在價格或是折扣上打轉。現今資訊發達的年代,眼界廣闊的高端顧客們所想 要得到的長久經營模式,其實是對他們能夠提出更多如顧問般的搭配、建議、互動與溝通。 所以,我所訪問的頂尖銷售人員也的確都能夠呼應了這些期待,因此他們在所屬品牌中能夠 出類拔萃並且繳出漂亮的績效。
故,本研究之結論中以三個不同面向,「精品從業人員如果想成為 Top Sales」、「精品品 牌主管或訓練主管想要創造出更多的 Top Sales」以及「注意顧客的大忌」來做為論文的研 究建議,希望未來不論是想要從事精品產業,或者是已經在本產業但是想再突破目前困境的從業人員,亦或是如我一樣,想要為當前精品產業創造出更高績效的精品主管們,在未來的訓練與日常的累積中,「藝術」絕對會是你不可或缺的重要元素,就讓我們從現在起開始 培養、累積自身的藝術涵養吧。
Nowadays the world economy is in a sluggish state, no matter it is Europe or the United States, both are still gradually recovering from the previous economic depression. The situation with Syria refugees fleeing within the entire Europe, the UK passing The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, ISIS launching terrorist attacks at the whole world, and China’s domestic market weakening and the burst of economic bubbles casts a shadow over the world economy prospect. In recent years, Taiwan’s permission for Mainland tourists to visit Taiwan directly and indirectly infuses new life into the gradually declining economy of Taiwan. Nevertheless, under the impact of all kinds of sensitive political issues in recent years, the quantity of Mainland tourists who inject cash flow with their visits rapidly diminishes. Encountering such rigorous challenge, as a Luxury Industry manager, I firmly regard that consolidating the high-end consumers in Taiwanese market itself is the essential issue we should tackle within no time.
Therefore, from the perspective of myself owning profoundly many years of experiences in Luxury Industry, as well as the observation as a luxury brand employee, I discover that the top notch salespersons, who are capable of shining in this field and holding the market of a considerable amount of loyal high-end consumers, share a mutual trait—they have more profound and extensive comprehension of all forms of art and accumulation of lifestyle experiences than normal salesperson. Thus, I decide to set the title of my thesis as follows: “Touching The Heart of High-End Clientele Through Art and Aesthetics” Through the in-depth interviews with professionals, I aim to probe into the issue regarding whether or not it is as I have observed, that art-related experiences have taken up considerable percentage and essential influence in the phenomenon of the abundant marketing and purchasing experiences from the top-notch salespersons and high-end consumers. Especially to high-end consumers, when a salesperson implement art as the marketing sales pitch and strategies, does it permit the customers to feel more professionalism and distinguish, which is able to contribute to higher marketing performance of the brand?
Before the interview, I have developed 16 questions with fundament on references, and after the evaluation and modification performed by two experts I then conducted the interview. I have invited in total of 8 top-notch salespersons respectively from ANNA HU, BURBERRY, BVLGARI, CARTIER, CHANEL, COACH, GUCCI, and HERMÈS, and 8 high-end consumers with profound experiences in the purchase of luxury brands to conduct in-depth interview. The content of the interview underwent organization and developed into approximately 200,000 words of transcription. Two judges with abundant experiences in related industries aimed at the transcription, drawing 900 analysis units. After four conferences of convergence, induction, and filter, it is narrowed down to 702 ultimately effective analysis facets. And the judges analyzed and inducted these analysis facets to 77 analysis dimensions. Indeed, we can witness that in the dimensions acquired with the analysis, there is a considerable high percentage in relation to extensive exposure to art in daily life.
Whether it is the feedback by top-notch salespersons or high-end consumers, we can comprehend that the marketing strategies nowadays cannot follow the style of older era, focusing merely on price or discounts. In the current era of advanced technology, high-end customers with broadened horizons aim at earning long-term operation mode, which in fact is to provide more consultant-like cooperation, recommendation, interaction, and communication. Therefore, the top-notch salespersons whom I have interviewed indeed are capable of responding to these expectations, thus they can be outstanding and submit prominent marketing performance in the brands that they are subordinated to.
Therefore, the conclusion of this research would come in at three different aspects—“Luxury industry employees plan to become Top Sales”, “Luxury Brand managers or training supervisors aim to train more Top Sales”, as well as “Paying highly attention to customers’ taboos”—to be the research advice for the thesis. We hope that whether it is those who plan to participate in Luxury Industry, or those who are already part of this industry yet aim to break through the current predicament, or those like me, as a Luxury Brand manager, who hope to create higher marketing performance for current Luxury Industry, can understand that “art” will definitely be the indispensably essential element in your future training and daily accumulation. Let us start from now on to cultivate and accumulate our own artistic conservation!
Keywords:Art and Fashion、Fashion and Luxury Industry、Luxury Brand
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