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研究生: 林淓維
Lin, Fang-Wei
論文名稱: 大學生戶外領導風格對環境態度、環境行為及風險認知影響之研究
A Study on the Influence of College Students' Outdoor Leadership Styles on Environmental Attitudes, Environmental Behavior, and Risk Perception
指導教授: 吳崇旗
Wu, Chung-Chi
口試委員: 吳崇旗
Wu, Chung-Chi
Chan, Chun-Chen
Tsai, Ju-Tse
Tsao, Hsiao-Chang
Cheung, Sze-Man
口試日期: 2024/05/09
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 208
中文關鍵詞: 戶外教育領導型態風險管理環境參與
英文關鍵詞: Outdoor education, leadership style, risk management, environmental participation
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400471
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:404下載:0
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  • 臺灣開始施行山林海洋開放政策,以及十二年國民基本教育課程將戶外教育融入戶外教育,呼應「讓學習走入真實世界,戶外教育扎根課綱」,豐富孩子的戶外教育學習內涵,讓學生不僅從課室內擷取知識,更懂得親近土地、走入文化社會,增進國際視野,戶外教育需要於自然環境中進行,透過人與自然、人與人之間互動及相互影響及發展。本研究目的:以戶外教育中「戶外領導風格」、「環境態度」、「環境行為」和「風險認知」四個變項探討其關係,並作為驗證大學生參與戶外領導風格之模式。方法:在大學生戶外教育相關課程中蒐集有效樣本375份,透過驗證式因素分析進行研究工具信效度,而再進行結構方程模式 (SEM) 分析與大學生「戶外領導風格」、「環境態度」、「環境行為」和「風險認知」相關係與整體模式適配性。研究結果:戶外領導風格正向顯著影響環境態度與風險認知;戶外領導風格正向顯著影響環境行為與風險認知;戶外領導風格負向未達顯著影響風險認知;戶外領導風格與風險認知有間接關係;整體模式適配度達標準。結論:在戶外領導風格方面,參與型領導風格在領導風格中受到參與者喜愛,指揮型領導風格具有強烈性因此得分最低,針對不一樣的環境態度及環境行為,可透過對應及較合適的戶外領導風格,達到領導效能與目標。

    Taiwan has started implementing open policies for mountains, forests, and oceans, while also integrating outdoor education into the twelve-year national basic education curriculum. This aligns with the concept of integrating learning into the real world through outdoor education that is integrated into the curriculum, enhancing the educational content of children's outdoor experiences. This allows students not only to acquire knowledge from the classroom but also to get closer to the land, engage with cultural society, and enhance their international perspective. Outdoor education should occur in natural environments, fostering interactions and mutual influences and developments between people and nature, and between people. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the four variables of "outdoor leadership style," "environmental attitude," "environmental behavior," and "risk perception" in outdoor education, and to verify the model of university students participating in outdoor leadership styles. Method: 375 valid samples were collected from university students enrolled in outdoor education-related courses. The reliability and validity of the research tool were confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between university students' outdoor leadership style, environmental attitude, environmental behavior, risk perception, and the overall model fit. Results: The outdoor leadership style significantly and positively influences environmental attitudes and risk perception. Additionally, the outdoor leadership style significantly and positively influences environmental behaviors and risk perception. However, the outdoor leadership style has a negative but insignificant influence on risk perception. There is an indirect relationship between outdoor leadership style and risk perception. The overall model fit meets the standard. Conclusion: In terms of outdoor leadership styles, the participative leadership style is favored by participants, while the directive leadership style is perceived as more forceful and therefore scored the lowest. By adapting and employing suitable outdoor leadership styles that align with various environmental attitudes and behaviors, leadership effectiveness and goals can be achieved.

    謝辭i 目次vi 表次viii 圖次x 第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究目的與問題9 第三節名詞解釋12 第四節研究範圍與限制15 第二章文獻探討17 第一節戶外教育概念及意涵17 第二節戶外領導風格的概念與相關研究24 第三節環境態度與環境行為的概念與相關研究43 第四節風險認知的概念與相關研究54 第三章研究設計與實施62 第一節研究架構62 第二節研究方法與步驟64 第三節研究對象68 第四節研究工具70 第五節問卷量表信效度分析77 第六節資料處理與分析94 第四章研究結果分析與討論102 第一節研究背景變項對相關因素現況分析102 第二節不同背景資料在戶外領導風格與環境態度、環境行為及風險認知 之差異情形分析118 第三節戶外領導風格與環境態度、環境行為及風險認知構面之相關126 第四節戶外領導風格對環境態度、環境行為及風險認知影響之結構方程模型138 第五節綜合討論144 第五章結論與建議154 第一節結論154 第二節建議159 參考文獻163 附錄203

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