研究生: |
張雁婷 Chang Yen-Ting |
論文名稱: |
教師學科教學知識之研究--以國中英語科為例 A Study of Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teachers of English in Junior High Schools |
指導教授: |
Lee, Yong-Yin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 86 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教師知識 、學科教學知識 、英語教學 、國中 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:434 下載:0 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究的主要目的,在於了解國中英語教師認為其實際教學所需之學科教學知識的具體內容,並分析影響國中英語教師獲得這些學科教學知識的因素,以及教師們對於進修內容的需求,進而提出建議,期能作為師資培育課程、在職進修教育與教師發展學科教學知識內涵之參考。為達上述之研究目的,本研究兼採文獻分析及問卷調查等方法進行。首先透過文獻分析,釐清學科教學知識的內涵,擬定研究的架構,編擬「國中英語教師學科教學知識之調查問卷」,以臺灣本島地區各縣市公立國中英語教師為研究對象,實施抽樣調查,依全省北、中、南、東四區隨機抽取出13個縣市,所學校,有效樣本661份;將蒐集的資料經次數分配、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法處理及討論後,據以提出下列結論與建議。在結論方面有以下五點:一、國中英語教師肯定問卷所列之學科教學知識對於實際教學係相當需要的。二、國中英語教師對學科教學知識需要性的看法並不依教育背景和任教地區因素有顯著差異,而不同性別和任教年資的教師則對學科教學知識需要程度的評比有顯著的差異存在。三、職前教育和在職的進修、經驗、教學資料等皆有助於國中英語教師學科教學知識的增長。四、「教學經驗」及「同事間的經驗交流」是對國中英語教師獲得學科教學識最有幫助的來源。五、學科教學知識皆有需要列入國中英語教師教學進修活動的內容。在建議方面有以下幾點:一、 對師資培育機構的建議(一)透過職前教育和在職進修教育培養英語教師的學科教學知識。(二)培養英語教師反省思考的能力。二、對國中英語教師的建議(一)英語教師應建立「終身學習」的信念。(二)教師宜善用同事資源以促進彼此的專業成長。
The main purposes of this study was to explore the specific contents of pedagogical content knowledge for teachers of English in junior high schools in Taiwan, and furthermore, to analyze the effectiveness of several sources which the teachers may obtain their pedagogical content knowledge from. For the purposes, the study employed the quantitative method. Data were collected from } Pedagogical Content Knowledge for English Teachers in Junior High School Questionnaire ~, which was conducted through proportionate stratified random sampling. The subjects were a sample of 950 English teachers in 92 schools in thirteen cities/counties in Taiwan. Data obtained were analyzed by frequency distribution, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Most of the subjects perceived the specific items of pedagogical content knowledge listed in the questionnaire were needed for EFL teaching practice in junior high school. 2. Significant differences were found only in the variables of sex, years of teaching experiences regarding their perception of the need of pedagogical content knowledge for EFL teaching practice. 3. Preservice and inservice education, teaching experiences, and educational materials all contributed to the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge to a certain extent. 4. Among the six sources, } personal teaching experiences ~ and " collegial interaction " were the most effective sources of the development of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. 5. The specific contents of knowledge listed in the questionnaire were needed to be included in the inservice educational programs.Based on these findings, some suggestions would be given individually on teacher education, teachers of English, and the directions for future study.