簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林彥輝
Lin Yen-Hui
論文名稱: 千手觀音手部造型研究與表現
The study on the Representation of the hand’s formation for A Thousand Hand Goddess Of Mercy
指導教授: 蘇茂生
Su, Mau-Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 千手觀音手部造型分析
英文關鍵詞: A Thousand Hand Goddess Of Mercy, hand’s formation study
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:296下載:26
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  • 觀音菩薩在中國、西藏、日本、韓國等信仰佛教地區的大宗,是佛教藝術史中最為普遍的題材之一,不但有許多不同的外形,且變化豐富而華美,其中以千手觀音最為獨特。它不但在宗教上說明了觀音菩薩慈悲為懷及極力渡化眾生的精神,其手臂所呈現出的造型在圖像學上更富有完滿的美感。且觀世音菩薩的慈悲威德深入亞洲人心中已有三千歷史,救苦救難犧牲小我成全大我的慈悲精神為中華民族的中心思想,而人間應現的菩薩多以人類相同的形像表現,相貌較一般人莊嚴,因此一般觀音菩薩的造形也多以人類的形像來表現,而佛像許多的變像多是以象徵的手法來表現,千手觀音的千手就是象徵菩薩的大悲願力。然而近來在全球吹起了向東方古人學習的風尚,無論在時尚界、行銷界或企業界無不借用各種東方的經驗或思維來吸取新的元素或觀點做為創新的結合,然而只從表象或對經典的粗淺了解實難做出令人感動的設計作品,而觀音信仰一直是東方信仰的大宗,從觀音自渡渡人的慈悲精神相較於現在求功求利的社會,越來越多人開始追求更深的精神層次,而觀音的形象是最為被人所接受的,因此從千手觀音的形象來尋找設計的元素做為設計創作的靈感,借由轉化的過程來重新將觀音慈悲救世的精神融入設計作品中,從中學會慈悲所帶來的勇氣,包容所帶來的神聖莊嚴,並思考將千手觀音的手部造型元素透過實驗創作,思考應用於商品形象上的可行性。

    Goddess of Mercy is one of the most general subject matter in Buddhism art history, it has a lot of different appearances and change abundantly and noblily. Believe in Buddhism area a lot of statues of Buddha in China, Tibet, Japan and Korea, the Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands is the most unique. On the religion, mercy all living creature's spirit in order to cherish and do one's utmost to cross melting of Goddess of Mercy that it has proved, richer and satisfactorier aesthetic feeling in the picture is studied of the model that its arm demonstrates. In the minds of Asians, Goddess of Mercy’s spirit to deep foundation, have already 3,000 years. Is a central idea of Chinese nation that I help big my mercy spirit to die littly. Goddess of Mercy look like and behave with people's shape more like general Bodhisattva too, and the looks is relatively solemn.The statue of Buddha come to behave with the tactics that are symbolized more, a thousand hands of Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands are mercy and great hopes of symbolizing Bodhisattva.Recently, regard studying the eastern ancient as the prevailing custom in the whole world, no matter in fashion world, on sale throughout circle or business circles is it draw with experience or thinking of the east new element or view make for combination that innovate to come. However, only from representation or elementary understanding classics, can't make the design works moved people. Pursue society of utility compare Goddess of Mercy is it rescue others' mercy spirit also to rescue oneself with now, more and more people begin to pursue deeper spiritual level, the image of Goddess of Mercy is in order to accept the most while taking advantage of. Come to look for the element designed to make from the image of a thousand hand goddess of mercy in order to design the inspirations of creation, via transforming and incorporating the mercy spirit which rescues generation of Goddess of Mercy in the design works again. Courage brought that will be mercy from the works middle school, forgive and sacred and solemning, and then to create the hand model element of a thousand hand goddess of mercy through the experiment, think deeply and apply to the feasibility on the image of the goods.

    This research will regard three following points as the direction of studying:
    1.Put to a thousand hand goddess of mercy in order on the picture and purpose include relevant research documents on, and analyse that sums up the main element again in symbol meaning and spirit among them.
    2.Whether the hand shaping picture of a thousand hand goddess of mercy of the discussion can be applied to the expressions of the goods and pattern.
    3.Symbol element mainly, create the experiment with totem and attribute type series, atmosphere and background type series, personage type series separately, carry on the theme to create and study with the personage type series finally.

    The result of study is summed up for the following three points:
    1.The hand model of a thousand hand goddess of mercy has value applied to the image of the goods.
    2.The hand model of a thousand hand goddess of mercy can produce very strong result in the vision appear.
    3.The hand model of a thousand hand goddess of mercy can be in accordance with creating many kinds of different changes differently of element analysed.

    第一章 緒論.........................................................................1  第一節  研究背景與動機.....................................................1  第二節 研究目的與方向.....................................................3  第三節 研究限制.................................................................3  第四節 研究流程.................................................................4 第二章 文獻探討.................................................................6  第一節  千手觀音的源起.....................................................6  第二節  千手觀音的精神意含及外在形象概念...............23  第三節  千手觀音手部造形應用於商品圖像上的表現...52 第三章 研究方法與創作實驗...........................................60  第一節  研究方法...............................................................60  第二節  研究步驟與流程...................................................60  第三節  創作實驗...............................................................60 第四章 研究結果與分析...................................................80  第一節  創作理念...............................................................80  第二節  主題設定...............................................................80  第三節  創作流程...............................................................80  第四節  作品說明...............................................................83 第五章 結論與建議.........................................................101  第一節  結論.....................................................................101 第二節 建議.....................................................................103 參考資料...................................................................................106


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