研究生: |
楊純青 |
論文名稱: |
喬治亞.歐基芙繪畫研究 Georgia O’Keeffe, 1887-1986 |
指導教授: | 王哲雄 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 歐基芙 、美國 、現代 、抽象 、自然 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:805 下載:89 |
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喬治亞.歐基芙(Georgia O’Keeffe, 1887-1986)是美國早期現代主義的重要畫家,關於她畫作的詮釋,在一、二Ο年代盛行以佛洛依德式的女性情慾角度來解讀她的作品,到了七Ο年代部分女性主義者又將她的畫作詮釋為代表女性特質的經典作品。本論文則提出不同於過往強調性別、情慾的觀點,而是從畫家及其畫作出發,找出畫家性格、生活經驗與其畫作題材、表現方式之間的關聯,最後再將其藝術置於美國藝術史中來檢驗其作品所呈現的美國傳統與現代特質。
歐基芙的畫作大多取材於她所經歷過的自然形式,以大自然的色彩、線條,呼應畫家本人的內在情感,形成結合自然主題與抽象語彙的作品。她將所見事物的形、色,不斷透過選擇、剔除與強調,粹煉出事物最精要的元素。而她畫作中所呈現出的美國傳統與現代特質,在傳統的部分除了承繼美國十九世紀風景畫家以本土風景入畫、表達國家認同外,同時也反映出美國十九世紀重要思想議題中企圖以自然來等同或取代上帝的哲學觀,而對這類議題的探索,最知名的莫過於愛默森(Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882)。本論文探討歐基芙藝術從自然得到啟發和愛默森思想間的關聯,在過去的藝術評論中,針對此類關聯做有系統分析的論述並不多見。而歐基芙繪畫中所帶有的現代特質,主要表現在畫作的形式上,與之前美國藝術史上以寫實形式為主的傳統有很大的不同,本論文中以三個方向來討論其作品中所具有的現代特質,分別是「構圖」、「色彩」、「系列創作方式」。
Marsha BELLAVANCE-JOHNSON: Georgia O’Keeffe in New Mexico, The Computer Lab, Ketchum, Idaho, 1998.
Britta BENKE: O’Keeffe, Benedikt Taschen, Köln, 1995 (English translation by Karen WILLIAMS).
Jan. G. CASTRO: The Art and Life of Georgia O’Keeffe, Crown, New York, 1985.
Jack COWART, Juan HAMILTON and Sarah GREENOUGH ed.: Georgia O’Keeffe: Art and Letters, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1987.
Bram DIJKSTRA: Georgia O’Keeffe and the Eros of Place, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1998.
Bram DIJKSTRA: Cubism, Stieglitz, and the early Poetry of William Carlos Williams, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1969.
Charles C. ELDREDGE:Georgia O’Keeffe, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1991.
Charles C. ELDREDGE: Georgia O’Keeffe: American and Modern, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1993.
Ralph Waldo EMERSON: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essays and Journals, selected and with an introduction by Lewis MUMFORD, The Programmed Classics, 1968.
Ralph Waldo EMERSON: Emerson’s Literary Criticism, edited with a introduction by Eric W. CARLSON, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln,1995.
Ruth E. FINE, Elisabeth GLASSMAN, Barbara B. LYNES and Judith C. WALSH: O’Keeffe on Paper, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2000.
Ruth E. FINE and Sarah L. BURT: The Book Room: Georgia O’Keeffe’s Library in Abiquiu, The Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, 1997.
Nicholas GALLAWAY: One Hundred Flowers, Phaidon, Oxford, 1987.
Clive GIBOIRE, ed.: Lovingly, Georgia: The Complete Correspondence of Georgia O’Keeffe and Anita Pollitzer, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990.
Donald GODDARD:American Painting, Hugh Lauter Levin Associate, New York, 1990.
Lloyd GOODRICR: Georgia O’Keeffe, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1970.
Nancy E. GREEN and Jessie POESCH: Arthur Wesley Dow and American Arts and Crafts, The American Federation of Arts in association with Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2000.
Grolier Incorporated, ed.: The American Peoples Encyclopedia, Grolier Incorporated, 1964.
James HALL: Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art, John Murray, London, 1974.
Peter H. HASSRICK ed.: The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Harry N. Abrams in association with The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, 1997.
Barbara HASKELL and Lisa PHILLIPS ed.: The American Century: Art and Culture, 1900-2000, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 2000.
Katherine HOFFMAN: Georgia O’Keeffe: A Celebration of Music and Dance, George Braziller, New York, 1997.
Jeffrey HOGREFE: O’Keeffe: The Life of an American Legend, Bantam, New York, 1992.
Robert HUGES: The Shock of the New, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.
Elizabeth Mankin KORNHAUSER, Amy ELLIS and Maura LYONS: Stieglitz, O’Keeffe and American Modernism, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, 1999.
Oliver W. LARKIN: Art and Life in America, Rinehart, New York, 1949.
Laurie LISLE: Portrait of an Artist: A Biography of Georgia O’Keeffe, Washington Square Press, New York, 1986.
John LOENGARD: Georgia O’Keeffe at Ghost Ranch, Stewart, Tabori and Chang, New York, 1995.
Sue Davidson LOWE: Stieglitz: A Memoir / Biography, Farrar Straus Giroox, New York, 1983.
Timothy W. LUKE: “Georgia O’Keeffe: Ideology and Utopia in the American Southwest” in Shows of Force: Power, Politics, and Ideology in Art Exhibition, Duke University Press, Durham, 1992.
Barbara Buhler LYNES: O’Keeffe, Stieglitz, and the Critics, 1916-1929, University of Chicago Press, 1989.
Barbara Buhler LYNES: Georgia O’Keeffe, Catalogue Raisonné, v.1 and v.2, National Gallery of Art, Washington and The Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, Abiquiu, New Mexico, 1999.
Barbara Buhler LYNES: “Georgia O’Keeffe and Feminism: A Problem of Position” in Norma BROUDE and Mary D. GARRARD ed.: The Expanding Discourse: Feminism and Art History, Harper Collins, New York, 1992.
John W. McCOUBREY: “Ralph Waldo Emerson: Thoughts on Art” in American Art 1700-1960, Sources and Documents, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1965.
John McCOUBREY: American Tradition in Painting, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2000(1st ed., George Braziller, 1963).
Daniel M. MENDELOWITZ: A History of American Art, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1970.
Christopher MERRILL and Ellen BRADBURY ed.: From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O’Keeffe as Icon, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1998.
Joel MYERSON: A Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Linda NOCHLIN: Women, Art, and Power and other Essays, Thames and Hudson, London, 1989.
Dorothy NORMAN: Alfred Stieglitz: An American Seer, Random House, New York, 1973.
Barbara NOVAK: Nature and Culture: American Landscape and Painting 1825-1875, Oxford University Press, New York, 1980.
Georgia O’KEEFFE: Georgia O’Keeffe, Viking, New York, 1976.
Georgia O’KEEFFE: Some Memories of Drawings, The University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1974.
Georgia O’KEEFFE: “About Myself ”, Georgia O’Keeffe: Exhibition of Oils and Pastels, An American Place, New York, 1939.
Georgia O’KEEFFE, “About Painting Desert Bones”, statement from Georgia O’Keeffe: Paintings – 1943, exhibition brochure, An American Place, New York, 1944.
Georgia O’KEEFFE: Statement in Alfred Stieglitz Presents One Hundred Pictures: Oil, Watercolors, Pastels, Drawings by Georgia O’Keeffe, American, Anderson Galleries, New York, 1923.
Christine T. PATTEN and Alvaro CARDONA-HINE: Miss O’Keeffe, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1992.
Sarah W. PETERS: “Georgia O’Keeffe” in Ann Sutherland HARRIS and Linda NOCHLIN ed.: Woman Artists: 1550-1950, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1984.
Sarah Whitaker PETERS: Becoming O’Keeffe, Abbeville, New York, 1991.
Anita POLLITZER: A Woman on Paper: Georgia O’Keeffe, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1988.
Roxana ROBINSON: Georgia O’Keeffe: A Life, University Press of New England, Hanover and London, 1999 (1st ed., Haper & Row, 1989).
Barbara ROSE ed.: “291: The Largest Smallest Room in the World” in Readings in American Art 1900-1975, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1975.
Elizabeth Hutton TURNER: Georgia O’Keeffe: The Poetry of Things, The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C., 1999.
David TURNER and Barbara HASKELL: Georgia O’Keeffe: Works on Paper, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, 1985.
Sharyn Rohlfsen UDALL: O’Keeffe and Texas, Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum in association with Harry N. Abrams, 1998.
Sharyn Rohlfsen UDALL: Carr, O’Keeffe, Kahlo: places of their own, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2000.
Anne M. WAGNER: Three Artists: Modernism and the Art of Hesse, Krasner and O’Keeffe, The University of California Press, Berkeley, 1996.
Marta WEIGLE: The Penitentes of the Southwest, Ancient City Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1970.
Edward WEISBERGER: The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting, 1890-1985, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1986.
Myron WOOD and Christine Taylor PATTEN: O’Keeffe at Abiquiq, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1995.
Susan WRIGHT: Georgia O’Keeffe: An Eternal Spirit, Smithmark, New York, 1996.
Edith Evans ASBURY: “Georgia O’Keeffe Dead at 98; Shaper of Modern Art in U.S.”, The New York Times, 7 March 1986, p.1, 17.
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John CANADAY: “O’Keeffe Exhibition: An Optical Treat”, The New York Times, 8 October 1970, p.60.
Douglas CRIMP: “Georgia is a State of Mind”, Artnews 67, October 1970, pp.48-51, pp.84-85.
Hunter DROHOJOWSKA: “Georgia O’Keeffe 1887-1986”, Artnews 85, Summer 1986, pp.119, 121.
Judith L. DUNHAM: “Georgia O’Keeffe, Painter of Essences”, Artweek 8, 1 October 1977, p.1.
Lloyd GOODRICH: “Retrospective for Georgia O’Keeffe”, Art in America 58, September/ October 1970, pp.80-85.
Edward Alden JEWELL: “O’Keeffe: 30 Years/ Museum of Modern Art Presents a Full View of Her Work”, The New York Times, 19 May 1946, p.6
Mary Lynn KOTZ: “Georgia O’Keeffe at 90”, Artnews 76, December 1977, pp.36-45.
Blanche C.MATTHIAS: “Georgia O’Keeffe and the Intimate Gallery: Stieglitz Showing Seven Americans”, Chicago Evening Post Magazine of the Art World, 2 March, 1926, pp.1, 14.
Georgia O’KEEFFE: “To MSS. And Its 33 Subscribers and others Who Read and Don’t Subscribe!”, letter to the editor, MSS. 4, December, 1922, pp.17-18.
Barbara ROSE: “O’Keeffe’s Trail”, New York Review of Books 24, 31,March, 1977, pp.29-33.
Paul ROSENFELD: “American Painting”, Dial 71, December 1921, pp.666-670.
Henry TYRRELL: “New York Art Exhibition and Gallery Notes: Esoteric Art at 291”, The Christian Science Monitor, May 4, 1917, p.10(Review of exhibition, “Georgia O’Keeffe”, New York, 291, 3 Aprial-14 May 1917).
Ralph Waldo EMERSON著,張愛玲譯︰愛默森選集,皇冠出版社,臺北,民國八十七年(初版民國八十一年)。
Susan SONTAG著,黃翰荻譯:論攝影,唐山出版社,臺北,民國八十六年。
Perry Miller ADATO(producer and director): Georgia O’Keeffe, videotape, 60 min., produced by WNET/ THIRTEEN, 1977.
Wanda CORN(lecturer): Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, videotape, 60 min., produced by Stanford University, 1997.