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研究生: 周信甫
Hsin-Fu Chou
論文名稱: The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Taiwan Banking Institutions’ Business Performance
The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Taiwan Banking Institutions’ Business Performance
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: Intellectual capitalknowledge managementTaiwan financial industrybusiness performancepartial least square
英文關鍵詞: Intellectual capital, knowledge management, Taiwan financial industry, business performance, partial least square
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:360下載:0
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  • Transforming into a knowledge-based economy, there is an increasing need for Taiwan to explore how intellectual capital creates value for financial institutions especially when signing MOU in 2009. Thus, this empirical study aims to understand how intellectual capital influences the business performance, specifically in the context of financial institutions in Taiwan.
    An Intellectual capital questionnaire adapted to measure the intellectual capital components, including human capital, structural capital, customer capital and innovation capital. The population is employees of financial companies in Taiwan. Research samples are collected and the data are analyzed by Partial Least Squares (PLS) and multiple regressions through backward elimination methods. There are two outcomes as follow: Firstly, PLS analysis pointed out that intellectual capital does have significant influence on Taiwan banking institutions’ performance. The positive influence of human capital to structural capital and customer capital, structural capital to customer capital, innovation to structural capital and structural capital and customer capital to business performance are proved to be significant. Secondly, multiple regression results proved intellectual capital’s significant impact on business performance. The outcomes discovered the characteristics of Taiwan banking institutions and pointed out room for the industry’s improvement. Also, it improves the problem of PLS analysis. All the models have high explanatory power over Taiwan banking institutions’ performance. Also, some recommendations for the government, Taiwan financial institutions’ managers, and future researches were provided.

    Transforming into a knowledge-based economy, there is an increasing need for Taiwan to explore how intellectual capital creates value for financial institutions especially when signing MOU in 2009. Thus, this empirical study aims to understand how intellectual capital influences the business performance, specifically in the context of financial institutions in Taiwan.
    An Intellectual capital questionnaire adapted to measure the intellectual capital components, including human capital, structural capital, customer capital and innovation capital. The population is employees of financial companies in Taiwan. Research samples are collected and the data are analyzed by Partial Least Squares (PLS) and multiple regressions through backward elimination methods. There are two outcomes as follow: Firstly, PLS analysis pointed out that intellectual capital does have significant influence on Taiwan banking institutions’ performance. The positive influence of human capital to structural capital and customer capital, structural capital to customer capital, innovation to structural capital and structural capital and customer capital to business performance are proved to be significant. Secondly, multiple regression results proved intellectual capital’s significant impact on business performance. The outcomes discovered the characteristics of Taiwan banking institutions and pointed out room for the industry’s improvement. Also, it improves the problem of PLS analysis. All the models have high explanatory power over Taiwan banking institutions’ performance. Also, some recommendations for the government, Taiwan financial institutions’ managers, and future researches were provided.

    Abstract....................0............................. I Table of Contents........................................ Ⅲ List of Tables …….......................................Ⅴ List of Figures.......................................... Ⅶ CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION................................... 1 Background of the Study................................... 1 Purposes of the Study..................................... 2 Research Questions................................................. 3 Significance of the Study................................. 3 Definition of Terms..................................................... 6 Delimitations and Limitations............................................... 7 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW............................. 9 Intellectual Capital and Business Performance............. 9 Taiwan Financial Industry................................ 23 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ................................ 27 Research Hypotheses...................................... 28 Data Collection.......................................... 30 Instrument............................................... 30 Validity and Reliability................................. 32 Data Analysis Methods.................................... 32 Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling ….…. 35 CHAPTER IV. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS, PLS FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS...............................................41 Descriptive Statistics...................................41 Descriptive Statistics Discussions.......................47 Validity and Reliability of the Measurement Instrument...49 PLS Findings.............................................51 CHAPTER V. MULTIPLE REGRESSION FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS..............................................59 Multiple Regression Findings.............................59 Multiple Regression Discussions..........................65 CHAPTER VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS………........73 Conclusions...............................................73 Implications and Recommendations..........................75 Future Research...........................................78 REFERENCES ...............................................81 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE ITEMS...........................89 APPENDIX B. QUESTIONNAIRE …………….......................91 APPENDIX C. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE VARIABLE…...............97

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