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研究生: 于文正
Wen-cheng Yu
論文名稱: 心象練習的心理機制
The Machenism of Mental Imagery
指導教授: 林清和
Lin, Ching-Ho
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 373
中文關鍵詞: 心象練習現象學研究法
英文關鍵詞: mental imagery, phenomenological research method
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:628下載:52
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  • 中文摘要
    經過變異數分析發現,三個自變數對所有依變數均無三因子的交互作用,在切擊球發球動作教練評分方面:測量類別與運動經驗有二因子交互作用(F=5.41, p<.05),球員組研究參與者前測的平均得分為7.06,後測平均得分為7.14,初學者前測平均得分為2.58,後測平均得分為2.31,另外運動經驗組別也有顯著差異(F=810.057, p<.01),球員組的平均得分較初學者為高。在切擊球發球進球數方面,所有研究參與者的後測進球數顯著低於前測進球數(F=5.405, p<.05),而運動經驗組別之間也有顯著差異(F=124.411, p<.01),球員組的進球數顯著高於初學者組。在切擊球發球動作的瞭解程度方面則並未發現任何顯著差異。而對切擊球發球自我效能則發現運動經驗組別之間有顯著差異(F=25.982, p<.01),球員組顯著高於初學者組,另外測量類別間也有顯著差異(F=6.028, p<.05),研究參與者的後測得分顯著低於前測。

    The mechanism of mental imagery
    Wen-cheng Yu
    The purpose of this research was to explore the underlying mechanism of mental imagery. It was hypothesized the benefit of imagery was mediated by self-efficacy and cognitive schema for different levels of sport experience. In study one, high school students (N=44) were randomly assigned to experimental treatments for three weeks of imagery training (slice serve movement, confidence-boosting of slice serve) or a no imagery (control) condition according to their tennis experience (player or novice). Pretest and posttest were executed.
    There was not any three-factors' interaction between sport experience, content of imagery, and measurement. In coaches' evaluation of slice serve movement, sport experience interacted with measurement (F=5.41, p < .05). The pretest average score of tennis players was 7.06, posttest was 7.14. Novices' pretest average score was 2.58, posttest average score was 2.31.Tennis players' scores in coaches' evaluation of slice serve movement, numbers of successful slice serve, and self-efficacy in slice serve were superior than novices'. There was not any significant difference in subjects' cognitive understanding about slice serve. Subject' posttest performance in self-efficacy of slice serve and numbers of successful slice serve was superior than pretest. The imagery training did not make any difference.
    In study two, 29 subjects were structural interviewed. Ten of them were chosen to do further phenomenological analysis. 5 subjects were clarified as progress group and 5 were regress group. The purpose of study two was to compare the psychological process of different groups in imagery training. The result showed attitude about basic imagery training and the content subjects added in task-specific imagery could distinguish different groups. While practicing basic imagery, regress group showed more suspicion. And after this basic imagery training, all 5 subjects of progress group felt curiosity about task-specific imagery. But the regress group did not express that reaction. In task-specific imagery, some subjects might add their own imagery content. The additional content added by progress group did not conflict with the experimental design, however, the regress group did. One of them imaged negative movement result and told herself that she will never make it. The other one changed the imaged serve movement, and that would obstacle his performance.
    Although these results did not confirm the hypothesis, it still found some interesting interference variables. Besides the psychological process differences occurred in imagery, the vividness and controllability of image also might relate to subjects' performance. The influence of subjectivity was discussed and some recommendations were made for the future research.

    目錄 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與研究重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 10 第三節 研究問題與假設 11 第四節 現象的釐清與名詞解釋 12 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 心象練習的理論 20 第二節 觀點的整合 29 第三節 研究操作上的注意事項 35 第四節 現象學研究法的哲學基礎 40 第參章 研究方法 第一節 研究參與者 53 第二節 研究期間 54 第三節 網球切擊球發球教學課程內容 55 第四節 心象練習內容 57 第五節 實驗器材 67 第六節 實驗場地 67 第七節 實驗設計 68 第八節 實驗程序 69 第九節 教練評分方式 72 第十節 研究工具 73 第十一節 實驗資料處理 82 第十二節 結構式訪談 83 第十三節 研究限制 114 第肆章 研究結果 119 第一節 心象練習過程的監測 119 第二節 運動經驗、心象練習內容、測量類別 對網球切擊球發球技能之影響 124 第三節 結構式訪談的現象學分析 132 第伍章 討論與建議 170 第一節 自變項之間沒有交互作用 170 第二節 干擾心象練習效果的因素 176 第三節 對未來研究的建議 190 參考文獻 200 附錄一 研究參與者招募海報 213 附錄二 研究參與同意書 214 附錄三 家長說明書 215 附錄四 切擊球發球教材 216 附錄五 心象練習時間文獻 225 附錄六 心象練習日誌 229 附錄七 教練評分表 232 附錄八 教練評分說明書 236 附錄九 網球切擊球發球技能紙筆測驗 238 附錄十 網球切擊球發球自我效能問卷 258 附錄十一 個人敘述文與分組敘述文 260 CA的個人敘述文 260 CB的個人敘述文 268 CC的個人敘述文 277 CD的個人敘述文 284 CE的個人敘述文 291 CF的個人敘述文 298 CG的個人敘述文 307 CH的個人敘述文 315 CI的個人敘述文 322 CJ的個人敘述文 329 進步組的分組敘述文 337 退步組的分組敘述文 349 附錄十二 受訪者效度檢核表 359 附錄十三 切擊球發球心象測驗 360 附錄十四 心象練習學習曲線 366

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