研究生: |
鄭茹芬 |
論文名稱: |
國中學生在力學課程後對力與運動概念認知之現況調查研究 |
指導教授: | 黃福坤 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
物理學系 Department of Physics |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 227 |
中文關鍵詞: | 力學 、力與運動 、概念 、迷思概念 、另有概念 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:520 下載:80 |
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本研究的方法包含紙筆測驗及半結構式晤談。先針對國二至高二的613位學生實施「力學概念評量」(Force Concept Inventory,FCI),觀察不同階段的學生對「牛頓力學」概念的發展情形;並將此FCI評量結果作為本研究中另一份自行研發試題「國中力學概念評量」JMCI(Junior Mechanics Concept Inventory,JMCI)的參考。
四、本研究將FCI的評量結果與文獻中美國高中與大學生的資料相比較,發現我們中學生在力學基礎概念的表現優於國外的學生。但是否代表未來能有較優異的科學成就? 值得有心者共同來關心這樣議題。
The main purpose of this study is to investigate conceptual development of force and motion for junior high school students after they have learned Newtonian mechanics. Many researches have investigated rather intensively related students’ conceptions development: Students are rather egocentrism, and their concepts structures are quite different from teachers’ and scientists’ structure, especially in mechanics. Because kinematics concepts are basic concepts of “force and motion”, researches found that students have most different alternative frameworks about “force and motion”.
Force Concept Inventory (FCI) is a popular tool to probe student’s concept structure for university or high school students. We also applied it to 613 students, range from 8th to 11th grade, to probe subject’s reasoning on “force and motion” in Newtonian mechanics. With collected data and review articles, we develop Junior Mechanics Concept Inventory (JMCI). JMCI is designed with similar goals as FCI, force students to make choice between Newtonian concepts and commonsense alternatives, but specify for our junior high school students. JMCI post-test was administered to 394 subjects after they have learned Newtonian mechanics, and 76 students were interviewed after right after the test. Data from paper -and-pencil test and interviews were carefully studied to find out students’ misconceptions.
Many of our results support studies from previous research, especially about students’ misconception in “ impetus”, i.e. “There is a force action on an object to keep it in constant motion”. Our new findings are: Almost 70% students treat an object’s friction as “object’s maximum static friction”; About 40% students think “An object remains at rest horizontally is subject to friction”, they consider “A force applied by an external agent to push the object “forward ” must overcome the “friction force” and “gravitation force”.
We categorize our test items into seven styles, in term of students’ concept structure, and found “ difficulty index and discrimination index” for those items fit into the same style almost fit within the same range. Researchers might find it helpful to design or select item problems from test bank according to our category if they want to probe students conceptual understanding in basic mechanics.
Our study have shown that: current instruction in “force and motion” do promote top 27% students substantial progress in conceptual understanding, but almost nothing happened for bottom 27% students. We should do more help those students below average.
Compared with FCI test results for students in the U.S., our students in Taiwan do have much better test score: Our top 27% students’ in high school have higher average score than university physics students in the U.S. However, “Will our students have better science achievements in the future?”, is a good topic for further research..
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