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研究生: 黃景良
Huang Ching-liang
論文名稱: 國民中學教師參與管理之研究
A Study of Teacher Participation in Junior High School Management
指導教授: 謝文全
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 參與管理教師參與參與參與決定學校管理
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:404下載:0
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  • 本研究之主要目的,在於探討教師參與管理的基本內涵及實施方法,並調查國民中學教師參與管理的現況,以及對教師參與管理的意見,最後根據研究結果,提出具體建議,供國民中學實施及改進教師參與管理之參考。為達成上述目的,本研究採文獻分析與問卷調查的方法,首先透過理論分析,探討參與管理的基本內涵及實施方法,以瞭解參與管理的意義、功能、理論基礎、方式、範疇、實施途徑、障礙和條件;其次,根據文獻探討的結果,編製「國民中學教師參與管理調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解目前教師參與管理的現況,以及對教師參與管理的意見;最後根據研究結論,提出具體建議。本研究調查對象為台灣省、台北市、高雄市公立國民中學的校長、主任、組長及教師,共抽得71所學校,發出1010份問卷,實得有效樣本714份,問卷處理則採用SAS for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。綜合文獻探討與問卷調查所得的資料,得到以下結論:一、國民中學實施教師參與管理可以發揮多重功能,但目前已經發揮的功能十分有限。二、教師參與管理的方式可以多樣化。三、學校裡所有事項都應該讓教師參與,教師參與的程度應依照事項的性質而定。四、目前教師參與管理的程度屬於普通偏低,教師有「剝奪參與」的情形。五、不同性別、職務、服務年資、教育程度、學校規模填答者的參與情形略有差異,至於不同學校地區和學校有無教師會填答者的參與情形則大同小異。六、學校實施教師參與管理時,決定參與的人選有能力、關聯、權限和意願四個原則。七、教師參與管理的可能途徑不少,但目前國中已有的參與途徑不到一半。八、教師參與管理有一些可能的障礙,但目前國中面臨的障礙並不大。九、教師參與管理如要成功必須有一些條件配合,但目前國中已具備的條件並不充分。根據研究結論,對教師參與管理提出下列建議: 一、國民中學應擴大教師參與管理的機會,並提高教師參與的程度。二、學校應該依照事項的性質和教師的需求,決定教師參與的程度,而非 盲目地讓教師參與管理。三、提昇行政人員和教師雙方參與管理的意願。四、適當增加女性、年資15年以下、大專學歷、大型學校教師的參與機會。五、檢視學校面臨的障礙和配合的條件,作為實施教師參與管理之依據。六、尊重教師參與時所提出的意見,以落實參與管理的精神,避免參與流於形式。七、教師應多方充實教學專業和行政雙方面的知能,積極參與管理,表現教育專業。八、落實法令中明文規定教師可以參與的部份,若法令沒有規定或不夠明確者應予以增列或修改。九、將參與管理的觀念及課程納入行政人員和教師培育及在職進修的學習內容。十、教育行政機關應採取積極配合的措施,授權學校自主。

    The main purposes of this study are to explore the relevant connotation and method of implementation about teacher participation in school management, and to survey the current situation of teacher participation in junior high school management and the opinions from the school staff for this topic. Then, based upon research findings, proposals and recommendations are to be offered for improvement of teacher participation in junior high school management. In order to accomplish the purpose, this study has adopted the methods of literature review as well as questionnaire. First, the researcher explores the relevant connotation and method of implementation about participative management through theoretical analysis. Next, the researcher compiles "Questionnaire for teacher participation in school management" so as to understand the current situation of teacher participation in junior high school and the opinions from the school staff for this topic. Finally, the researcher offers substantial suggestions based upon the conclusions of this study. The objects of this study are the school staff of public junior high school in Taiwan Province, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. 71 schools have been sampled and 1010 copies of the questionnaire have been dispatched. The effective samples actually acquired are 714 copies. The data of questionnaire have been proceeded for statistical analysis under the statistic packaging software "SAS for Windows". Based upon the data of literature review and of questionnaire, the conclusions have been reached as follows: 1.There are multiple functions resulting from teacher participation in school management, but they don't serve well enough in junior high school now. 2.The way of teacher participation in school management can be varied. 3.Teachers can participate in all school's decision and the degree of teacher participation should depend on the kind of decision. 4.The degree of teacher participation is low now, and teachers are of "decisional -deprivation". 5.Decisional participation from staff with different sex, post, seniority, level of education, and school scale make some differences, and decisional participation from staff with different school area and teacher association make slight differences. 6.Four rules for identifying appropriate teachers to participate are the test of expertise, relevance, jurisdiction and desire while implementing participative management. 7.There may be many programs of teacher participation in school management, but among them, only some programs are applied in junior high school now. 8.There may be many barriers in teacher participation in school management, but there are only some barriers encountered in junior high school now. 9.Effective teacher participation consists in certain conditions, which are not fully met with in junior high school now. According to the result of the study, the following proposals are offered: 1.The junior high school should increase the opportunity and degree of teacher participation. 2.Not all teachers can participate in all decision. The degree of teacher participation should depend on the kind of decision and teachers' requirement. 3.The participative desire of school administrators and teachers should be promoted. 4.The participative opportunity of female and teachers, with seniority under 15 years, of college diploma, or in large-scale schools, should be increased. 5.The barriers and conditions of the school should be examined to pave the ready way for teacher participation in school management. 6.The suggestion of the teachers should be valued, preventing teacher participation from formality. 7.Teachers should enhance both the knowledge and ability in teaching and administration to participate actively and display their profession fully in school management. 8.Put in practice the provisions of decrees which define the teacher participation in school management. New decrees should be added if not sufficient or indefinite ones should be revised. 9.Participative management curriculum should be arranged for school administrators and teachers in the process of pre/in-service training. 10.Administration institution must adopt positive measures and empower
