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研究生: 廖姿婷
論文名稱: 成年子女孝道信念與母親代間情感之關係
The correlation between adult children's filial piety and mother-adult children's intergenerational affection
指導教授: 周麗端
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 132
中文關鍵詞: 代間關係孝道成年子女母親相互性孝道信念權威性孝道信念
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:403下載:48
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  • 中文摘要
    本研究旨在探討已婚成年子女背景因素、孝道信念與母親代間情感之關係。研究採問卷調查的方式進行調查,樣本對象為台中縣市已婚成年人,問卷包括「親子代間情感量表」、「孝道信念量表」及「個人背景資料」三部份,有效問卷共回收447份,所得資料以SPSS 11.5版進行處理分析,以描述統計、t-考驗、單因子變異數分析及事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸進行統計考驗。分析結果如下:

    This research aims to study the correlation between adult children’s filial piety and mothers-adult children’ s intergenerational affection. Samples are collected from the questionnaires responded by married people living in Taichung city and Taichung county. The tools used in this research are: “Intergenerational affection scale”, “ Filial piety scale” and “demographic information”. There are 447 effective copies of questionnaires. The result data is analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffee post hoc comparisons, Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis. According to the results of this research, the conclusions are as follows:
    I. Intergenerational affection between adult children and their mothers
    1. Intergenerational affection between adult children and their mothers are significantly higher than the theoretical midpoint that means the relationships between them are good.
    2. Intergenerational affection between adult children and their mothers are tight and implicit.
    3. Adult children did not feel strong unfair about the way their mothers had treated them.
    4. There is “cultural feedback” between adult children and their mothers in the modern society.
    Ⅱ. Filial piety of adult children
    1. Adult children’s filial piety is significantly higher than the theoretical midpoint that means filial piety is one of the most important values of adult children in Taiwan, especially “reciprocal filial piety”.

    2. Sons and Daughters are significant different in “reciprocal filial piety”, but not in “authoritarian filial piety”. Daughters’ “reciprocal filial piety” is significant higher than sons’.
    3. No matter what kind of health status their mothers in, there is no significant difference in adult children's filial piety.
    Ⅲ. How well the factors explain intergenerational affection between adult children and their mothers
    1. Adult children with higher filial piety, especially “reciprocal filial piety”, have significantly better intergenerational affection with their mothers.
    2. Daughters have better intergeneration affection with their mothers than sons do if adult children did not live with their mothers.
    3. Intergenerational affection between adult children and their mothers will be significantly better when adult children’s mothers are in good health status.
    4. The higher adult children’s income will lead the better intergenerational affection between them and their mothers.

    目次 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………….. 1 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 7 第三節 研究問題…………………………………………………… 8 第四節 名詞解釋…………………………………………………… 9 第二章 文獻探討…………………..…………………..…………. 10 第一節 代間關係…………………………………………………… 10 第二節 孝道………………………………………………………… 26 第三節孝道信念與親子代間情感關係…………………….……… 34 第三章 研究設計………………………………………….……… 46 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………… 46 第二節 研究假設…………………………………………………… 48 第三節 研究對象…………………………………………………… 50 第四節 研究工具…………………………………………………… 51 第五節 實施程序…………………………………………………… 58 第六節 資料統計…………………………………………………… 59 第四章 研究結果與討論…………………………………….…… 60 第一節 成年子女背景因素、孝道信念與代間情感關係之現況分 析…………………………………………………………… 60 第二節 成年子女與母親代間情感關係分析…..……………….… 67 第三節 成年子女孝道信念分析…………………………………… 77 第四節 成年子女背景變項、孝道信念對其與母親代間情感關係 分析………………..………………………………………. 82 第五章 研究結論與建議…………………………………………. 89 第一節 研究結論………………………..………………………… 89 第二節 建議…………………………..…………………………… 96 第三節 研究限制…………………………………………………… 101 參考文獻……………………………………………….…………… 103 中文文獻…………………………………………………………….. 103 英文文獻…………………………………………………………….. 108 附錄…………………………………………………….…………… 117 附錄一:「親子代間情感關係量表」問卷原編製者使用同意書… 117 附錄二:「雙元性孝道量表」問卷原編製者使用同意書………… 118 附錄三: 專家效度………………………………………………… 119 附錄四: 預試問卷………………………………………………… 120 附錄五:「親子代間情感關係量表」項目分析…………………… 125 附錄六:「雙元性孝道量表」項目分析…………………………… 127 附錄七:正式問卷…………………………………………………. 128

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