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研究生: 謝艾芸
Hsieh, Ai-Yun
論文名稱: 一個框架,各自表述學校時間框架與國中生時間運用策略之研究
Single Frame, Multiple Interpretations School Time Frame and Time Use Strategies of Junior High School Students
指導教授: 黃鴻文
Huang, Horng-Wen
口試委員: 林郡雯 鄭英傑 陳淑敏 陳珊華 黃鴻文
口試日期: 2022/01/18
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 239
中文關鍵詞: 學校時間框架時間觀點時間運用策略
英文關鍵詞: school time frame, time perspective, time use strategy
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200237
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:293下載:0
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  • 在教育系統中,每個學校都會設定一個時間表,引導各種教學活動的進行,教師與學生通常需要參照時間表行動。學校透過時間框架規範每個師生的作息,雖讓學校穩定有序,也可能限制學生的作為,促使學生運用策略跨越既定的時間框架。本研究以大台北地區某個特定學校為研究場域,研究者希望能深入理解不同類型學生是否都會被學校時間框架所框限而試圖想跨越,試圖理解該校的時間框架如何?學生如何詮釋此時間框架?學生是否試圖跨越時間框架?以何種策略跨越?為何跨越?這樣的跨越與學生之社會文化背景有何關聯?其研究目的如下:
    二、幾位選定的學生,其時間觀點(time perspective)為何?是否試圖跨越時間

    In the education system, each school will set a timetable to guide the progress of various teaching activities. Teachers and students usually need to act according to the timetable. The school regulates the work and rest of each teacher and student through the time frame. Although the school is stable and orderly, it may also restrict students' actions and encourage students to use strategies to cross the established time frame. This study takes a specific school in the Greater Taipei area as the research field. The researchers hope to gain a deeper understanding of whether different types of students are limited by the school's time frame and try to cross it, trying to understand how the school's time frame is? How do students interpret this time frame? Are students trying to cross time frames? What strategy to cross? Why cross? How does such a leap relate to the sociocultural background of the students? Its research aims are as follows:
    1. What is the time frame of the school? How do students interpret this time frame?
    2. What is the time perspective of the selected students? whether to try to span time
    frame? What strategy to cross?
    3. How is this leap related to the social and cultural background of these students?
    In order to describe the students' interpretation of school time, this study adopts a qualitative research approach, selects a junior high school in Taipei to describe its time frame and context, and takes a certain eighth-grade class of the school as the research object. Immediately enter the field to collect empirical data until the end of the first semester of the ninth grade. Through participation in observation, in-depth interviews, document analysis and other research methods, to understand the concepts and actions of students' time use.
    Through the analysis and arrangement of relevant data, this research has reached the following conclusions: The basic time frame of Chizi junior high school is a time loop that repeats itself; the school life of students in the school time frame is limited, and if they do not comply, they may be punished. Under the interaction of teachers and students, teachers' likes and dislikes to students also affect the tightness of the time frame. Furthermore, whether students choose to cross the school time frame is also related to their class culture and academic performance, and students' response strategies and their time orientation also affect each other. Therefore, in the time defined by "official", students actually have their own interpretation of the meaning of school time, which guides students to show various behavior patterns.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 問題浮現的歷程1 第二節 研究的意義4 第三節 研究目的與問題8 第四節 名詞釋義9 第二章 文獻探討11 第一節 學校時間框架的意義與規範11 第二節 時間框架的相關理論14 第三節 互動論與學生時間運用的策略28 第四節 再製論與學生時間運用的策略33 第五節 抗拒論與學生時間運用的策略37 第三章 研究方法43 第一節 研究取徑44 第二節 研究流程45 第三節 研究場域與對象50 第四節 蒐集資料63 第五節 資料分析與檢核69 第六節 研究倫理與省思74 第四章 時間的循環79 第一節 又這樣過了一天80 第二節 又這樣過了一週:時間運用的主體性96 第三節 身騎白馬過三關:時間跟著考試跑112 第五章 不同類型學生的時間概念與行動117 第一節 學校時間的挪移者118 第二節 學校時間的順從者128 第三節 學校時間的務實者139 第四節 學校時間的抗拒者148 第五節 學校時間的投機者159 第六節 學校時間的跟隨者170 第六章 綜合討論181 第一節 學生如何度過在學校的每一天?181 第二節 學校時間框架的跨越與不跨越?186 第三節 一種框架,各自表述?190 第四節 誰是學校時間框架的調節器?195 第五節 結構中又有結構?199 第六節 學校時間框架中的當前與未來?204 第七章 結論209 第八章 故事暫時寫到這兒─省思與建議221 第一節 研究省思221 第二節 研究建議224 參考文獻 227 附錄一 學生基本問卷233 附錄二 青少年參與研究意願書暨家長知情同意書235 附錄三 訪談題綱238 附錄四 正式訪時程表239

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