研究生: |
張君君 Chang, Chun-Chun |
論文名稱: |
國中音程音感教材設計及實徵研究 A Research in Designing Teaching Materials of Interval Aural |
指導教授: |
Ou, Yuan-Fang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
音樂學系 Department of Music |
畢業學年度: | 84 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國民中學 、音程 、音感訓練 、教材 |
英文關鍵詞: | junior high school, interval, aural skill, teaching material |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:314 下載:0 |
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意度為依變項。實驗資料的處理,則使用SPSS PC+共變數分析及電子計
測驗後測成績得知,三組成績由高至低依次皆為 1.有3年以上樂器學習經
驗之學生。 2.有0年至3年樂器學習經驗之學生。 3.完全沒有樂器學習經
究之參考依據。一、對音程音感教材設計之建議: 1.教材宜符合學生身
心發展特徵。2.多樣性素材之收集與整理。 3.教材編序應兼顧螺旋式與
直線式之設計原則。二、對音程音感教學之建議: 1.輔助教材的運用應
讓學生了解其所代表之意義。 2.運用本土化素材教學時,宜注意地域性
。 3.器樂教學宜考慮學生對樂器演奏之熟悉度。 4.即興創作教學宜採
究之建議: 1.研究對象:(1).擴大取樣範圍。(2).擴大到不同年
計。(2).多媒體電腦輔助音程音感教學軟體之設計。 3.評量方面:(1
立。 4.完備的師資培訓與多樣的進修管道之提供:(1).理論與實務之
The purpose of this research was to design teaching materials
that help promote interval aural ability of junior high school
students in experimental model. The first step was to assure the
important of interval aural ability forjunior high school
students to learn music. The researcher thus examined the
developmental theory of learning psychology as well as the
influences of music education based on the four
philosophies:the Naturalism,the Idealism,the Realism and the
Pragmatism.Theresearcher then in vestigated designing principles
of interval aural trainingin both general teaching material and
music teaching materials.The teaching methods of interval aural
skill were also reviewed to help design feasible auralability
teaching materials. The researcher,sticking to the belief“aural
sensibili ty before knowledge,”integrated teaching materials
with teaching activities in this experimental study. The
researcher then compared student achievevment of the
experimental group with that of the other group that used the
arranged version of Kan Ho textbook series as the teaching
materials. Afterward, a researcher-developed questionnaire was
administered to students of the experimental group to understand
how they thought about the teaching materialsthey studied. The
research aimed at evaluating the effect of researcher-developed
instructional materials on students’aural discrimina tion
abilities and auditory-visual discrimination abilities. A
quasi-experi mental pretest-posttest model was adopted.
Subjects were pretested,given six-week experimental teaching,
administered one questionnaire and then posttested.The
samplepopulation consisted of second-grade students of San Ming
Junior High School in Hsin Chu. By random sampling,five
classes--two as the control group,three as the experimental
group--participated in this study.The sample population
amounted to 201 students. The control group used the arranged
version of KanHo textbook series as the teaching materials
while the experimental usedthe researcher-developed teaching
materials . The independent variables included the arranged
version of Kan Ho textbook series and the researcher-developed
teaching materials. The dependent variables included students
’aural discrimination abilities andauditory-visual
discrimination abilities aswell as the satisfaction levelof the
experimental group students on the researcher-developed teaching
materials. Data were analyzed to examine the effectiveness of
the experiment using SPSS PC for ANCOVA. The results of the
experiment are as follows: 1.Students of both experimental and
control groups made progress on the total scores of inter val
aural ability tests. Furthermore,theexperimental groups
students scored higher in both aural discrimination
andauditory-visual discrimination subtes ts then the control
group students.2.The total score of interval aural
ability tests for the experimental groupstudents differed by
gender;girls gene rally scored higher then boys.in addition,
girls scored higher in both aural discrimination
andauditory-visual discrimination subtests then boy s. 3.The
total scores ofinterval aural ability tests for the
experimental gr oup students differedby private instrument
learning experience. Students tha t scored higher tolower in
interval aural ability test, aural discriminati on subtest,
andauditory-visual discrimination subtest, according to
instrum ent learning experience,all followed the order as
follows: (1).Students that received more than three years
of private instrument instruction; (2).St udentsthat
received less than three tears of private instrument
instruction; (3).Students that received no private
instrument instruction. 4.The attitudes held by the
experimental groups students toward theres ercher-
developed teaching materials were mostly positive and
supportive.Howeve r,they took negative attitudes toward
the improvement of sight-reading abilities, the use of
supplementary teaching materials(such asinterval st air
graph,play recorder)and students’learning willingness.Based
upon li terature review, analysis of researcher-developed
teaching materials, and res ults of the experiment, the
researcher comes up with somesuggestions for the designing
of interval aural ability instructionalmaterials for junior
school students, hoping to serve as reference forfuture
study as follo ws: 1.Suggestions for interval aural
skillinstructional materials:(1 ).Instructional materials
should conform tothe developmental stages of students. (2
).A wider variety of materials should be collected and
organiz eds. (3).The sequence of presentinginstructional
material should follow a spiral and linear principle.
2.Suggestions for intervalaural skill instruction:(1).
Students should be instructed on the meaning of supplement
ary instructional materials, if any of them is to be used. (2
).The use of folk materials should conformto the region of
schools. (3).Instrument instruc tion should take students’
acquaintance with instruments into consideration. (4).
Improvisation and creativity instruction will achieve more in
a group discussion format to foster brain storming and
collaboration. 3.Suggestions for future study: (1).About
objects: a.The sample population should be br oadened. b.
The sample population should include students of various
age le vels. (2).About the design and development of
computer-assisted interv al auralinstruction software: a.
Supplementary instructional materials shou ld be developed.
b.Multimedia CAMI should be integrated. (3).About assessme
ntand evaluation: a.The evaluation of process should be
strengthened. b.Ac omprehensive evalution model should be
incorporated. c.Criteria foreval ution should be
established. (4).About the offering of teachertrainin g
and in-service training opportunities: a.Practice and
theory should bo th be incorporated. b.An All-around
teaching method should belaunched. c. The use and
application of internet should be instructed.d.Folk music ins
tructional materials and related arts information should be
The purpose of this research was to design teaching materials