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研究生: 蔡清寬
Tsai ching-kuan
論文名稱: 屏東隘寮地區原住民保留地土芒果專業區之形成機制與族群經營特性
A study of professional mango plantation's formation and the characteristics of the management of the peoples in pingtung iliao aboriginal reservation
指導教授: 鄭勝華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 屏東原住民原住民保留地土芒果族群經營特性
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:373下載:0
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  • 屏東隘寮地區原住民保留地土芒果專業區之形成機制與族群經營特性隘寮地區原住民保留地為屏東縣唯一規劃於平原地區且由不同族群原住民移墾的保留地,本研究探究此保留地的形成機制:首由歷史及政策的角度,追溯其演進的過程及特性;再嘗試以人地關係的觀點,分析此土芒果專業區形塑的因素及經營的特性,研究結果歸納如下:一.因日治時期完成下淡水溪及其支流隘寮溪的整治,奠定本區發展農業的基礎,光復後即政策性鼓勵縣內原住民移住墾植,以排灣族為主、魯凱族次之,族群分布呈同族聚居的血緣聚落,因遷居時分配建地與耕地,具有穩定發展的基礎,至今「三和村」已成瑪家鄉人口最多的聚落。二.1980年以來,在市場經濟、外部環境及自身條件的交互作用下,三和村原住民保留地以土芒果栽培為最重要的農業活動。此因土芒果對土質、氣候要求不嚴,容易栽培,加上1980年開始環保留地村落平地人承租果園致使資金及技術傳入,本區在「包租」特色下逐漸形成土芒果專業化區。三.原住民芒果園的經營可分為三種型態:全部自營、全部出租或半租半營型。就空間分布而言,以排灣族所在之中村及北村種植較多時間亦早,再向南村魯凱族農地擴散。三種經營型態中,以自營利潤最高,但相對風險亦高;全部出租則利潤相對最低,但風險最低;半自營型則介於二者之間。若已擁有專業技術、足夠資金、勞力等條件,走向自營是保留地原住民的經營方向。四.截至1997年,全區仍有37%的果園為環保留地的漢人承租,來源地如錦隆村、久愛村、挀興村、黎明村等。漢人包租土芒果園經營,其經營導向可分為三種類型:高品質型導向、高產量型導向或親緣協力型導向。比較三種經營型態之特性及分布地區,發現以高品質型導向分布地區最廣,經營者最多,為本區包租經營方式中最符合經濟效益者。總結屏東隘寮地區原住民保留地土芒果專業區的發展歷程,係源於原住民保留地的自然環境及相關政策之長期作用影響;保留地內土芒果園的經營族群因自身條件的差異及經營策略的選擇,而形成經營之區位空間以及經營型態類型。關鍵字:屏東、原住民、原住民保留地、土芒果、族群經營特性

    ILiao Aboriginal Reservation is the only reservation on the Pingtungplain mapped out by the county government and developed by various ethnic groups. This study investigates its formation process: at firsttracing the evolution and the characteristics from historical and policy view; then analyzing from the view of the man-land relation the factors that contributed to the mango plantation district and the characteristics of the management. The results are summarized as follows:1. The successful amelioration of Down Tan Sui River during the JapaneseOccupation has laid the foundation for agricultural development for the area. After the Recovery, aborigines, mainly Paiwan and Rukai second, were encouraged by the policy to settle in and develop the district. Tribe of consanguinity and the allotment of land for construction and farming had led the district to stable development.2. Under the interaction of market economy, external environment and the characteristics of the area of mango cultivation - easy to crop with less strict requirement upon weather and earth condition, mango plantation is the most important agricultural activity in the San-Ho Village Reservation since 1980. Especially with the capital and expertiseintroduced by Hans, the district has been developed into a professional mango plantation district under farm-out system.3. The management types of mango plantation in the Reservation can be divided into three groups: the wholly-own, the wholly-rent-out and the mixed. The wholly-own type is the most profitable but risky, which mostof the aboriginal farmers prefer once they have the professional skill, adequate capital and labor. As for the space distribution, the cultivation is mainly concentrated and undertook first at Paiwan's North Village and Middle Village and then extended to Rukai's South Village.4. 37% of the orchards were rented by Hans living on the outskirts of the Reservation by 1997. Their management types can be categorized into: high quality oriented, mass production oriented and cooperation oriented.Of the three types, high quality oriented type is the most popular and of economic effect.In summary, the mango plantation district in ILiao Aboriginal Reservation resulted from the interaction of the natural environment and government policy. The differences on the farmer's conditions of capital, labor, technology, etc. and their choices of management strategies have led to different management styles and space distribution.
