研究生: |
吳韻茹 Wu, Yun-Ru |
論文名稱: |
運動介入對輕型認知障礙者功能性體適能與認知功能影響之研究 Impact of Exercise Intervention for Fitness and Cognitive Functioning on People with Mild Neurocognitive Disorder |
指導教授: |
Lin, Li-Jung |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 82 |
中文關鍵詞: | 輕型認知障礙 、運動介入 、功能性體適能 、認知功能 |
英文關鍵詞: | mild neurocognitive disorder, exercise intervention, functional fitness, cognitive function |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GSLHM.004.2018.A05 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:588 下載:66 |
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研究顯示,輕型認知障礙之罹患機率會隨年齡增加,且其中有10-15%的機率會轉為失智症,該情況對即將進入高齡社會的臺灣是為迫切解決的問題。目前輕型認知障礙的治療方式有藥物治療及非藥物治療,且非藥物治療方法相當多元,其中運動介入方法能夠透過身體活動使個體大腦增加腦血流量及攝氧量提升,而達到認知功能維持或延緩退化現象,故運動介入應可改善輕型認知障礙者之認知功能。本研究以探討運動介入對輕型認知障礙者之認知功能及功能性體適能之影響。研究方法採單組前後測實驗設計,研究對象以輕型認知障礙者為主,經簡易智能狀態檢查 (Mini-mental state examination, MMSE) 篩案後符合標準為8人,施予十二週之有氧運動介入,介入前後施予認知功能及功能性體適能測驗。研究結果發現受試者認知功能測驗中MoCA之記憶能力與LOTCA-G整體部份經由介入後,後測分數顯著高於前測;在柔軟度與敏捷性及動態平衡能力經由介入後,後測分數顯著高於前測。總言之,連續三個月且每週兩次的中等強度有氧運動介入對於部份認知功能具改善效果,對於功能性體適能之柔軟度及敏捷性與動態平衡能力亦具有改善效果。
The findings of recent research indicate that the the rate of suffering from mild cognitive function disorder increases with age. The past researches revealed that there were nearly 10-15% of them turn into Dementia which 5 times far more over than normal ones, and this is also a vital problem for the aging society of Taiwan. The treatments for these patients are medical and non-medical ones, and the latter ones are multiple. One of non-medical treatments is the exercise intervention which can promote cerebral oxygenation, then move on to better things for people with mild neurocognitive function disorder. This research aimed on the impact of exercise intervention for fitness and cognitive functioning on people with mild neurocognitive disorder. The method of this research is one-group pretest-posttest, and the object of the research were based on people with mild neurocognitive function disorder, and 8 applicants were screened and met the criterion of Mini-mental state examination, MMSE test. The aerobic intervention lasted for 12 weeks. The fitness and cognitive functioning test were taken before and after the intervention. The results show made a significant progress on flexibility, agility, dynamic balance, memory test in MoCA, and the score of LOTCA-G for the subjects. The conclusion is that the twice-a-week moderate-intensity exercise intervention which had lasted for three months partially improves the functional fitness and cognitive function on people with mild neurocognitive disorder, including flexibility, agility, dynamic balance, memory test in MoCA, and the score of LOTCA-G.
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