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研究生: 李承澔
Lee, Cheng-Hao
論文名稱: 九型人格對領導風格影響之研究
A Research on the Impact of the Enneagram to the Leadership Styles
指導教授: 董澤平
Dong, Tse-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 九型人格人格人格特質領導力領導風格
英文關鍵詞: Enneagram, Personality, Personality Traits, Leadership, Leadership Style
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900091
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:417下載:45
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  • 九型人格(Enneagram)可以上溯至史前一萬年前遠古文明的智慧,在60年代加入現代心理學後的成為現代九型人格學。九型人格不僅只是一門性格分類學,重要的是透過自我本型的了解,能夠深入探索自己行為背後的欲望及核心的恐懼。除了美國哈佛、史丹佛及北京清華開設相關九型人格商學應用課程外,同時也應用於各大企業與團隊培訓。而在企業發展最重要的就是人,組織一群人最重要關鍵就在團隊與領導。領導者的領導風格關係著團隊氣氛與績效,而現代九型人格學就是一個絕佳的系統,讓領導者能因為更理解自己及不同性格的差異,也能用更多的同理心與團隊的成員互動。



    The history of Enneagram can be traced back to the wisdom of ancient civilizations 10,000 years ago. After assimilating with modern psychology in the 1960s, it became the contemporary Enneagram. Enneagram is not just a character taxonomy, it enables understanding of the core desires and fears behind one’s behavior. Besides being taught as business applications at renowned institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, and Beijing Tsinghua University, Enneagram is also a subject of training in major organizations. The key to a strong organization development is the leadership team and its people. The contemporary Enneagram is an excellent system that enables leaders to build empathy and interact better with members of the organization.

    In this study, nine interviewees who were trained by Terence Wong in the complete Enneagram were selected and an in-depth interview was conducted for each of the types. The objective was to understand the impact of self-growth, leadership style, and team atmosphere and performance growth of respondents after receiving Enneagram training. From the interviews, it was found that the respondents were mostly self-centered before they were trained in Enneagram and they believed that their ideas, logic, and judgments were correct. They have perhaps seen some of their shortcomings, such as emotional, procrastination, and strong desire to control, but they are not aware of the reasons behind their actions and their blind spots.

    The study found that after Enneagram training, people of different types develop more knowledge of themselves and are more aware of the fears and desires behind their behaviors. By knowing themselves better, growth occurs. They were able to develop empathy for people with different personalities and understanding that people react differently, thereby changing their leadership style. No longer adhering to their own model, thus, an overall improvement to the dynamics and performance of the team.

    目 次 iii 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第一章緒論 1 第一節研究背景與動機 1 第二節研究目的 2 第三節名詞解釋 3 一、九型人格 3 二、領導風格 3 第四節研究流程 5 一、研究流程 5 二、章節安排 6 第二章文獻探討 8 第一節九型人格 8 一、九型人格的發展 9 二、性格趨動力 16 三、本型性格 19 四、型號影響與表現 35 第二節領導風格 40 一、領導的定義與意義 40 二、西方領導理論的發展 44 三、領導的新興理論 47 第三節實證研究 48 一、九型人格的領導力研究 48 二、對領導風格影響實證研究 53 三、其它九型人格研究 59 第三章研究設計 63 第一節研究方法 63 第二節研究對象 65 第三節訪談大綱的擬定 66 第四節資料蒐集與內容分析 68 第四章個案分析 69 第一節個案概述 69 一、一型人 69 二、二型人 70 三、三型人 71 四、四型人 73 五、五型人 74 六、六型人 76 七、七型人 78 八、八型人 79 九、九型人 81 第二節比較分析 83 第五章討論與分析 86 第一節研究發現 86 一、真正認識自己 86 二、適性領導放對位置 86 三、各型號研究發現 86 第二節研究貢獻 89 一、九型人格對中文企管領域研究貢獻 89 二、九型人格對自我探索與突破 89 第三節管理意涵 94 一、九型人對領導者的影響 94 二、九型人格個別的領導建議 94 第六章結論與建議 97 第一節研究結論 97 一、尋找自己與確認型號 97 二、接受自己與選擇遷善 98 三、同理他人與理解團隊 98 四、領導風格之影響 98 五、團隊氣氛之改變 99 六、團隊績效與工作效率提升 99 第二節研究建議 100 一、單一型號研究 100 二、同一產業研究 100 三、整個團隊研究 100 四、量化研究 100 第三節研究限制 101 一、取樣有限 101 二、成長差異 101 三、熟練程度 101 參考文獻 102 壹、中文文獻 102 貳、中文文獻 103 參、網路資料 104

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