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研究生: 謝銓雯
Hsieh, Chuan-Wen
論文名稱: 臺灣濕地的根固著性大型水生植物群落多樣性之初探
Evaluating the diversity of rooted macrophytes in Taiwan’s wetlands
指導教授: 李佩珍
Lee, Pei-Jen
口試委員: 李佩珍
Lee, Pei-Jen
Lin, Teng-Chiu
Lin, Cheng-Tao
口試日期: 2024/06/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 水域生態系生物多樣性保育規劃保護區群落組成大型水生植物
英文關鍵詞: Aquatic ecosystem, biological diversity, conservation planning, community assembly, protected areas, aquatic macrophytes
研究方法: 次級資料分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401853
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:244下載:0
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  • 群落之間的組成變化,亦即β多樣性的模式,由兩種機制所決定:(1) 物種環境篩選 (species sorting) : 物種的分布依各自棲位限制及受到環境因素過濾,僅分布於適合其生存的環境;(2)物種傳播限制 (dispersal limitation) : 物種受其擴散能力限制,僅能存活在他們能移動到達之地點,然而這兩種驅動因素的相對重要性在不同生態系、不同生物群落間可能有所差異。大型水生植物 (aquatic macrophytes) 在濕地生態系之中扮演重要的功能,但是現有的研究大多針對個別濕地進行探討,未能涵蓋濕地間生物群落的比較以及跨濕地之β多樣性分析,難以對臺灣濕地保護區之規劃提供整體性參考。因此本研究主要目的為評估重要濕地環境基礎調查資料(國家公園署濕地環境資料庫中已電子化之資料)是否適合用於濕地水生植物群落間beta多樣性驅動因素之研究。結果顯示,臺灣濕地水生植物群落間𝛽多樣性主要是受到物種置換(turnover)影響,其主要驅動因素為水質環境,而地理距離的影響較小,亦即這些群落的組成主要由物種環境篩選而非物種傳播限制所主導。本項分析的可信度或許僅能反映臺灣南北兩區的濕地樣貌,無法代表臺灣整體濕地。

    The composition changes between communities, that is, the pattern of beta diversity, is determined by two mechanisms: (1) species sorting: the distribution of species is limited by their respective habitats and filtered by environmental factors, and is only distributed in An environment suitable for their survival; (2) Species dispersal limitation: Species are limited by their dispersal ability and can only survive in places they can move to. However, the relative importance of these two driving factors varies in different ecosystems and May vary between biomes. Aquatic macrophytes play an important role in wetland ecosystems. Nevertheless, existing studies mostly focus on individual wetlands and fail to cover comparisons of biological communities among wetlands and analysis of beta diversity across wetlands, making it difficult to Provide an overall reference for the planning of wetland reserves in Taiwan. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the basic survey data of important wetland environments (digitized data in the National Parks Department's wetland environment database) is suitable for studying the driving factors of beta diversity among wetland aquatic plant communities. The results show that the diversity of aquatic plant communities in wetlands in Taiwan is mainly affected by species turnover. The main driving factor is water quality environment, while geographical distance has a smaller impact. That is to say, the composition of these communities is mainly determined by species environment. Dominated by non-species dispersal limitations. The reliability of this analysis may only reflect the appearance of wetlands in the northern and southern regions of Taiwan, but cannot represent Taiwan's overall wetlands.

    第一章 緒論 1 第二章 研究材料與方法 5 一、研究系統 5 二、植物資料 7 三、水質資料 7 四、多樣性指數計算 7 五、地理距離矩陣 9 六、環境距離矩陣 9 七、統計分析 9 第三章 結果 11 一、本研究濕地之植物統計 11 二、本研究濕地的代表性 24 三、分析的合理性 26 四、𝛽多樣性分析的結果 30 第四章 討論 37 一、本研究濕地的代表性與合理性 37 二、𝛽多樣性分析的結果 37 三、研究限制 39 結論 40 參考文獻 41 附錄 48

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