研究生: |
郭展嘉 Kuo, Jaan-Jia |
論文名稱: |
國際主義風格應用於中文書籍編排設計之創作研究 A Study of the International Typographic Style Applied to Chinese Book Layout Design |
指導教授: |
Yen, Jen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系設計創作碩士在職專班 Department of Design_Continuing Education Master's Program of Creative Practice in Design |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 173 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國際主義風格 、書籍設計 、版面編排設計 |
英文關鍵詞: | International Typographic Style, Book Design, Book Layout Design |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100041 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:364 下載:60 |
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在書籍的版面編排設計中,清晰、邏輯的呈現標題、文本和圖像等訊息,可以使閱讀變得更快速和容易,也能讓訊息更容易被理解和記憶。觀察台灣目前多數中文書籍的編排設計現況,多數書籍仍較重視封面設計或裝幀形式,書籍內文的版面編排設計形式仍然較制式化;在文字段落的欄列編排方式較相似,跨頁版面也多呈現左右對稱,多以固定的版面形式做編排,重複性高,閱讀上視覺感受較相似、單調。國際主義風格時期的設計師Emil Ruder認為,沒有變化的文字段落缺乏節奏和彈性,很難閱讀;Josef Muller-Brockmann也指出,在網格系統的幫助下,能使版面編排設計更具功能性、邏輯性和視覺美感。
A clear and logical presentation of book title, texts, graphs and other elements in page layouts makes reading faster and easier, and the messages easier to understand and memorize. Based on observation, the layouts of most Chinese books in Taiwan emphasize cover design or ways of binding, and the layout of texts is largely done in a standard manner; texts are arranged in paragraphs of similar columns and rows, and cross-pages are of symmetric appearance. Standard layouts give an impression of repetition and make reading visually similar and monotonous. Emil Ruder, a prominent Swiss designer of the International Typographic Style, criticized the lack of rhythm and flexibility of the stereotype paragraphs for causing difficulty in reading. Josef Muller-Brockmann, one of graphic design's most influential figures, also pointed out that the grid system can add functionality, logical thinking and visual beauty to the layout.
This study aimed to understand the current status of the text layout in Chinese books, and employed the layout characteristics of the International Typographic Style to re-design the layout of books, in the hope that diverse forms of layouts can better convey the contents of books, giving readers different reading experiences and making the contents of books more appealing and memorable. The study first did a literature review and then analyzed and summarized the layout characteristics of the International Typographic Style. A total of twenty Chinese books belonging to four genres out of the 2018 best-seller list of the Eslite Bookstore were chosen; they included inspirational psychology, financial management, healthy living, and leisure and fun, and their page layouts were rearranged and redesigned based on the International Typographic Style.
The study came to the following conclusions: (1) Page layout: The grid system can be used for space configuration in the layout to strengthen the correlation between various layout elements, enhance the interaction between readers and the contents, and create a sense of dynamism without losing regularity. (2) Text layout: Based on factors such as the significance of the information, font size and font-weight, texts can be classified and arranged to create the hierarchy of the texts and make the layout more rhythmic and dynamic. (3) Color application: By adopting large-area background colors, changes in font-weight, and color contrast, the visual tension and contrast of the layout can be enhanced. (4) Graphic configuration: Graphs and texts can be arranged with the grid system to highlight the corresponding relationship between various elements in the layout, so as to increase the connectivity between graphs and text.
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