研究生: |
陳志雄 Chih-Hsiung Chen |
論文名稱: |
龍膽屬內小龍膽組的親緣關係研究 The phylogenetic study of Gentiana sect. Chondrophyllae Bunge (Gentianaceae) |
指導教授: |
Wang, Jenn-Che |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 龍膽科 、龍膽屬 、小龍膽組 、核核糖體基因序列 、葉綠體基因序列 、分子親緣關係 、染色體數目 |
英文關鍵詞: | Gentianaceae, Gentiana, Chondrophyllae, nuclear ribosomal sequence, chloroplast DNA sequence, molecular phylogeny, chromosome number |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:462 下載:39 |
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本研究根據細胞核DNA之internal transcribed spacer及葉綠體DNA(trnL(UAA)3'exon與trnF(GAA)之間的intergenic spacer, IGS;以及trnL(UAA)5'exon與trnL(UAA)3'exon之間的intron, trn-L)之非轉譯區DNA序列資料,針對龍膽屬內小龍膽組32個分類群之分子親緣關係進行研究,並探討台灣特產種類的起源問題。
研究龍膽屬類群發現,DNA序列自核基因組共獲得約453~479bp,自葉綠體基因組共得到626~740bp,每分類群共獲得約1,100~1,200 bp的資料;合併資料組經排序後得到1450個序列特徵,共計690個變異位置及422個儉約訊息位置,屬內分類群間則具5~227bp的差異。比較核基因組及葉綠體基因組後序列資料發現,前者之G+C content 為56.4%~61.5%之間,後者則僅33.6%~36.7%;而兩個基因組的核酸取代率差異不大,且依該序列資料所建構之親緣關係亦具一致性。
Nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and sequences of two chloroplast DNA noncoding regions of the trnL intron (trn-L) and the intergenic spacer between the trnL and the trnF genes of 32 species of sect. Chondrophyllae were determined and analysed phylogenetically, together with some species of other sections of the genus Gentiana. Based on the sequence data, the origination of endemic species of Taiwan is inferred.
The length of nrDNA on ITS1 + ITS2 in the taxa surveyed ranged from 453 to 479 bp and cpDNA on IGS + trn-L from 626 to 740 bp. Totally, about 1100 to 1200 bp sequence data in these taxa are obtained. Of the aligned sequences of 1450 positions, 690 variable sites and 422 parsimony sites existed. Pairwise comparisons among Gentiana species showed that sequences diverge from 5 to 227 bp. Comparison of the substitution rates among sequences revealed that nrDNA and cpDNA possess similar sequence divergence. The G + C content varied from 56.4% to 61.5% in nrDNA and from 32.6% to 36.7% in cpDNA. Both the sequence data from nrDNA and cpDNA give concordant phylogenetic trees.
By incorporating previously released ITS1 and ITS2 sequence data of 20 other species into phylogenetic analyses, the ITS phylogeny supports the monophyly of the sect. Chondrophyllae. Based on NJ tree of combined data (nrDNA + cpDNA) of the sect. Chondrophyllae, both ser. Napuliferae and Fimbriatae are revealed monophyly, but ser. Fastigiatae is the paraphyly. In contrast, series Orbiculatae, Linearifoliae, and Humiles are polyphyletic groups.
All the twelve Taiwanese taxa of sect. Chondrophyllae are endemic. They were shown to have two origins according to the molecular phylogeny. Among them, a well-supported clade of eleven taxa (Taiwanese yellow-flowered gentians) is closely related to the ser. Napuliferae. In contrast, another lineage contains only a single taxon G. tenussima. Its shorter genetic distance to related taxon implies a short isolation history.
Taiwanese yellow-flowered gentians are morphologically differentiation among species. Cytological, phytogeographical, and ecological evidenced while low genetic divergence exists among species, indicates a rapid speciation occurred on these taxa. Based on the facts that the habitat variable, that most of these taxa appear to be obviously isolated, and that the chromosome number also seems to be relevant to morphological differentiation. I propose that isolation of populations and dysploidization in chromosome number are important mechanisms of the speciation of Taiwanese yellow-flowered gentians.
陳志雄 1996 台灣產龍膽屬的分類研究。台灣師範大學生物研究所碩士論文。
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