研究生: |
柯橋羽 Ko, Chaio-Yu |
論文名稱: |
以神經科學理論分析電影夢境呈現之研究 An analytical study on the representation of dreaming scenario in film with neuroscience |
指導教授: |
Chang, Yen-Jung |
口試委員: |
Chang, Yen-Jung 劉立行 Liu, Li-Hsing 曾鈺涓 Tseng, Yu-Chuan |
口試日期: | 2022/06/15 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 68 |
中文關鍵詞: | 電影 、夢境 、蒙太奇 、神經科學 |
英文關鍵詞: | film, dream, montage, neuroscience |
研究方法: | 文件分析法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201350 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:226 下載:19 |
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夢境,是人潛意識中神秘的精神活動,從古至今,人對夢的探索有不少理性的分析,夢境主題的電影呈現了許多不真實的景象,讓觀眾透過電影的特效切換在虛實之間。創作者透過電影將蘊藏於人類潛意識中的思想表現出來,其夢境呈現以精神分析理論來析論已成為一個常態,Freud 之理論經時代推演也曾多次遭推翻修正,然而本文將透過神經科學(Neuroscience)理論探討,選擇一個新的理論背景支持,針對電影中的表現手法與鏡頭語言了解電影之夢境呈現。在本論文中,將以神經科學理論之夢境認知分析電影中的表現手法為探討重點。
本研究探討電影中的夢境呈現之研究,先以神經科學理論為基礎,再採用文本分析法,將夢境主題電影運用文字描述與圖片整理各電影中的鏡頭,透過分析得到其神經科學中夢的五個認知特徵與電影呈現手法之關係,接著深入探討歸納出電影表現手法呈現形式。結論為:1.影片入夢方式之差異影響夢境呈現之不同 2.鏡頭運用時常呈現動感或浩大場景 3.電影世界觀設定影響夢境的呈現手 4.回憶片段使用的心理蒙太奇鏡頭運用各不相同 5.媒材的不同會影響夢境的呈現方式 6. Hobson 夢的認知特徵運用,並針對電影製作的建議、後續研究建議及電影理論之建議三部分,提供給電影製作者在夢境呈現上作為參考。
Dreams are mysterious spiritual activities in people's subconscious. Since ancient times, people have made a lot of rational analysis on the exploration of dreams. Movies with dream themes present many unrealistic scenes, allowing the audience to switch between the virtual and the real through the special effects of the film. The creator expresses the thoughts contained in the human subconscious through the film, and it has become a normal state that his dream presentation is analyzed by psychoanalytic theory. Freud's theory has been revised many times through the
deduction of the times. However, this paper will choose a new theoretical background to support through the discussion of neuroscience theory, and understand the dream presentation of the film according to the expression techniques and lens language in the film. In this thesis, we will focus on the cognitive analysis of dreams in neuroscience theory and the techniques of expression in movies.
This study explores the study of dream presentation in movies. First, based on the theory of neuroscience, and then using the method of text analysis, the dream themed movies use text descriptions and pictures to sort out the scenes in eachmovie. Through analysis, the relationship between the five cognitive features of dreams in neuroscience and film presentation techniques is obtained, and then the presentation forms of film presentation techniques are further discussed and summarized. The conclusion is that 1. Differences in the way of dreaming in films affect the presentation of dreams 2. The use of lenses often presents dynamic or vast scenes 3. The setting of the film's world view affects the presentation of dreams 4. The psychological montages used in memory clips are different 5. .Different media will affect the presentation of dreams. 6. Hobson's cognitive characteristics of dreams, and three parts, suggestions for film production, follow-up research and film theory, are provided to filmmakers as a reference in the presentation of dreams.
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