研究生: |
吳國豪 Wu, Kuo-Hao |
論文名稱: |
英雄之旅-電視劇《惡魔法官》敘事分析 The Hero's Journey-Narrative Analysis of the TV Series The Devil's Judge |
指導教授: |
Liu, Li-Hsing |
口試委員: |
Lien, Shu-Chin 陳清河 Chen, Ching-Ho 劉立行 Liu, Li-Hsing |
口試日期: | 2022/07/27 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 67 |
中文關鍵詞: | 英雄旅程 、電視劇 、敘事分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | hero's journey, tv series, narrative analysis |
研究方法: | 敘事分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200949 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:219 下載:19 |
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本研究以 2021 年播出的韓國連續劇《惡魔法官》為研究對象,該劇以虛構的韓國社會為架構,結合現實發生的新冠疫情,描述主角們在政府為挽救民心所 建立的「公開法庭」中,以公開直播、全民參與的方式懲治壞人的故事。本劇因 貼合現代社會的故事設定和搭上近年來「反英雄」的熱潮而在韓國有非常高的討 論度。本研究透過文本分析法,對劇情結構以及劇情對白進行分析,並藉由訪談 《惡魔法官》的編劇文裕皙先生,進一步瞭解劇情設計背後的思路。研究結果發 現,該劇在角色、背景以及情節中,以「正義」、「階級差距」以及「選擇」做 為主要元素;在劇情設計上,《黑暗騎士》對於本劇的角色設計有著深遠影響, 故事的社會背景則參考了近年世界上以及韓國社會發生的重要議題。在情節的設 計上,「選擇」則因現代人接收的資訊量龐大,在媒體以及假新聞的影響下,對 攸關他人生命、未來等層面的選擇應該更為謹慎。
This study is based on the 2021 Korean drama "The Devil Judge", which is based
on a fictional Korean society and combines the reality of the new crown epidemic with the story of the main characters who are punished in a public court established by the government to save the hearts of the people. The drama has been highly discussed in Korea because of its modern setting and the recent trend of "anti-hero". This study analyzed the plot structure and dialogue of the drama through textual analysis, and interviewed the screenwriter of "Judge Evil," Mr. Moon Yu-seok, to further understand the thinking behind the plot design. The study revealed that the main elements of the drama are "justice," "class gap," and "choice" in the characters, setting, and plot. In terms of plot design, the "choice" is due to the huge amount of information that modern people receive, and under the influence of media and fake news, they should be more cautious in their choices regarding the lives of others and their future.
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