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研究生: 李偉義
Wei-Yi Lee
論文名稱: 相同距離與速度的快走與跑步在單次長時間與多次短時間運動之能量消耗
Energy expenditures of multiple-short and single-long durations brisk walking and running under equivalent distance and speed
指導教授: 謝伸裕
Hsieh, Shen-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 健走慢跑連續性運動間歇性運動
英文關鍵詞: walking, jogging, continuous exercise, intermittent exercise
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:13
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  • 目的:探討在相同距離與速度的條件下,快走與跑步兩種不同運動型態、單次長時間運動 (single bout long duration exercise, SL) 與多次短時間運動 (multiple bouts short duration exercise, MS) 兩種不同運動流程之能量消耗差異。方法:招募12名健康參與者(男、女各6名)參與實驗,平均年齡23.3±2.5歲、身高169.0±7.0公分、體重62.6±13.6公斤。採重複量數設計,以對抗平衡次序方式安排參與者接受四種不同運動模式測驗:3次×1公里快走 (MSW)、1次×3公里快走 (SLW)、3次×1公里跑步 (MSR)、1次×3公里跑步 (SLR)。資料以相依樣本二因子變異數分析進行統計分析,顯著水準α=.05。結果:(1)運動期的能量消耗MS (186.3±38.9 kcal)顯著小於SL (209.5±45.9 kcal),但恢復期的能量消耗MS (26.4±10.1 kcal)顯著高於SL (11.8±4.7 kcal),使二者的總能量消耗無顯著差異。(2)利用脂肪作為能源的消耗SL (92.6±35.2 kcal)與MS (88.0±26.8 kcal)無顯著差異。(3)總能量消耗、運動期的能量消耗與利用脂肪作為能源的消耗跑步皆顯著高於快走,但恢復期的能量消耗跑步與快走無顯著差異。(4) 在運動自覺量值方面,結果顯示快走(RPE=14.8±3.0)顯著大於跑步(RPE=12.8±2.5)、SL (RPE=15.8±2.5)顯著大於MS (RPE=11.8±1.7),而短時間快走運動的RPE僅為12.5±1.7。結論:快走運動在總能量消耗上沒有高於相同速度的跑步運動,但由於快走運動簡便易行及安全的特質,且短時間的快走運動仍屬於感覺輕鬆的運動,故建議沒有時間運動的忙碌現代人,如想藉由運動來達到控制體重的目的,也可利用一日之中多次小片段的時間來從事快走運動,並藉此培養規律運動健身的好習慣。

    Purpose: To investigate the difference in energy expenditures of walking and running in single bout long duration exercise (SL), and multiple bouts short duration exercise (MS), in which distances and speeds were equivalent. Methods: Twelve healthy participants (6 men and 6 women, aged 23.3±2.5 yrs, height 169.0±7.0 cm and weight 62.6±13.6 kg) took part in the study. The counter-balanced repeated measure design was adopted, whereby the participants underwent 4 different conditions: 3 bouts of 1 km brisk walk (MSW), 1 bout of 3 km brisk walk (SLW), 3 bouts of 1 km run (MSR), and 1 bout of 3 km run (SLR). Data was analyzed using two-way ANOVA, with alpha set at .05. Results: (1) During the exercise period, energy expenditure for MS (186.3±38.9 kcal) was significantly lower than SL (209.5±45.9 kcal). However, energy expenditure for MS (26.4±10.1 kcal) is higher than SL (11.8±4.7 kcal). This results in an overall lack of difference in the total energy expenditure between the two conditions. (2) There was no significance difference (SL=92.6±35.2 kcal vs MS=88.0±26.8 kcal) in the fat-based energy expenditure. (3) Total energy expenditure, energy expenditure during exercise and fat-based energy expenditure were higher for running than for walking. However, no difference was observed for energy expenditure during the recovery period. (4) In terms of perceived exertion, the results revealed that walking (RPE=14.8±3.0) was significantly higher than running (RPE=12.8±2.5) and SL (RPE=15.8±2.5) was significantly higher than MS (RPE=11.8±1.7). The RPE of MSW was 12.5±1.7. Conclusions: The energy expenditure for brisk walking was not higher than running for the same speed. Brisk walking is an easier form of exercise and is safer, and thus short bouts of brisk walking can be considered a relaxed form of activity. Should weight control via exercise be the aim, it is recommended that people with a shortage of time for exercise can use any short periods for brisk walking in order to develop exercise habits.

    第壹章 緒論 …………………………….………….…………….…1 一、問題背景………………………………………………………1 二、研究目的………………………………………………………3 三、研究範圍與限制………………………………………………3 四、研究的重要性…………………………………………………4 五、名詞操作性定義………………………………………………4 第貳章 相關文獻探討 ………………………………………...……6 一、快走運動 ……………………………………………….……6 二、快走運動對身體的效益 ……………..……………….……7 三、快走與跑步之比較……………………………………..……9 四、單次長時間運動與多次短時間運動之比較…………….…10 五、文獻總結………………………………………….…………12 第參章 研究方法與步驟 ………………………………….…………14 一、研究對象 ………………………………………….…………14 二、實驗時間與地點. ……………………………………………14 三、實驗設計 …………………………………………….………14 四、實驗步驟 ……………………………………………….……15 五、實驗方法與程序 ………………………………………….…15 六、統計分析…………………………………………..…………18 第肆章 結果 …………………………………………….………….…20 一、參與者基本資料 …………………………….………………20 二、總能量消耗之比較. …………………………………………21 三、運動期能量消耗之比較…………..…………………………22 四、恢復期能量消耗之比較……..………………………………23 五、以脂肪作為能量來源的能量消耗之比較…….….…………24 六、心跳率之比較 …..……………….…………………………25 七、運動自覺量值之比較………….…….....…………………26 八、步數之比較…………………….………………….…………27 第伍章 討論與結論…….…………….……………….………………28 一、討論 …………………...…….…………….………………28 二、結論 …………………………………………….……………34 三、建議………………………………..…………………………35 四、未來研究建議……………………..…………………………35 引用文獻 ………………………………………………………….…..36 附錄 ……………………………………………………………….…..40 附件一 健康狀況問卷調查表…..………………………..………… 40 附件二 參與者須知…………………………………………….………41 附件三 參與者告知同意書..………………..………….……..……42 個人小傳..………………………………………………………….….43

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