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研究生: 江秉益
Jiang, Ping-Yi
論文名稱: 二維有機-無機混成半導體中的自旋極化光致放光光譜
Spin-Polarization Photoluminescence Spectroscopy in Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Semiconductors
指導教授: 劉沂欣
Liu, Yi-Hsin
口試委員: 劉沂欣
Liu, Yi-Hsin
Lan, Yann-Wen
Fan, Hsiu-Fang
Yang, Chan-Shan
Lai, Yu-Ying
口試日期: 2023/07/28
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 二維材料對稱性下降自旋軌道作用磁場效應塞曼效應偏振光
英文關鍵詞: Two-dimensional materials, Symmetry broken, Spin-orbit coupling, Zeeman effect, Spin polarization, Magnetic field effect
研究方法: 實驗設計法現象學
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301551
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:341下載:3
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  • 在本研究中透過合成一系列具備強量子侷限的II-VI族的有機-無機層狀奈米片。奈米片本身為兩個原子厚度的無機層,並將各個無機單層透過雙牙基胺配體以共價鍵互相連接,配體亦可作為介電絕緣層將將電子限制於平面內。吸收光譜中觀察到的吸收出現巨大的藍移以及C3v的對稱性為二維形貌的固有性質。透過摻雜過渡金屬我們在材料中引入與摻雜雜質的自旋-軌道相互作用以及額外的光學活性,在C3v的對稱性下材料理論上會因為簡併性被打破進而產生更大的賽曼分裂,錳本身特殊的自旋躍遷機制以及長半生期的磷光放光都使摻雜錳的寬帶系半導體在低溫下以及在磁場中出現特殊的磁光現象,我們透過與物理系合作嘗試了解這些現象,並透過光學元件的設計,嘗試探討這些現象背後的作用的機制。

    In this work, a series of II-VI group organic-inorganic layered nanosheets with strong quantum confinement were synthesized. The nanosheet itself has a two-atom-thick inorganic layer that can be called a monolayer, and each inorganic monolayer is covalently bonded through a diamine ligand. The ligand can also serve as an insulating layer to confine electrons. in the plane. The large blue shift observed in the absorption spectrum and the symmetry of C3v are intrinsic properties of the two-dimensional topography. By doping transition metals, we can introduce additional spin-orbit interactions and additional optical activity. Under the symmetry of C3v, the material will theoretically have giant Zeeman splitting, the special spin transition mechanism of manganese itself and the phosphorescence emission with long lifetime makes the manganese-doped wide-band gap semiconductor exhibit special optical phenomena at low temperature and in a magnetic field. Through cooperation with the Department of Physics, we try to measure the spin-dependent photoluminescence spectrum of manganese, and anomalies are observed and attempts are made to explore the reasons behind these phenomena.

    致謝i 摘要ii Abstractiii 目錄iv 圖目錄vii 表目錄xiii 第一章 緒論1 1.1錳摻雜II-VI族半導體1 1.1.1二維有機-無機混成膠體奈米片1 1.1.2 摻雜錳二維膠體奈米片3 1.1.3錳的四配位鍵結取代5 1.2電子結構探討10 1.2.1 吸收光譜10 1.2.2錳摻雜寬帶隙半導體放光11 1.3 自旋-自旋耦合13 1.3.1 二維材料中的磁各向異性13 1.3.2錳二聚體間的反鐵磁性自旋耦合15 1.4自旋-軌道耦合17 1.4.1磁場效應17 1.4.2賽曼分裂效應18 第二章 實驗方法21 2.1化學藥品21 2.2二維有機-無機混成奈米片合成22 2.2.1 硒前驅物之合成22 2.2.2 鎘/錳&鋅/錳前驅物之合成22 2.2.3 鎘/鋅/錳前驅物之合成23 2.2.4 錳摻雜二維混成MSe(en)0.5奈米片合成及純化24 2.2.5 錳摻雜二維混成CdxZn1-xSe(en)0.5合金奈米片合成及純化25 2.3儀器鑑定26 2.3.1 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM)26 2.3.2 場發射掃描/穿透式電子顯微鏡(Field Emission Scanning/ Transmission Electron Microscope)26 2.3.3高解像能電子顯微鏡(High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope)27 2.3.4 X光粉末繞射儀 (Powder X-ray Diffraction, P-XRD)27 2.3.5 紫外光-可見光光譜儀(UV-visible Spectrophotometer, UV-vis)28 2.3.6 磷光放光生命週期光譜儀28 2.3.7 感應耦合電漿質譜分析儀(Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer, ICP-MS)29 2.3.8電子順磁共振光譜 (Electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR)29 2.3.9磁性圓二色性螢光光譜 (Magnetic Circularly Polarized Luminescence )30 2.3.10磁光性質測量模組台31 第三章 結果與討論33 3.1二維單層奈米片合成33 3.1.1 層狀混成結構33 3.1.2晶體結構34 3.1.3樣品形貌39 3.1.4元素組成分析41 3.2 光學鑑定44 3.2.1 吸收光譜44 3.2.2 二價錳的三重態激子放光47 3.2.3三重態磷光放光半生期52 3.3 光學檢測55 3.3.1備樣條件優化55 3.3.2 錳在低溫中的基態反鐵磁性偶合57 3.3.3溫度相關光致放光光譜61 3.3.4磁場效應量測63 3.4偏振放光極化率量測66 3.4.1 線偏振光量測66 3.4.2 圓偏振光量測67 3.4.3 巨觀尺度的圓偏振光量測71 第四章 結論與未來展望75 附錄78 參考文獻86

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