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研究生: 蘇郁晴
Su, Yu-Ching
論文名稱: 諷刺文學之翻譯:以《格列佛遊記》四個中譯本為例
How to Translate Satire: A Study on Four Translations of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels
指導教授: 賴慈芸
Lai, Tzu-Yun
口試委員: 賴慈芸
Lai, Tzu-Yun
Chen, Hung-Shu
Lee, Ken-Fang
口試日期: 2025/01/07
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 格列佛遊記諷刺文學誇飾修辭諷喻反語譯註
英文關鍵詞: Gulliver’s Travels, satire, verbal irony, annotation, hyperbole, allegory
研究方法: 比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500429
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:91下載:3
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  • Gulliver's Travels(俗稱《格列佛遊記》,以下皆以《格列佛遊記》稱呼此書)為愛爾蘭作家強納森・綏夫特(Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745)的著名代表作。然而,當今讀者若非讀過原作,恐怕難以讀懂弦外之音。有鑑於此,筆者選擇四位側重文化脈絡、時代背景與諷刺筆法的譯者,分析他們對原作諷刺效果的理解程度,以及如何呈現諷刺之意。

    Gulliver's Travels, written by the Irish author Jonathan Swift, is a renowned masterpiece that has been reprinted countless times since its publication in 1726. However, modern readers who are unfamiliar with the original text or the political struggles and societal issues of 18th century England may find it difficult to grasp its underlying meanings. In light of this, the author of this paper has chosen four translators who emphasize cultural context, historical background, and satirical effects to analyze their understanding of satire shown through the original text and how sarcasm is conveyed in translation.
    This thesis selects four distinctive translated versions for analysis: Kwang-Kien Woo’s translation from 1934, Jian Zhang’s 1948 version (the first complete translation in China), Hao-Cheng Yang’s 1995 version based on Zhang’s translation, and Te-Hsing Shan’s 2004 translation (the first complete translation in Taiwan). By analyzing rhetorical devices often used in satire—hyperbole, allegory, and verbal irony—the study compares the satirical effects in these translations to the original text, providing a reference for future related research. Through extensive analysis of examples and annotations, the author concludes that Kwang-Kien Woo, adopting the role of a literary critic, frequently intervenes with interpretations, showing the translator’s personal style. Woo’s version employs language with strong emotional undertones, sometimes intensifying the satirical effects compared to the original. Jian Zhang’s and Hao-Cheng Yang’s translation strategies are fairly similar, with both using annotations to introduce the satirical essence of the work. Te-Hsing Shan’s version stands out in its comprehension of the original text and the quality of its translation, meticulously unraveling hidden implications. Additionally, unlike the few and brief annotations in Zhang and Yang’s versions, Shan’s annotations are thorough, incorporating detailed historical references that help readers identify the targets of satire, thereby recreating the sense of enjoyment experienced by contemporary readers who recognized political figures in the satire.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究背景 2 第三節 研究方法 7 第四節 論文章節編排 8 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 諷刺文學之定義與手法 9 第二節 四個中譯本之譯註介紹 11 第三章 凸顯荒謬的誇飾 19 第一節 誇飾修辭 19 第二節 《格列佛遊記》中的誇飾修辭 19 第三節 本章小結 34 第四章 借此喻彼的諷喻 35 第一節 諷喻修辭 35 第二節 《格列佛遊記》中的諷喻修辭 35 第三節 本章小結 65 第五章 口是心非的反諷 67 第一節 反諷修辭 67 第二節 《格列佛遊記》中的反諷修辭 69 第三節 本章小結 79 第六章 結論 80 第一節 研究成果 80 第二節 研究限制與未來展望 83 參考文獻 84

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