研究生: |
柯耀雲 Ko, Yao-Yun |
論文名稱: |
不穩定表面核心訓練對於男子競技體操選手運動表現之影響 The Effects of Unstable Surface and Core Training on the Sports Performance of Men’s Artistic Gymnasts |
指導教授: |
Yu, Chih-Ying |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 65 |
中文關鍵詞: | 倒立 、後空翻 、爆發力 、平衡能力 |
英文關鍵詞: | handstand, back flip, power, balance ability |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900886 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:426 下載:1 |
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不穩定的表面訓練與核心訓練兩者同樣以刺激神經肌肉、肌腱與骨骼肌肉,並保護關節維持穩定為主要效益,對於平衡能力、力量及運動表現之影響皆有相似之處。由項目特殊性,體操選手對於平衡能力及爆發力的需求更高,而核心肌群為人體維持平衡最重要之肌群,於上肢與下肢皆須依賴核心進行動作穩定及動力鍊傳導,因此是否能透過核心訓練來改善競技體操選手之運動表現值得我們探討。目的:探討利用不穩定表面核心訓練是否具有改善競技體操選手運動表現之效益。方法:將9位競技體操選手,隨機分為抗力球組 (不穩定表面N=4) 及控制組 (穩定表面N=5),進行六週不穩定表面核心訓練,並測量平衡能力、倒立及後空翻之運動表現,以無母數統計法進行比較分析及進步率計算,並利用皮爾森積差相關係數觀察三者間相關性。結果:受試者六週不穩定表面核心訓練後,抗力球組經相依樣本分析,開眼穩定平衡能力達顯著差異 (p < .05),事後比較立即訓練顯著優於前測,六週訓練顯著優於前測與四週階段;進步率於六週與四週比較達顯著進步 (p < .05)。上肢穩定性達顯著差異 (p < .05),事後比較六週訓練皆顯著優於前測、立即與四週階段;進步率於六週與立即比較達顯著進步 (p < .05)。後空翻下肢爆發力抗力球組與控制組獨立樣本未達顯著 (p > .05),進步率兩組於立即階段比較後達顯著退步 (p < .05);相依樣本未達顯著 (p ≧ .05),四週與立即比較達顯著進步 (p < .05)。閉眼不穩定平衡能力與上肢穩定性達顯著中度正相關;上肢穩定性與後空翻下肢爆發力達顯著高度正相關。結論:不穩定表面核心訓練介入後開眼穩定平衡能力與上肢穩定性於六週時效果最佳,而核心能力的提升未顯著改善下肢後空翻爆發力。
Purpose: To investigate whether the use of unstable surface and core training has the benefit of improving the sports performance of artistic gymnasts. Methods: 9 gymnasts were randomly divided into the swiss ball and control groups for a six-week unstable surface and core training, measuring their balance ability, handstand and back flip. A comparative analysis and progress rate calculation were performed using nonparametric statistics, and the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used to observe their correlation. Results: After six weeks of unstable surface and core training, the paired-sample analysis of the swiss ball group showed that its static balance ability reached significant difference (p < .05), and the posteriori comparison showed that instant training was significantly better than the pretest (p < .05). Upper limb stability reached significant difference (p < .05), and the posteriori comparison showed that six weeks’ training were better than the pretest, instant training, and at the 4th week stage. As progress rate, the comparison between six weeks’ and instant training showed significant progress (p < .05). As lower limb explosive power for back flip, the independent sample tests of both the swiss ball and control groups didn’t reach the significance level (p > .05), and the comparison of their instant stages showed significant regression in their progress rate. The paired measurement did not reach the significance level (p ≧ .05), and the comparison between four weeks’ and instant training showed significant progress (p < .05). Dynamic balance ability and upper limb stability showed a moderate correlation, while a significantly strong positive correlation existed between upper limb stability and lower limb power for back flip. Conclusion: The effect of the intervention of the unstable surface and core training on static balance ability and upper limb stability were the best in the sixth week of the intervention, while the enhancement of core abilities did not significantly improve lower limb power for back flip.
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