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研究生: 陳松靖
論文名稱: 三位學生教師數學教學概念轉變歷程的個案研究
指導教授: 金鈐
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 教師專業發展教學功力教學概念學生教師
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:354下載:50
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  • 本研究是探究三位學生教師在師資培育後兩年中,數學教學概念的狀態及其轉變的歷程。研究設計採用問卷調查法、選樣晤談法、及教室觀察法,研究的取樣對象為國立台灣師範大學數學系三年級的一班24位學生教師。問卷調查的結果透過因子分析顯示,這群學生教師有六個共通的主要因子。以這六個因子所表徵的教學認同空間,篩選出小凱、小龍、和小宗三個個案。他們呈現出兩種不同思考數學教學的觀點。其一認同由教師講授數學內容的「知識傳遞者」,另一則認同以學生活動為主的「知識引動者」。接著,依據這兩個向度的相對位置,分析這三個個案在大三和大四兩年間教學概念的起始狀態、過程狀態、和目標狀態。同時,也以互動、反思、教學功力、和數學功力作為研究者介入的取向,嘗試引動他們教學概念的轉變。

    This paper describes the states and progress of a group of three student teachers’ conceptions of mathematics teaching within a two-year period in the secondary mathematics teacher education programme. It was carried out through questionnaire survey, interview and classroom observation. The student participants were a group of 24 pre-service mathematics teachers. The first year results revealed six salient conceptions of mathematics teaching from the group, in particular with two different states of conceptions of mathematics teaching derived from the three cases. Two student teachers identify themselves with the roles of ‘a knowledge transmitter’, and the other sees himself as ‘a knowledge initiator’. In the light of this, their conceptions of mathematics teaching related to these two teacher roles and the possibility of introducing an scaffolding for learning consisting of the notions of interaction, reflection, and mathematical and pedagogical power, are examined in terms of the second year data.
    One of the three students, ST1, taught consistently the procedures of solving mathematical problems as in a cram school. ST2 thought that students’ abilities of solving mathematical problems are more important than understand them at the initial stage. But due to the frustrated experiences gained in learning advanced mathematics course, he came to see the importance of student inner motivation which should be the major focus of his classroom teaching. For ST3, he intended to teach mathematics using manipulative and communication with students, however not being observed in classroom practices.
    As a result, “felt problematic” and “felt relevant” seem to be the two starting points of facilitating the transition of conceptions of mathematics teaching for these three student teachers. Understanding of the different states of learning about student teachers’ conceptions of mathematics and teaching might be useful for mathematics teacher educators in designing relevant educational programs to facilitate the professional development of student teachers.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………..…...1 英文摘要.............................................................................................................2 目次.....................................................................................................................3 附錄目次.............................................................................................................5 圖目次.................................................................................................................6 第一章 緒論............................................................................................7 第一節 研究背景和動機......................................................................7 第二節 研究目的...............................................................................13 第二章 文獻探討..................................................................................15 第一節 教學概念的意義和內涵.........................................................15 第二節 教學概念的形成和轉化.........................................................19 第三節 教學概念的學習....................................................................22 第三章 研究方法..................................................................................31 第一節 研究對象與個案選取............................................................32 第二節 研究設計...............................................................................36 第三節 研究限制...............................................................................43 第四章 研究結果..................................................................................47 第一節 教學概念的起始狀態-意圖面向..........................................47 第二節 教學概念的起始狀態-實作面向..........................................51 第三節 教學概念的過程狀態............................................................56 第四節 教學概念的目標狀態............................................................66 第五節 教學概念的轉變....................................................................74 第五章 討論和回顧..............................................................................79 第一節 學生教師數學教學概念轉變的因素......................................79 第二節 「感覺有問題」應是引動教學概念轉變的起點.....................81 第三節 「感覺和自己教學相關」也應是引動教學概念轉變的起點.....82 第六章 結論和建議..............................................................................85 參考文獻..................................................................................................89

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