簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王昱婷
Wang, Yu-Ting
論文名稱: 李斯特聯篇歌曲《佩脫拉克十四行詩》、《威廉.泰爾詩曲》-詩詞意境與鋼琴合作探討
The Analysis and the Interpretation of Franz Liszt’s Song Cycle—Tre Sonetti del Petrarca and Drei Lieder aus Schillers’Wilhelm Tell’
指導教授: 李燕宜
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 163
中文關鍵詞: 李斯特藝術歌曲佩脫拉克十四行詩席勒威廉泰爾聯篇歌曲
英文關鍵詞: Franz Liszt, Lieder, Petrarca, Sonnet, Friedrich von Schiller, Wilhelm Tell, Song Cycle
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001526
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:412下載:28
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  • 法蘭茲.李斯特(Franz Liszt, 1811-1886)為十九世紀歐洲浪漫樂派中最具代表性的音樂家之一,他除了是一位風靡樂壇的鋼琴家,同時也是作曲家及指揮家;他致力將鋼琴技巧推展到極致,在鋼琴上的光彩幾乎蓋住了他對聲樂作品的貢獻及投入,一生作有約莫八十首的藝術歌曲,卻鮮少被發掘。
    李斯特一生共有三套聯篇歌曲(Song cycle),筆者將從中選擇兩套作品並深入研究,其中較著名且最常被演出之作品為三首《佩脫拉克十四行詩》(Tre Sonetti di Petrarca, S.270),後來此三首歌曲被改為鋼琴曲並大獲成功,被收集於《巡禮之年-第二年.義大利》(Années de Pélerinage–Deuxième Année, Italie, S161);另一套作品為三首《威廉.泰爾詩曲》(Drei Lieder aus Schillers’Wilhelm Tell’, S.292),由於當時席勒(Friedrich von Schiller, 1759-1805)的劇作《威廉.泰爾》(Wilhelm Tell, 1804)非常盛行,而李斯特對此作品產生莫大的共鳴便譜下了此套聯篇歌曲。這兩套作品皆充滿強烈的戲劇張力,充分展現出聲樂與鋼琴的表現力,並將文字意念及音樂旋律完整地結合,使兩者互相輝映。

    Franz Liszt (1811-1886) was one of the most outstanding musicians in the nineteenth European Romantic era. He was known as not only a pianist, but also a conductor and a composer. He devoted himself to exploring the techniques of the piano to the utmost, which almost outshined his contributions of vocal works. Throughout his life, he composed around eighty lieders, but they are relatively obscure.
    Liszt completed three song cycles in his life, and this study aims to focus on two of them:《Tre Sonetti di Petrarca, S.270》and 《Drei Lieder aus Schillers’Wilhelm Tell’, S.292》. The former was rather famous and widespread, and was later arranged for piano; the latter was inspired by the play from Friedrich von Schiller: 《Wilhelm Tell》. Both of the cycles were composed with dramatic tension, giving the vocal and the piano great opportunities to shine. In addition, lyrics and music were combined so thoughtfully that they complement each other.
    This study is consisted of five chapters: Chapter one is an introduction on the research motif and objectives, research methods, and the structure of this paper; Chapter two includes the life of Franz Liszt, his lieders and music style. Life of Petrarca and Schiller are also included in chapter two; Chapter three is the music analysis and interpretation of 《Tre sonetti di Petrarca》; Chapter four is the music analysis and interpretation of《Drei Lieder aus Schillers ‘Wilhelm Tell’》, and Chapter five is the conclusion.

    第一章 緒論 1  第一節 研究動機與目的 1  第二節 研究方法與範圍 3 第二章 文獻探討 6  第一節 法蘭茲‧李斯特生平 6  第二節 李斯特藝術歌曲及創作特色 14  第三節 佩脫拉克生平 32  第四節 席勒生平 38 第三章 《佩脫拉克十四行詩》樂曲分析與詮釋探討 42  第一節 創作背景 42  第二節 〈找不到和平〉(Pace non trovo) 44  第三節 〈祝福每一天〉(Benedetto sia’l giorno) 70  第四節 〈我所見最美麗的天使〉(I vidi in terra angelici costumi) 89 第四章 《威廉.泰爾詩曲》樂曲分析與詮釋探討 104  第一節 創作背景 104  第二節 〈漁童〉(Der Fischerknabe) 106  第三節 〈牧羊人〉(Der Hirt) 124  第四節 〈阿爾卑斯山獵人〉(Der Alpenjäger) 141 第五章 結語 157 參考文獻 160












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