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研究生: 馮睿玲
Juiling Feng
論文名稱: 聶華苓之《桑青與桃紅》中的空間與認同
Space and Identity in Hualing Nieh's Mulberry and Peach
指導教授: 莊坤良
Chuang, Kun-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 空間地方易位認同跨越疆界
英文關鍵詞: space, place, displacement, identity, border crossing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:377下載:38
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  • 《桑青與桃紅》是本探討「易位」的小說。對飄泊離散族群而言,身份認同始終是其生命中既重要卻又難解的課題。而認同又和空間概念息息相關。本文將探討《桑青與桃紅》一書中所呈現出空間與認同紛雜糾葛的議題。論文共分五章。第一章簡述小說的歷史脈絡和本文的主要論點。第二章討論地方、認同和國家間錯綜複雜的關係。透過書寫各個角色對故鄉不同的想像,聶華苓解構了原鄉神話與國族主義。第三章探究因易位(跨越邊界)獲得力量的可能性,並闡述聶華苓顛覆性的寫作手法不但張顯傳統文類的侷限且質疑界線的宰制。第四章則檢視易位族群處於文化縫隙的狀態與此一邊緣位置所隱含的顛覆力量。第五章簡述小說中所呈現出流動的意象並重述本論文的主題。

    Mulberry and Peach: Two Women from China is a novel about and on displacements. For the diasporic people, identity has always been a significant, intractable issue in their life. Identity is inextricably bounded up with space. The thesis thus is aimed to probe the complicated issues of space and identity presented in MAP. It consists of five chapters. Chapter One briefs the historical contexts of the novel and the major arguments of the thesis. Chapter Two discusses the intricate relationships between place, identity, and nation. Through presenting the characters’ divergent imaginations of the “homelands”, Hualing Nieh disrupts the sanctification of homeland in support of nationalism. Chapter Three explores the potentials of empowerment through displacements (/border-crossing) and elaborates the subversive writing techniques employed by Nieh to demonstrate the limitedness of the traditional literary classifications and to question the domination of boundaries. Chapter Four probes the interstitial state of the displaced people and discusses the subversive power of this marginal position. Chapter Five recaps the major arguments through a brief discussion of the image of fluidity presented in the novel.

    Abstract﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒4 Chapter One Introduction﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒6 Chapter Two Imagining Home(land) ﹒ ﹒ ﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒14 Chapter Three Crossing the borders﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒49 Chapter Four Interstitial Identities﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒83 Chapter Five Conclusion﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒103 Work Cited﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒106

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