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研究生: 蔡曉瑩
Hsiao-Ying Tsai
論文名稱: 學習導向黑板教學影片結構化之研究
Learning-focused Structuring for Blackboard Lecture Videos
指導教授: 李忠謀
Lee, Chung-Mou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 語意分析教學影片分析視覺注意力模型
英文關鍵詞: semantic analysis, lecture video analysis, visual attention modeling
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:5
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  • 現今的教室仍然經常使用黑板,而以黑板授課的教學影片亦相當普遍,但黑板教學影片的內容分析在多媒體語意分析的領域深具挑戰性但極少被討論。本論文提出一個基於注意力模型的教學影片結構化方法,用以提醒學習者要投注多少注意力在不同時段的教學影片上。本研究分別設計視覺和聽覺注意力模型以分析影片內容,並利用兩種模型的混合結果產生一個以學習為中心的模型。在視覺分析方面,則以講者寫在黑板上的字跡和講者的講述姿態為分析的內容;而在聽覺分析方面,則以將分析講者的講述語音分析為主。

    Since blackboards are the standard in the classrooms and are still used today, blackboard lecture videos are common in the lecture video recordings. However, it has been known that content-based blackboard lecture video analysis is challenging and thereby rarely touched upon in the field of multimedia semantics analysis. In this thesis, we proposed a new structuring method for blackboard lecture videos by estimating the learning focus that learners should pay more attention to. Both visual and aural analysis for blackboard lecture videos are utilized and integrated to develop a learning-focused attention model. As for the visual analysis, the fluctuation of written lecture content on the blackboard and the posture of lecturers are analyzed. On the other hand, the speech of lecturers is used for aural analysis.
      Finally, a learning-focused attention curve can be generated by fusing multiple attention models. In a sense, the values of the learning-focused attention reflect the strength of attention or semantics that the learners should pay to the blackboard lecture videos and can be used for indicating the importance of the extracted lecture content at the corresponding time. Therefore, learners can easily access the blackboard lecture video with good flexibility to find what the lecture content they should understand and video frames to watch from the well-structured video.
    The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively structure blackboard lecture videos and extract the lecture content with associated learning-focused attention values.

    附圖目錄 III 附表目錄 IV 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍 3 1.3.1 教學影片 4 1.3.2 視覺學習 5 1.3.3 注意力模型 6 1.3.4 研究限制 7 1.4論文架構 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 2.1以黑板教課的教學影片分析 9 2.2基於注意力模型技術 10 3.1研究目標 12 3.1.1教學影片探勘 12 3.1.2注意力模型混合結構 13 3.2系統架構 13 3.3教學內容注意力模型(CONTENT-BASED ATTENTION MODEL) 15 3.3.1教學內容擷取(Lecture content extraction) 16 3.3.2教學內容注意力模型建構(Content-based Attention Model Construction) 18 3.4講者視覺行為注意力模型(POSTURE-BASED ATTENTION MODEL) 20 3.4.1講者骨架擷取(Lecturer Skeleton Extraction) 20 3.4.2講者姿態判別(Posture Discrimination) 21 3.5講者演講注意力模型(TEACHER SPEECH ATTENTION MODEL) 23 3.6混合架構:學生注意力模型(STUDENT ATTENTION MODEL) 24 第四章 實驗結果 26 4.1黑板擷取效能 26 4.1.1實驗規劃 26 4.1.2結果與分析 26 4.2字跡擷取效能 29 4.2.1實驗規劃 29 4.2.2結果與分析 29 4.3講者講述狀態辨別效能 31 4.3.1實驗規劃 31 4.3.2結果與分析 31 4.4音節效能評估 32 4.4.1實驗規劃 32 4.4.2實驗結果數據 32 4.5系統結果使用者(老師、學生)感知比較評估 33 4.5.1實驗規劃 33 4.5.2實驗效能評估 34 4.6老師與學生專心理由統計與分析 35 4.6.1實驗規劃 35 4.6.2結果與討論 35 第五章 結論 37 5.1 結論 37 5.2 研究貢獻 38 5.3未來研究 39 參考文獻 41 附錄一、專心度實驗問卷(老師版) 46 附錄二、專心度實驗問卷(學生版) 49

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