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研究生: 林廷陽
論文名稱: 醫院勞務外包廠商評選準則對外包效益之影響
The Effects on Outsourcing Performance Due to Evaluation Criteria for Hospital Labor Outsourcing Vendors
指導教授: 蘇友珊
Su, Yu-Shan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 115
中文關鍵詞: 勞務外包廠商評選準則外包效益
英文關鍵詞: Labor Outsourcing, Evaluation Criteria, Outsourcing Performance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:251下載:16
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  • 國內的醫療產業市場近年來變化快速,各醫院面臨著來自內、外日益增強的營運壓力,醫療成本不斷增加,整體經營環境面臨困難且多變,醫院保證獲利的現象已不復見。選擇外包逐漸被醫院視為解決經營問題的重要參考策略。因此,本研究架構以外包廠商評選準則為基礎,來探討對醫院外包效益的影響,期以更經濟的成本取得更高效率的服務,以取得競爭優勢,再創造經營績效。經以行政院衛生署公佈之中華民國95至98年度醫院評鑑及教學醫院評鑑合格之476家地區醫院以上層級醫院為抽樣對象,有效回收問卷181家。實證結果顯示,目前有九成以上的醫院至少有一項業務委由外包廠商辦理,且外包項目範疇不再侷限於醫院行政庶務工作,已逐漸擴展至輔助醫療及有醫療行為的臨床醫療作業;另以單因子變異數分析驗證發現,不同醫院組織特性對勞務外商評選準則確有顯著差異;藉迴歸分析驗證結果,外包廠商評選準則與降低成本變項有顯著正向關係,服務品質變項則未達顯著水準,故醫院若冀望透過外包商評選準則以提升服務品質之目的,可能是無法達到預期效果的,但外包機制確實有助於醫院成本的降低,及增加人力運用彈性,以強化醫院本身的競爭優勢。

    Tremendous operational challenges facing hospitals today are due to the ever-changing global markets led to the overall increase in medical costs, and this in turn shatters the utopian promise of guaranteed profits in operating hospitals. Outsourcing seems to be an important strategic consideration to solve the current problems. Therefore, the structure of this research employs evaluation criteria for outsourcing vendors as foundation, to explore the effects on outsourcing performance, with the motivation that it could lead to higher service efficiency, better competitiveness and increased operational performances. The samples of the research include 476 regional and higher-level hospitals certified under the Hospital Evaluation and Teaching Hospital Evaluation criteria announced by the Department of Health (DOH) of the Executive Yuan, from 2006 to 2009, with 181 effective samples collected. The results of this research indicate that, at least 90% of hospitals outsource their operations, and outsourcing options go beyond administrative duties and extend into core operations such as medical assistance and clinical medical operations. Study of one-way ANOVA also indicates that different hospital characteristics have significant impact on the evaluation criteria for labor outsourcing vendors; through study of regression analysis, the results indicate that there is a positive correlation between evaluation criteria for labor outsourcing vendors and lowering cost variable, and no significance level for service quality variable. Hence, if hospitals wish to enhance their service quality through evaluation criteria for outsourcing vendors, they will most probably be disappointed. However, the criteria mechanism can effectively lower cost for the hospital and increase personnel versatility, hence it indirectly improves the hospital’s competitiveness.

    謝誌........................................Ⅰ 中文摘要....................................Ⅱ 英文摘要....................................Ⅲ 目次........................................Ⅳ 表次........................................Ⅵ 圖次........................................Ⅷ 第一章 緒論........................... ......1 第一節 研究動機...............................2 第二節 研究目的...............................3 第三節 研究問題...............................4 第四節 研究限制...............................5 第五節 名詞解釋...............................6 第二章 文獻探討...............................9 第一節 外包理論與勞務外包.....................9 第二節 外包決策評估指標......................26 第三節 外包效益..............................31 第四節 台灣醫療產業分析......................34 第三章 研究方法..............................45 第一節 研究架構..............................45 第二節 研究流程..............................46 第三節 研究母群及樣本........................47 第四節 研究工具..............................49 第五節 資料處理與分析........................57 第四章 資料分析..............................61 第一節 描述性統計分析........................61 第二節 差異分析..............................68 第三節 各變數構面間之相關分析................76 第四節 迴歸分析..............................77 第五章 結論與建議............................87 第一節 研究結論..............................87 第二節 建議..................................92 參考文獻.....................................95 壹、中文部分.................................95 貳、英文部份.................................98 附錄........................................101 附錄一 醫院外包商評選指標專家問卷...........102 附錄二 外包廠商評選準則建構記錄.............107 附錄三 問卷.................................110 附錄四 外包項目資料統計分析 .............114

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