研究生: |
廖曉玲 Liao, Hsiao Ling |
論文名稱: |
治理網絡:2009年世界運動會個案研究 Network Governance: The Case Study of World Games 2009 |
指導教授: |
Tang, Ming-Shin 劉宏裕 Liu, Hung-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 101 |
中文關鍵詞: | 2009年世界運動會 、高雄組委會 、NAO 、網絡 、治理 |
英文關鍵詞: | World Games 2009, KOC, NAO, Network, governance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:320 下載:5 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
研究之主要目的在於調查2009世界運動會的治理網絡,並嘗試透過觀察治理網絡建構的過程、結構以初步探討其績效。本研究首先討論網路的概念以及治理網絡的發展,其後進一步的討論影響網絡發展的情境。最後討論如何評估非營利治理網絡—特別是專案網絡的效率。透過文獻蒐集以瞭解有哪些機構/個人在2009 世界運動會治理網絡中扮演利害關係人的角色。第二階段透過半結構式訪談上述的利害關係人。本研究發現此治理網絡有三個階段的發展,這三個階段網絡特色的轉變與高雄組委會的行政角色的變化有關且具有傳統專案網絡的特性。此外,受訪者亦指出此治理網絡的一些缺失。最後,本研究發現此網絡治理型態屬於NAO,故以NAO衡量效率的標準—關係的正式化程度、多重性以及NAO進行該網絡效率的評估。本研究推論2009 世界運動會網絡之組織合作效率仍有待加強之原因包含1.各組織缺乏正式性的文件規範各組織的機能、責任與義務分工2.缺乏強而有力的協調者處理網絡成員間之衝突。上述情形或多或少暗示著網絡的成員多從個別組織的角度進行治理行為而未基於整體網絡效益之考量。
The focus of this study was to investigate the development, structure, and performance of the governance network established to organise the World Games 2009 to be held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The study sought to identify the process used to establish the governance network, to identify the structure of the governance network, and to make a preliminary assessment of its performance. TTThis study has reviewed the concept of networks and how to use networks as a form of governance, as well as how contingency issues affect the development of networks, and, finally, how to evaluate the effectiveness of networks, especially in non-profit networks and project networksTT. Two stages of data collection were undertaken: firstly, collection of documents relating to the roles of the various network members involved in the 2009 World Games; and secondly semi-structured interviews with selected representatives of network member organisations. The results of the study illustrated that there was clearly a three stage process that led to the development of the network, that the network exhibited the structural characteristics associated with a project network with the KOC acting as the network administrative organisation, and that interviewees perceived a number of shortcomings in how the network was performing. The study found that the network formed for the World Games 2009 has the characteristic of project network and the form of governance is NAO. This study concluded that the extent of formalisation in relationships, multiplexity and the existence of NAO are three criteria that were suitable to use in the analyse of the effectiveness for the network in this study. The effectiveness of the governance network in place for the World Games 2009 is not high due to the lack of formality in defining the function, obligation and rights of each network member organisation. In addition, there is no power coordinator to deal with the conflicts that have emerged between network member organisations. This suggests that network members have not yet grasped the difference between governing the relationships in the network on the basis of network outcomes rather than impacts on TToutcomes rather than impacts on individual organisation.TT
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