研究生: |
卓益安 Cho, Yi-An |
論文名稱: |
臺灣高中數學教師專門數學知識與眼界數學知識的個案研究 The Case Studies of Taiwanese High-school Mathematics Teachers’ Specialized Content Knowledge and Horizon Content Knowledge |
指導教授: |
Chin, Chien 楊文金 Yang, Wen-Gin |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 227 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教學用數學知識 、教學用數學任務 、專門數學知識 、眼界數學知識 |
英文關鍵詞: | mathematical knowledge for teaching, mathematical task for teaching, specialized content knowledge, horizon content knowledge |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203745 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:232 下載:8 |
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本研究採用詮釋性個案研究法,探索三位高中典型數學教師專門數學知識(Specialized Content Knowledge,簡稱SCK)與眼界數學知識(Horizon Content Knowledge,簡稱HCK)的特徵。依據Ball、Thames與Phelps(2008)提出的教學用數學知識(mathematical knowledge for teaching,簡稱MKT)的理論架構下,收集和分析三位個案教師在拉格朗日插值多項式與數學歸納法兩個教學單元的實徵資料。
資料收集的範圍包括參與觀察的場域筆記、上課教材、課堂錄影和訪談。研究者一方面依據文獻資料歸納個案教師課堂使用的數學任務(簡稱教學用數學任務),另一方面修改LMT (2007)的「教學的數學品質(mathematical quality of instruction,簡稱MQI)」編碼詞彙表,建立課堂教學錄影的分析工具。修改分析工具的原則有兩個:一是基於文獻資料的輔助,將編碼歸類至SCK與HCK兩個操作型定義;二是依照個案教師實際的課堂活動,刪減、增加與修訂部分編碼。
This study combines interpretive case study data with the quantitative video analysis to explore three exemplar high-school mathematics teachers’ characteristics of specialized content knowledge (SCK) and horizon content knowledge (HCK). Firstly, the researcher focused on these two mathematical topics of Lagrange interpolation polynomial and mathematical induction. Based on the theoretical framework of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), the researcher collected and analyzed three case teachers’ emperical data including field notes, teaching material, videos of classroom teaching and follow-up interviews. Secondly, the researcher modified the coding system of Mathematical Quality of Instruction (MQI) developed by Learning Mathematics to Teaching (2007), and categorized the codes into two operational definition of SCK and HCK. The two major priciples of modification include the suggestions of literature and the three case teachers’ actual classroom teaching.
There are two major findings. One is that three teachers’ SCK was founded in the mathematical explanation of mathematical definions and noun, key ideas of specific mathematics topics and problem-solving. The content of these mathematical tasks for teaching was more borader and deeper, which played the critical role in the classroom teaching. And these mathematical tasks for teaching help the researcher to understand the characteristics of SCK in different mathematical topics. The other is that HCK has three different characteristics, including horizontal, peripheral and elementary-on-advanced dimension. The HCK not only helps teachers be aware of the key and core concept of mathematics topic, but also helps students see the mathematical sturcture of the specific topics.
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