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研究生: 羅婉瑜
論文名稱: 尾高尚忠《長笛協奏曲作品30》樂曲分析與演奏詮釋
The Analysis and Interpretation of Concerto for Flute and Orchestra op. 30 by Hisatada Otaka
指導教授: 黃貞瑛
Hung, Jen-Ying
Chen, Chiung-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 尾高尚忠長笛協奏曲
英文關鍵詞: Hisatada Otaka, Flute, Concerto
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205001
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:609下載:108
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  • 尾高尚忠(Hisatada Otaka)為二十世紀三零至四零年代,日本古典音樂界之重要指揮家兼作曲家,是傳遞歐洲音樂文化回國的推手。日本重要的作曲大賽尾高賞,即是為了紀念尾高對日本樂壇之貢獻而設立;尾高留學維也納之背景,使其音樂根基穩健紥實,其創作手法以西洋作曲技法為底,融入濃厚日本元素與現代音響,看似難以捉摸卻暗藏脈絡,作品中不難感受出尾高對於樂思細膩獨到的處理手法,與對祖國的音樂文化懷抱強大熱情與盼望。
    《長笛協奏曲作品30》於1948年以小協奏曲編制發表,歷經三年改編與擴充成為協奏曲版本;長笛獨奏部分由獨奏家吉田雅夫(Masao Yoshida)協助,將原曲旋律加入現代長笛演奏技巧後臻於完備;作品中大量五音音階、泛全音體系、印象樂派之和聲配置,使得音樂如風景幻化,高潮迭起。

    Hisatada Otaka (1911-1951), a significant Japanese composer and conductor for the first half of the 20th century, played an indispensable role in bringing musical knowledge from Europe to Japan during 1930-1951. A Japanese national composition competition was named the Otaka Prize to commemorate H. Otaka’s contributions to Japanese music

    H. Otaka’s study in Vienna led to his music profession. His works are based on Western composition techniques and combine Japanese elements and modern acoustics. Otaka’s works seem to be elusive but reveal both his delicate and unique compositional devices as well as his passion and expectations for Japanese music culture.

    “Concerto for flute and Orchestra op.30” was premiered as concertino orchestration in 1948. After H. Otaka and Masao Yoshida (1955-2013) spent three years revising, a concerto version was completed. Yoshida, a solo flutist, is responsible for the flute part. He incorporates flute virtuoso techniques. H. Otaka used pentatonic scales, pandiatonicism, and harmonics of Impressionism, thus bettering the orchestration and making this concerto with more fascinating manner.

    “The Analysis and Interpretation of Concerto for Flute and Orchestra op.30” is discussed from three aspects: exploring and collecting H. Otaka’s biography and composition data; analyzing the forms and harmonic structures; and comparing different flutists’ interpretations. This thesis includes four chapters: a) introduction, b) H. Otaka’s data, c) music form analysis and interpretations as well as several recordings comparisons, and d) conclusions and implications.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍及方法 2 第二章 尾高尚忠相關介紹 4 第一節 作曲家生平 4 第二節 尾高尚忠所處之時代環境與音樂風格 7 第三節《長笛協奏曲作品30》創作背景和音樂風格 10 第四節 尾高尚忠在日本樂壇之影響力 12 第三章 《長笛協奏曲作品30》樂曲分析 14 第一節 第一樂章作品分析與詮釋 14 第二節 第二樂章作品分析與詮釋 38 第三節 第三樂章作品分析與詮釋 54 第四節 錄音版本比較 68 第四章 結語 79 參考文獻 81 中文書目 81 外文書目 81 樂譜 82 影音資料 82 附錄 83 作曲者對樂曲說明之圖檔 88 尾高尚忠生平資料之圖檔 90


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