研究生: |
莊尚花 |
論文名稱: |
國別化華語教學研究-針對印尼學生之「的」、「在」、「把」、「被」偏誤教學為例 Country-specific Chinese Language Instruction: Pedagogical Chinese targeting “的”, “在”, “把”, “被” errors in Indonesian students |
指導教授: | 信世昌 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 338 |
中文關鍵詞: | 對比分析 、偏誤分析 、中介語分析 、定式語言教學 、任務教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Contrastive analysis, Error analysis, Interlanguage analysis, Formulaic Speech Teaching, Task-based instruction |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:475 下載:62 |
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要解決印尼學生的語序偏誤問題,筆者認為最主要的是先了解學生的學習難點,基於此一要點,本論文先作小型測驗來探討學生的偏誤現象;找出了學生的學習難點之後,再搭配應用靳洪剛教授(2004)的定式語言教學與Prabhu (1987)提倡的任務教學,完整而有系統地實施華語教學。定式語言及任務教學,能讓學生習慣地應用規範化的華語語序,藉由反覆地練習而自然應用此一語序。此活動不但建立在對話裡,也要建立在短文的敘述中,配合情境,並應用綜合練習訓練學生的聽說讀寫能力。
Indonesian students learning Chinese usually display phonetic, word, and word order errors. In teaching, the most typical error teachers see is word order errors. While it is possible to correct students’ pronunciation and misuse of vocabulary when teaching word order, teaching pronunciation and vocabulary alone does not involve word order structure. Also, since topic is embedded within a sentence, and a sentence is built upon basic word order, it is important to examine errors in word order. In this study, I attempt to look at word order errors in Indonesian students from native language interference, the difficulty of Chinese itself, improper use of teaching material, and classroom pedagogy.
This study is carried out in three phases. In the first phase, contrastive analysis between Chinese and Indonesian is done on four syntax forms, namely, “modifier + 的 + modified word,” “在” structures, “把” structures, and “被” structures. These four syntaxes are core structures in Chinese, but Indonesian students display the most difficulty in setting them apart. In the second phase, I use Corder Pit Analysis to examine students’ errors on these four syntax forms. Results from the analysis show that errors come from native language interference and also from the lack of understanding of the target language. In phase three, I adopt Selinker’s interlanguage theory, which suggests that the source of student errors comes not only from native language interference or the difficulty of the target language, but could also stem from the teaching material used or the pedagogical approach adopted.
Development of a teaching material, as stated in Hsin (2010), should be for the learners of a specific country. In other words, teaching materials should have a target audience, should be practical, and systematic; lacking any of these elements could affect learning and teaching. In conventional language classrooms, the pedagogical approach an instructor adopts has a tremendous effect on the outcome of the learners. Different approaches and techniques should be used to help students to increase their communication skills. Interactive teaching and learning, as opposed to a mono-approach, is better at building communication skills.
In order to solve the word order errors exhibited in Indonesian students, it is important first to find out their learning difficulties. A test is given to students to examine their error tendency. Once their learning difficulties are identified, I use Jin’s (2002) formulaic speech teaching and Prabhu’s (1987) task-based instruction to teach them word order. Formulaic speech teaching allows the students to apply regulated word order in Chinese through repetitive practices. This activity is carried out in conversational contexts as well as short essay contexts, and is also practiced in integrated exercises to help students to improve their four skills of language.
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