研究生: |
鍾昭音 Chao-ying Chung |
論文名稱: |
藝術治療於發展遲緩兒童紀實創作 Art Therapy in The Children of Developmental Delay and Fact |
指導教授: | 梁桂嘉 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 154 |
中文關鍵詞: | 藝術治療 、兒童畫 、自由畫 、投射畫測驗 |
英文關鍵詞: | Art therapy, Free children's drawing, Free painting, Projection painting test Summary |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:400 下載:44 |
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藝術心理治療(Art psychotherapy)簡稱藝術治療,是心理治療藉由音樂、繪畫視覺藝術、肢體舞蹈、戲劇、寫作、多媒體…等表現性藝術的形式來表達。透過藝術活動或形式來配合心理學的原理與方法來進行治療,以協助個體解決或減輕其心理因素造成的情緒問題或心理問題。藝術治療透過藝術創作的過程將心象具體化引發對自我更深層的洞察;無論有無主題,均是當時理念及情感綜合的再次呈現達到對自我(ego)的支持,發展自我認同,和促進自我成長。藝術治療可貴的是除了它的過程即有療效之外,有時,作品也能自然引發創作者產生一種自我察覺、洞悉與頓悟,並不需要完全依賴他人的介入,作品與作者產生對話的互動關係,而創作者從當中得到新的體悟。
這是難以言喻的經驗,可以被稱作是一種「內在的智慧」。本研究之藝術治療係指繪畫治療,研究者對兒童繪畫治療的評斷,來自三十年教學經驗,所以對兒童畫及兒童繪畫發展心理特質有深刻的了解。也藉由進行“房子一樹一人” 投射畫測驗和兒童繪畫治療的互動了解院童之內在。
The research use photography to present the report about rehabilitation process of children in NTUCM. That report base on the procedure of National Taiwan University rehabilitation physical therapy and occupational therapy. It also include the pictures concerning the children’s childhood and process of art therapy. Finally, the presentation methods are making a report and film clip.
At present, art therapy belongs to the department of medical rehabilitation. The researcher’s background includes children painting education and art therapy; also have decades experience in special children and National Taiwan University Hospital rehabilitation program. Because awareness the hard effort of handicapped children and their parents, and often see many unfair treatment on them, this research hope to use creations to make social more concern on special child care and understanding them.
Art therapy is the abbreviation of art psychotherapy. It is presented by performance art, such as music, painting, visual art, dancing, drama, writing, and multimedia. Through the art activities and forms to integrate principles and methods of psychology could help individuals solve or reduce peoples’ problems of emotional or psychological. Art therapy through the creation process can reflect materialized peoples’ mind image and make people understand more about themselves. Whatever there has subjects or not, prevailing ideas and emotions comprehensive again reached on self (ego), and then develop self-identity and promote self-growth. The value of art therapy is not only in its significant effect, but also the creations bring creators into a condition of self-identity, self-understanding, and insight. The process doesn’t need any people to help. The main concept is an interaction between creations and creators can promote creators get new self-understanding. It is an impressing experience and can be called as “internal intelligence”. The art therapy in this research refers to painting therapy, according to the thirty years teaching experience of researcher, also major in children’s painting and psychological development. The research conducts “House - tree – person” movement to help project children's intrinsic thinking or understand their mind.
The creations concept presents the children characteristic, like natural, pure, and brave in the rehabilitation process. This year using camera captures the children’s talking, daily life, language, and painting. I feel child beautiful heart and pure soul.
Keywords: Art therapy, Free children's drawing, Free painting, Projection painting test Summary
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1. 郭照洲,藝術是社會定義下的產物
2. 江原鱗 ,兒童心智疾患簡介
3. 羅筠,兒童及青少年時期之心理問題與疾病
網址:www.psychpark.org/psy/childpsy.asp - 2008/08/20
附錄一 兒童藝術治療與復健治療個案基本資料表
(1) 學員姓名:______________________
(2) 性別: ______________________
(3) 出生日期:______________________
(4) 目前就讀:______________________
(5) 父母親教育程度:
父:□未就學 □小學 □國中 □高中職 □大學 □碩士以上
母:□未就學 □小學 □國中 □高中職 □大學 □碩士以上
(6) 父親目前職業:__________________
(7) 居住情形:
□與父同住 □與母同住 □與親友同住 □其它_____________
(8) 排行順序:
兄:___人 姊:____人 弟:____人 妹:____人
附錄二 同意書
女士/先生,同意我子女 ________ 在此團體過程中接受攝影供鍾昭音女士作為藝術治療方面與復健治療的研究參考。