研究生: |
林馥蘋 Fupin Lin |
論文名稱: |
中文雙賓動詞的母語習得 L1 Acquisition of Double Object Verbs in Mandarin Chinese |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chun-Yin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 129 |
中文關鍵詞: | 母語習得 、雙賓動詞 、雙賓結構 、給 、標記性 、年齡因素 、題型效應 |
英文關鍵詞: | language acquisition, double object verbs, double object constructions, gei, markedness, age effects, task effects |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:451 下載:12 |
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研究結果顯示:第一,不能加「給」的動詞對小朋友困難度最高,而另外兩類動詞困難度差異不大。第二,必加「給」的動詞中,[V-gei-IO-DO]比[V-DO-gei-IO]更具有標記性。對於可隨意加「給」的動詞而言,[V-gei-IO-DO] 最具有標記性,[V-IO-DO]居於第二,而[V-DO-gei-IO]最無標記性。第三,從小朋友的非雙賓動詞句型使用分析得知,他們傾向於先把這些動詞當作一般及物動詞使用,,接著加入第二個賓語,最後他們說出越來越多的複雜句子。第四,在此研究中,兒童的年齡證實在語言習得中扮演著重要的角色。年齡較大的兒童表現普遍比較小的兒童來得好。 此外,在他們說出的句子中也可得知,年齡越大,句子的複雜度也越高。例如,較常加入第二個賓語以及一個句子會常有兩個動詞出現。最後,在題型效應方面,兒童在理解性測驗中的表現普遍比口說表現好,證實了先前文獻中之看法:理解語言優先於使用語言。
The present study aims to investigate Chinese children’s acquisition of double object verbs with gei. These verbs were classified into three types, gei-required, gei-forbidden, and gei-optional. The following issues were examined, i.e. the difficulty levels, unmarked/marked patterns, development of untargeted patterns, age effects, and task effects. Two tasks were employed, a grammaticality task, i.e. Sticker Giving Task (SG Task), and a sentence elicitation task, i.e. Picture Description Task (PD Task). Forty-five children aged from three to five and fifteen adults participated in the experiment, who were further divided into four groups, i.e. Group 1 (three-year-olds), Group 2 (four-year-olds), Group 3 (five-year-olds), and Group 4 (native controls).
The results are as follows: Firstly, among the three types, gei-forbidden verbs posed the most difficulty for the children, while the other two were relatively easier. Secondly, with regard to gei-required verbs, [V-DO-gei-IO] was the unmarked pattern while [V-gei-IO-DO] was marked. Similarly, for gei-optional verbs, the most unmarked pattern was [V-DO-gei-IO], followed by [V-IO-DO], and [V-gei-IO-DO] the most marked. Thirdly, a steady development was found in the children’s untargeted sentences. The children began with mono-transitive use of these verbs, then added a second object, and finally generated more complex sentences. Fourthly, age, as expected, turned out to be a crucial factor affecting our children’s performances. It was confirmed that the older they were, the better they performed. Finally, a task effect was found: the SG Task was significantly easier than the PD Task, a result consistent with the previous studies that comprehension was easier and earlier than production.
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