研究生: |
張恩瑋 CHANG, En-Wei |
論文名稱: |
側踢之崛起:男子跆拳道選手不同攻擊意圖下攻擊技術之探討 The rise of sidekicks: Analyzing Attack Techniques of Male Taekwondo Players with Different Attack Intentions |
指導教授: |
Liu, Yeou-Teh |
口試委員: |
Sung, Yu-Chi 藍于青 Lan, Yu-Ching 劉有德 LIU, Yeou-Teh |
口試日期: | 2022/07/18 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 41 |
中文關鍵詞: | 攻擊戰術 、比賽表現分析 、跆拳道競賽規則修改 |
英文關鍵詞: | Attack tactics, Sport performance analysis, Taekwondo rules change |
研究方法: | 比賽影片標記分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200780 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:173 下載:12 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
背景:電子護具實施後相關比賽表現研究文獻發現,側踢攻擊數量有所提升。隨著世跆盟於 2016 年修訂抬腳相關規則後,選手可能會產生出非意圖性的攻擊行為;而側踢更具有攻擊、防守與得分能力,因此側踢數量提升可能來自於非意圖性攻擊。目的:探討側踢主要來自於何種意圖,以及國內外男子跆拳道選手,不同攻擊意圖下攻擊技術表現是否有差異。方法:本研究以 2019、2021 年全國運動會冠亞、四強賽及 2018、2019 年世界跆拳道大獎賽冠亞賽為研究對象,以標記比賽影片方式,紀錄每場選手攻擊意圖、八種攻擊技術之攻擊次數與得分數,標記內容經整理後以二因子混和設計變異數分析與無母數檢定,分別檢驗國內外各量級攻擊技術在量級與技術間的攻擊次數、成功率、得分率是否有差異。結果:攻擊次數結果顯示,國內外各量級旋踢、側踢、下壓、其它等技術大多以有意圖攻擊顯著高於非意圖攻擊。有意圖攻擊次數在國內外均以旋踢攻擊技術為最高,側踢次之。非意圖攻擊次數旋踢與側踢在國內 58 公斤以及國外 80 公斤級有較高趨勢;國內 80 公斤級側踢與國外 80 公斤以上級旋踢有較高趨勢。成功率在國內無論量級或是技術間均無差異;國外量級間旋踢在 80 公斤及側踢在 68 公斤較高,技術間為 68 公斤與 80 公斤級正拳有較高趨勢。得分率國內外各量級均以旋踢攻擊技術為最高。結論:在攻擊意圖的區分下發現,選手使用側踢攻擊技術時,除用於有意圖攻擊之外,也發現不少攻擊數量來自於非意圖攻擊,但有意圖側踢攻擊顯著高於非意圖攻擊數量,因此側踢攻擊數量主要提升原因,來自於側踢在電子護具實施後開始產生得分表現,選手善加利用側踢的優點在場上以前腳的方式進行攻擊,進而導致側踢攻擊數量提升。另外從攻擊意圖中發現,國內 58、68、80公斤以上級,與國外 80、80 公斤以上級有較多的牽制、假動作進而衍生出的非意圖攻擊行為。不同攻擊意圖攻擊表現上,國內外各量級有意圖攻擊以旋踢為主側踢為輔,非意圖攻擊主要以旋踢與側踢為主,但在不同量級中,旋踢與側踢則有不同的趨勢。得分表現上,國內外均以旋踢為主要攻擊技術。
Background: After the implementation of electronic protective gear, the relevant
research literature on game performance found that the number of sidekick attacks increased. After the World Taekwondo Federation revised the rules related to foot lift in 2016, players may produce unintentional offensive behavior; while sidekicks are more capable of attacking, defending and scoring, so the increase in the number of sidekicks may come from unintentional attacks. Purpose: To explore what kind of intentions the sidekicks mainly come from, and whether male taekwondo players at the national and international competitions have different attack techniques under different attack intentions. Methods: The competition videos of the 2019 and 2021 National Games Taekwondo championships and semifinals and the 2018 and 2019 World Taekwondo Grand Prix championships were used to record the attack intention and eight attack techniques for each contestant. The 2-way mixed design ANOVAs and the nonparametric methods were used to examine the number of attacks, the success rate, and the scoring rate of various attack techniques at national and international competitions. Results: Intentional attacks were significantly higher than unintentional attacks in most of the national and international weight classes. The number of round house kick is the highest for both national and international competitions, followed by the sidekicks. For the number of unintended attacks, round house kick and sidekicks
had a higher trend in the 58kg class of the national and 80kg class of the international competitions, and the sidekicks in the 80kg class of the national competitions and the round house kicks in the 80kg class of the international competitions also showed a higher trend. There is no difference in the success rate in the national competitions for all weight classes. For the international competitions, the round house kicks were higher at the 80kg class and sidekicks were higher at the 68kg class. There is a higher success rate in the 68kg and 80kg classes for punch. The round house kicks had the highest scoring rate for all weight classes of both competitions. Conclusion: Under the distinction of attack intent, it was found that when players used the side kick attack, many attacks came from unintended attacks in addition to the intentional ones although the number of intentional side kicks was significantly higher than the number of unintended. Therefore, the main reason for the increase in the number of side kick attacks was that the side kick started to produce scoring performance after the implementation of the electronic protective gears. Players made good use of the sidekicks to attack with the front foot on the field, which in turn lead to an increase in the number of side kick attacks. In addition, it was found from the attack intent that the domestic players of 58, 68, and over 80 kilograms and the Grand Prix players of 80 and over 80 kilograms had more diversions and deceptive actions resulting in more unintended attacks. In terms of the techniques used in different attack intentions, while there were different trends in different weight categories, the intentional attacks were mainly round house kicks, supplemented by side kicks, while both round house kicks and sidekicks were observed equally in unintended attacks. In terms of scoring performance, round house kicks remained the main attack technique at home and abroad.
Keywords: Attack tactics, Sport performance analysis, Taekwondo rules change
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