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研究生: 羅耀明
Lo, Yao-Ming
論文名稱: 喪親成人之悲傷調適與復原力增長之研究-以參與社區大學體驗式生死教育活動者為例
A Study on Grief Adjustment and Resilience Growth of Bereaved Adults - The Example for Participation in Experiential Life-Death Educational Activities at a Community College
指導教授: 黃明月
Hwang, Ming-Yueh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 408
中文關鍵詞: 客體關係理論持續連結復原力悲傷任務悲傷調適體驗式生死教育
英文關鍵詞: continuing bonds, experiential life-death education, grief adjustment, object relations theory, resilience, tasks of grief
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.DACE.011.2018.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:697下載:51
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  • 我國高齡人口逐年增加,死亡數亦隨之提高,需尋找積極因應喪親悲傷的調適策略。悲傷理論學者認為,表達與經驗悲傷有助於悲傷調適。然而,華人多壓抑悲傷,且家庭較不公開表達悲傷與討論逝者。對於喪親多年仍持續悲傷的喪親者來說,可考慮往社會系統尋求資源以調適悲傷。據復原力的理論與研究發現,若個體的內外在系統有更多保護因子,則愈能從逆境復原,其中社會系統的效果量最大。此外,國內外學者認為體驗式生死教育能獲得較好的學習成效,且研究證實使用與逝者連結之策略有助於悲傷調適。因此,於終身學習機構規劃體驗式生死教育活動,可能有助於喪親者調適悲傷與增長復原力。

    This study looks into the effects of experiential death activities on grief adjustment and resilience of mourning adults through an eight-week program. Activities included dying care, bidding farewell to life, and conversation with the deceased at an establishment promoting lifelong learning, such as a community college, for three hours a week. The purpose of this study includes:1. Bereaved adults' pre-activity response to grief and difficulty in recovering from grief; 2. Observations of bereaved adults' response during program activities; 3. Bereaved adults' post-activity grief adjustments and resilience; 4. Effects of program activities on bereaved adults' grief adjustment and resilience.

    For the purposes of this study, the group of adults sampled was that of those who have been in mourning for many years pre-activity and exhibited positive results post-activity. Sampling included seven female and one male adults ranging from 45 to 55 years of age who lost a family member two to thirty-nine years ago. A hermeneutic approach was taken where three semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted to obtain pre- and post-activity data, with the third taking place six months after completion of the program to look into delayed effects. Collected data was transcribed, conceptualized, propositionalized, graphed, and then theorized for further analysis and interpretation.

    Results showed that:
    1. Before the activities, bereaved adults experienced long-term grief reactions in the perceptual, physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social areas of their lives. Cultural barriers for both internal and external systems that obstructed grief adjustment are as follows: The interviewees had negative relationship with the deceased, reasons for their pessimistic outlook included traditional filial perception that the deceased had unfinished business, had signed a Do Not Resuscitate, had thought the deceased spirit had not been laid to rest, had realized that the deceased was no longer with them, had felt abandoned by the deceased, and had disconnected from the deceased. Individual factors include the not seeking assistance due to the inability to recognize grief, emotional suppression, being uninformed of professional psychologists' expertise, believing grief must be dealt with alone, having a pessimistic view on death, and not allowing time in the daily schedule for self-care. Family factors include the taboo approach to death, emotional suppression of family members, hectic lives of individuals that keep them from noticing one another's sorrow, scapegoating, father remarrying after the death of the mother in a patriarchal society, and dispute over inheritance. Social factors include leaving the workplace or familiar surroundings, the taboo approach to death in society, emotional suppression as a result of the lack of knowledge on how to care for grieving individuals, being uninformed of professional psychologists' expertise, and being ill-prepared for life-death situations.

    2. During the activities, participation in program activities allowed grieving adults to recall positive memories of the deceased, express sadness, remember the deceased in a positive light, and reflect on life. Taking part in dying care activity allowed participants to recall positive memories of the deceased, express sadness, become aware of the source of sadness, build a positive approach, and experience support from fellow participants and the program facilitator. Participating in farewell activity helped participants to reflect on life, live in the moment, and be future-oriented. Taking part in conversations with the deceased activity allowed participants to recall positive memories of the deceased, express sadness during inner dialogues, create positive interactions with the deceased, and leave a positive impression.

    3. After participation in program activities, participants adjusted better from grief in terms of progression through the Four Tasks of Mourning and were better adjusted physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.

    4. Participation in program activities allowed participants to increase multiple protective factors in both internal and external systems such as the following:
    Improved relations with the deceased by way of recalling positive memories, pleasant impressions, positive emotions, feeling loved by the deceased, and believing that the deceased has moved on to a better place. Individual factors include ability, characteristics, perception, and behavior. Family factors include expressing grief or talking about the deceased, sharing thoughts from program participation, communicating gratitude, apologies, or love to family members, cherishing family members, improvement of relationships with family members, family's willingness to participate in some programs together, learning how to provide dying care in the future, and visiting relatives in hospitals. Social factors include increased support from fellow participants, the program facilitator, and society.

    5. Activities that allowed participants to face traditional cultural barriers that inhibited grief adjustment were those that included these factors: grief recognition, mindfulness, task theory, experiential approach to life-death education, proactive approach to connecting with the deceased, expressions of care for the deceased, inner dialogues on sadness, public discussions about the deceased, being accepting towards the sense of security and comfort provided by grief support groups, and participating in learning to adapt to a new life without the deceased.

    Findings from this research lend towards recommendations for theory on response to and adjustment for grief, activity plans for experiential approach to life-death education, facilitators for experiential activities, establishments promoting lifelong learning, professions in the counseling field, adults coping with grief, and future research.

    目錄 第一章 緒論…1 第一節 研究背景…1 第二節 研究動機與目的...14 第三節 名詞釋義...21 第四節 研究範圍、限制與流程…24 第二章 文獻探討…31 第一節 悲傷及其調適之相關概念探討…31 第二節 與逝者連結之意涵及其在悲傷調適之意義的探討…48 第三節 復原力之意涵與喪親者復原力之研究…63 第四節 生死教育之意涵及其教學之應用…94 第五節 綜論…113 第三章 研究設計與實施…119 第一節 前導研究…119 第二節 研究取向與研究架構…125 第三節 研究參與者與研究者角色…130 第四節 研究場域…135 第五節 研究工具…150 第六節 資料處理與分析…152 第七節 研究的信效度…161 第八節 研究倫理…163 第四章 研究結果與討論…165 第一節 研究對象參與體驗式生死教育活動之悲傷反應與悲傷調適之阻力…165 第二節 參與體驗式生死教育活動時之體驗情形…195 第三節 參與體驗式生死教育活動之悲傷調適與復原力增長情形…253 第四節 綜合討論…318 第五章 結論與建議…351 第一節 結論…351 第二節 研究建議…360 第三節 研究者反思...364 參考文獻…375 附錄 附錄一:參與體驗式生死教育活動前之悲傷反應問卷…401 附錄二:參與研究同意書…402 附錄三:訪談大綱…403 附錄四:逐字稿謄寫協定同意書…407 附錄五:研究對象回覆檢核結果…408

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