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研究生: 吳浩宇
Wu, Hao-Yu
論文名稱: 華語中說謊的聲學及電聲門訊號特徵
Acoustic and EGG Profiles of Deception in Mandarin
指導教授: 甯俐馨
Ning, Li-Hsin
口試委員: 邱振豪
Chiu, Chen-Hao
Lu, Yu-An
Ning, Li-Hsin
口試日期: 2022/07/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 167
中文關鍵詞: 說謊聲學電聲門華語
英文關鍵詞: Deception, Acoustics, Electroglottography (EGG), Mandarin
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200841
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:207下載:15
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  • 本研究探討華語中說謊的聲學及電聲門訊號特徵,並且有三大研究重點:(ㄧ)說謊時的聲學及電聲門整體特徵、(二)性別對於聲學及電聲門特徵的影響以及(三)成功/失敗的謊話及實話的特徵。研究參與者為三十六位華語母語者(十八位女性)。每位研究參與者皆參加由十四個生平問題組成的互動式訪談問答,並且由另外兩位實驗人員來進行訪談。研究參與者必須選擇在一半的問題中說謊,而在另一半的問題中說真話。研究參與者在回答問題時,聲學及電聲門的訊號同時進行錄製。研究參與者的回答條件以及實驗人員的知覺條件皆有紀錄起來方便後續分析使用。本研究共使用了二十種聲學參數[包含基頻(F0)相關參數、聲音強度(intensity)相關參數、第一至第五共振峰(formant)、頻率擾動度(jitter)、音量擾動度(shimmer)、諧噪比(HNR)、第一及第二諧波差(H1-H2)、語速]以及十四種電聲門參數[包含導數法接觸商(CQDEGG)、混合法接觸商(CQMIX)、接觸時間商(contacting-time quotient)、分離時間商(decontacting-time quotient)、中坡法速度商(speed quotient with a mid-slope criterion)、接觸指數(contact index)、基頻相關參數、頻率擾動度、音量擾動度、諧噪比]。

    This study examined the acoustic and electroglottographic (EGG) profile of Mandarin deception with three major focuses: (1) the global acoustic and EGG characteristics of Mandarin deception, (2) the influence of gender and (3) characteristics of successful/ unsuccessful lies and truths. Thirty-six Mandarin speakers (18 females) participated in an interactive interview game, where they were asked 14 biographical questions by two additional experimenters. Participants were instructed to choose half of the questions for deceptive answers and the other half for truthful answers. Acoustic and EGG signals of the participants’ responses were simultaneously recorded. Conditions (deception & truth) of both participants’ production and experimenters’ perception were noted for analyses. Analyses included 20 acoustic parameters [i.e., F0-related measures, intensity-related measures, formants (F1-F5), jitter, shimmer, harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), H1-H2, and speech rate] and 14 EGG parameters [i.e., CQDEGG, CQMIX, contacting-time quotient (CTQ), decontacting-time quotient (DTQ), speed quotient with a mid-slope criterion (SQ-mid), contact index (CI), F0-related measures, jitter, shimmer, and HNR].
    Increases in F0 mean, intensity mean, F1, F5, CQ, DTQ, and CI as well as decreases in jitter, shimmer, HNR, F4 significantly correlated with deception across gender. These features suggest Mandarin deception could be tied to specific pragmatic functions (e.g., sounding firmer and more pleasant), greater emotional arousal, increased glottal contact symmetry and more pressed phonation, which well echoed findings from the literature. Additionally, both cross-gender and gender-specific features exist in Mandarin deception. Cross-gender features included increases in intensity mean and F5 and decreases in jitter, HNR and F4, which further strengthened the idea that certain pragmatic functions (e.g., trying to sound firmer and more pleasant) are utilized by both genders. Gender-specific features encompassed increases in F0 mean, shimmer, F1, F3, and DTQ as well as decreases in F0 maximum and CQ for female deception and increases in CQ and CI and decreases in shimmer for male deception, showing females are more prone to changes in emotional arousal and articulation and that both genders could undergo opposing changes in phonation quality (i.e., lighter registers for females and heavier registers for males). Furthermore, unsuccessful lies differed from their successful counterparts by increases in F0 mean, jitter and shimmer as well as decreases in F0 maximum and DTQ, showing qualities like higher F0 levels, less pleasant voice qualities, compromised intonation peaks, and shorter vocal fold decontacting periods. Unsuccessful truths, on the other hand, manifested increases in DTQ and F1 and decreases in F3, denoting spectral properties pertaining to articulation and longer vocal fold decontacting periods. The results could bring to light the mechanisms behind how Mandarin speakers perceive lies and truths as deceptive or truthful.

    Acknowledgements i 摘要 iii Abstract v Table of Content vii List of Tables xi List of Figures xiv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Questions 7 1.3 Organization of the Study 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 2.1 Deception and EGG 8 2.1.1 The Mechanism Behind EGG 9 2.1.2 EGG and DEGG 11 2.1.3 Common (D)EGG Measures 12 CQEGG and CQDEGG 13 Contacting-time Quotient (CTQ) and Decontacting-time Quotient (DTQ) 14 Speed Quotient (SQ) and Contact Index (CI) 15 2.1.4 EGG Features Shared with Acoustic Signals 17 Fundamental Frequency (F0) 17 Jitter and Shimmer 18 Harmonics-to-noise Ratio (HNR) 18 2.2 Deception and Acoustic Features 19 2.2.1 Acoustic Features Derived from English Corpora 20 Fundamental Frequency (F0) 21 Intensity 24 Formants 25 Voice Quality 26 Speech Rate and Duration 27 2.2.2 Features Derived from Mandarin Corpora 28 2.3 The Influence of Gender 32 2.4 Interim Summary 33 Chapter 3 Methods 36 3.1 Participants 36 3.2 Materials 37 3.3 Procedure 37 3.4 Measurements 40 3.4.1 EGG Measurement 41 Contact Quotient (CQ) 41 Contacting-time Quotient (CTQ) and Decontacting-time Quotient (DTQ) 41 Speed Quotient with a Midslope Criterion (SQ-mid) and Contact Index (CI) 42 Fundamental Frequency (F0) 44 JitterEGG, ShimmerEGG, and HNREGG 44 3.4.2 Acoustic Measurement 45 F0acoustic 45 Intensity 45 Formants 45 Jitteracoustic, Shimmeracoustic, HNRacoustic, and H1-H2 46 Speech Rate 47 3.5 Data Analyses 47 Chapter 4 Results 52 4.1 EGG and Acoustic Features Characteristic of Deception 52 4.1.1 Global EGG Model 52 Global EGG Descriptive Statistics 53 Global EGG Model Summary 53 Global EGG Model Interpretation 56 4.1.2 Global Acoustic Model 61 Global Acoustic Descriptive Statistics 61 Global Acoustic Model Summary 64 Global Acoustic Model Interpretation 67 4.2 The Influence of Gender 72 4.2.1 Female 72 Female EGG Model 72 Female Acoustic Model 80 4.2.2 Male 88 Male EGG Model 88 Male Acoustic Model 95 4.3 Characteristics of Successful/Unsuccessful Lies and Truths 103 4.3.1 Successful vs. Unsuccessful Lies 103 Deception EGG Model 103 Deception Acoustic Model 110 4.3.2 Successful vs. Unsuccessful Truths 116 Truth EGG Model 116 Truth Acoustic Model 121 Chapter 5 Discussion 128 5.1 EGG and Acoustic Features Characteristic of Deception 132 5.2 The Influence of Gender 139 5.3 Characteristics of Successful/Unsuccessful Lies and Truths 142 5.4 Limitation and Future Study 144 Chapter 6 Conclusion 147 References 149 Appendix I 166 Appendix II 167

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