簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林德源
Lin, Te-yuan
論文名稱: 百年來侵臺颱風特徵及降雨變化之研究
Changes of typhoon characteristic and rainfall in Taiwan over the past hundred years
指導教授: 洪致文
Hung, Chih -Wen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 颱風颱風日數颱風降雨駛流臺灣降雨指數年代際變化臺灣氣候
英文關鍵詞: Typhoon, Typhoon days, Typhoon rainfall, Steering flow, TRI, Interdecadal variation, Taiwan climate
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900476
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:410下載:18
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  • 本研究以大氣環流的差異,分析臺灣長期以來的颱風活動變化。首先統計1950至2014年臺灣颱風季各月份的颱風日數,並以環流差異解釋其颱風日數變化的原因。在7至9月時,強駛流區域若正對臺灣及琉球群島方向,颱風容易受該環流導引朝臺灣移動,因此侵臺颱風日數多;反之,當強駛流區域遠離臺灣,而是朝南海或日本南方海域方向時,颱風不易接近臺灣,因此侵臺颱風日數少。在6月與10月,臺灣的氣候環境條件並不利於颱風接近,若強駛流區導引颱風向西進入南海或北轉朝東北亞地區,則臺灣不受颱風影響,多造成無侵臺颱風的狀況。

    This study analyzes the long-term changes of typhoon activities in Taiwan based on the differences of large scale circulation. The circulation variation is analyzed to interpret the changes of typhoon affecting days during the typhoon season in Taiwan (June-October) from 1950 to 2014. From July to September, typhoons tend to approach Taiwan when strong steering flows extend towards Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands, leading to more typhoon affecting days. In contrast, when the strong steering flows move far away from Taiwan and instead extend towards South China Sea or south of Japan, typhoon activities near Taiwan significantly reduce and that results in less affecting days. In June and October, the large scale environmental condition around Taiwan does not benefit typhoons to approach. For these days without typhoons affecting, typhoons are guided by different steering flow branches to move westward directly into South China Sea or recurve northward to Northeast Asia.
    In the past hundred years, the total amounts of the typhoon affecting Taiwan and typhoon affecting days show interdecadal variations, with a decreasing trend before the mid-20th century but an increasing tendency after that. The annual averaged typhoon affecting days also exhibit a decreasing trend before the 1960s and an increasing tendency after that. An explanation for those findings is that the easterly steering flows around Taiwan strengthened in the mid-20th century but weakened in recent years, which would influence the typhoon translation speed.
    The typhoon-related rainfall in Taiwan has been increasing significantly in the past 20 years. The annual averaged typhoon rainfall exhibits a decreasing trend before the 1990s and a rapidly increasing trend after that. In addition, the total rainfall from each typhoon in recent years is also on the rise. Results for those phenomena suggest that the weakening of the typhoon translation speed related to the change of the easterly steering flows leads to the increasing trend of averaged typhoon rainfall in Taiwan.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 文獻回顧與討論 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 5 1.3 論文章節架構 6 第二章 資料來源與研究方法 7 2.1 資料來源 7 2.1.1 颱風資料 7 2.1.2 降雨資料 8 2.1.3 風場、海平面氣壓 9 2.2 研究方法 10 2.2.1 侵臺颱風定義方式 10 2.2.2 合成分析 12 2.2.3 獨立樣本t檢定 12 2.2.4 簡單迴歸分析 12 第三章 各月份侵臺颱風活躍度變化與分析 13 3.1 6月颱風活躍度分析 21 3.2 7月颱風活躍度分析 24 3.3 8月颱風活躍度分析 29 3.4 9月颱風活躍度分析 34 3.5 10月颱風活躍度分析 39 第四章 百年來侵臺颱風活動與降雨變化 43 4.1 侵臺颱風特徵變化 43 4.1.1 長期颱風個數與日數變化 43 4.1.2 單一颱風侵臺時間變化與分析 44 4.2 侵臺颱風降雨變化 49 4.2.1 長期侵臺颱風降雨變化 49 4.2.2 單一颱風降雨變化與分析 51 第五章 結果與討論 57 參考文獻 61

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