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研究生: 方家慶
Chia-Ching Fang
論文名稱: 利用測驗理論統計分析及了解化學學習進展
指導教授: 方泰山
Fang, Tai-Shan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 測驗理論試題反應理論古典測驗理論概念分析酸鹼學習進展化學學習進展
英文關鍵詞: IRT, Item Response Theory, Classical Test Theory, concept analysis, acid and base, The learning process, chemistry learning progress
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:465下載:0
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  • 本論文利用「測驗法」,以了解我國學生化學學習進展。主要以「酸、鹼、鹽」為主概念,並擬訂「酸、鹼、鹽」之概念分析圖與雙向細目表做為命題準據,進行初測、統計、修正…進一步發展成評測所需要的試題。之後以「分層隨機取樣法」針對台北縣、市,公立國小、國中及高中進行測驗。再利用試題反應理論將國小、國中、高中之分測驗結果資料,利用每份測驗均以預先設計的共通試題做為連接,將所有學生放在同一量尺比較。

    The Best Test Methodology is utilized to understand the chemistry learning progress of Grade 6, 9 & 12 students in northern Taiwan, ROC. Test Content is based on the subject "Acid, Base and Salt". The concept analysis tree-diagram guided the strategy of the preposition of the test and two-way components of the acid base and salt were checked. With a series of pretests, statistics and modifications of these methods, the items were further developed to meet demands in test. The students, who were selected by "Stratified Random Sampling" of Grade 6, 9 & 12 students, in primary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County, took the 3 different level tests, respectively. Item Response Theory (IRT) as well as classical Test Theory (CTT) was used to analyze the individual tested data, which were collected from fest; three tests were connected to one scale with the previously designed common items. All students were compared with one another on the same scale. The results conclude the learning progress from grade 6, grade 9 to grade 12 which were consulted with background SPSS analysis as follows:
    1.There is a linear relation among the average scores of the 3 tests taken by the students in primary school, the top one-third of the junior high school, which is the number of students admitted to senior high schools. The three average scores represent that the chemistry learning progress of Northern Taiwan has been steadily developing to the goal of educating students to be excellent in academic performances.
    2.The score of thirty percent of the primary school students have exceeded the average score as 47 of the junior high school; four percent of the junior high school students have higher score than that of the senior high school. This fact indicates that those high achievement students mentioned above are probably qualified to the skip-a-grade learning. If the length of schooling in Taiwanese educational system can be more flexible, especially for more space in high school, the talented students will be specially fostered by our country and then will contribute to high tech development. Otherwise, the content which student learned should be revised.
    3.The learning process of the primary school pupils is lined with the hierarchy:Comprehension→Knowledge→Application, that of the junior high school students is Knowledge→Application→Comprehension, and finally that of the senior high school students is Knowledge→Comprehension→Application .
    4.Teachers and parents are the two-majon influencing factors on the achievment of the primary school students. 「The junior high school students are governed with interest. For the senior high school students screened with the joint entrance examination of senior high school, the learning progress affected by the school factor.」

    謝誌 Ⅰ 中文摘要 Ⅱ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 圖次 Ⅷ 表次 Ⅸ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 序言 1 第二節 源起 2 第三節 研究目的 5 第四節 研究假定 5 第五節 研究限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 測驗編製 8 2.1.1 命題規則 9 第二節 測驗理論起源 10 第三節 古典測驗理論內容 12 2.3.1 真分數 13 2.3.2 CTT理論限制 14 2.3.3 CTT試題參數計算 15 第四節 試題反應理論 17 2.4.1簡介 17 2.4.2單參數對數型模式 19 2.4.3二參數對數形模式 21 2.4.4三參數對數形模式 23 2.4.5 試題參數估計 25 2.4.6 試題反應理論基本假設 32 2.4.7試題反應理論特點 34 2.4.8模式適合度 37 第五節 適性測驗發展 38 第六節 MICROCAT系統介紹 40 2.6.1 MicroCAT系統概述 41 2.6.2 MicroCAT的運用 43 2.6.3 電腦化測驗 45 2.6.4 IRT參數估計 46 第七節 迴歸分析 47 2.7.1 迴歸分析 47 2.7.2 路徑分析 48 第三章 研究方法 50 第一節 研究樣本 50 第二節 研究工具 50 第三節 試題建構步驟 52 第四節 電腦試題參數計算 63 第五節 參數分析 65 第六節 分數分析 66 第四章 結果數據 67 第一節 主成份分析 67 第二節 參數分析 69 第三節 試題分析 73 第四節 分數結果說明 88 第五節 不同認知層次之Χ2考驗 90 第六節 背景資料分析統計 92 第五章 結論與建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節 進一步的研究與建議 101 中文參考資料 102 英文參考資料 105 附錄一 121 附錄二 147 附錄三 151 附錄四 170

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