簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林明儀
Lin, Ming-Yi
論文名稱: 紅外線明亮星系的活躍星系核特性
The Role of AGNs in the (Ultra)Luminous Infrared Galaxy
指導教授: 橋本康弘
Yasuhiro Hashimoto
Sebastien Foucaud
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 高紅移活躍星系紅外線; 星系X-ray; 星系
英文關鍵詞: high redshift, galaxy: active, infrared: galaxies, X-rays: galaxies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:186下載:5
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  • 為了了解活躍星系核活動與恆星形成在星系演化中的相互影響,我們研究142個星系樣品,來自宇宙演化勘測視野(Cosmic Evolution Survey field),並且擁有X-ray與遠紅外線70μm觀測資料。我們的資料來自已公開之網路資料庫,X-ray來自錢德拉太空望遠鏡(Chandra)與XMM-牛頓太空望遠鏡(XMM-Newton); 遠紅外線70μm的資料則來自史匹哲太空望遠鏡(Spitzer)之多波段成像光度計(MIPS)觀測。儘管近紅外光測指數(color indexes)指出有恆星形成的存在,2-10 keV與全波段紅外光線(total infrared luminosity)的比值顯示,當固定全波段紅外光線能量時,2-10 keV的能量高出許多,暗示活躍星系核活動可能大於恆星形成活動。我們利用X-ray的硬指數(Hardness ratio)來當作”掩蔽活躍星系核”之指示標準,我們發現我們特殊的樣品選擇相對於單一X-ray的星系選擇有多餘的硬指數高值,可能與不同物理尺度的雲氣與灰塵有關。我們同時發現我們的樣品之冷灰塵溫度並不受X-ray有無的影響,灰塵溫度與活躍星系核活動之間可能沒有直接的關連。

    In order to understand the mutual influence between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star formation during the evolution of galaxies, we investigate 142 galaxies detected in both X-ray and 70μm observations in the COSMOS (Cos- mic Evolution Survey) field. All of our data are obtained from archive, X-ray point source catalogs from Chandra and XMM-Newton observation; far-infrared 70μm point source catalog from Spitzer-MIPS observation. Although the IRAC [3.6μm]-[4.5μm] vs. [5.8μm]-[8.0μm] colors of our sample indicate the existence of star formation, the ratio of rest frame 2-10 keV luminosity to total infrared lu- minosity (8-1000μm) shows comparatively higher X-ray flux than submillimeter galaxies for a given total infrared luminosity, indicating the possibility of higher AGN activity relative to star formation. When we characterize ”obscured AGN” by X-ray hardness ratio, we find that sources with exhibit both 70μm and X-ray emissions tend to have a higher hardness ratio compared to X-ray sources without 70μm emission, suggesting possible connection between the dust and gas across the various physical scales inside a galaxy. We also find that 70μm detected galaxies with X-ray emission and without X-ray emission show no significant dif- ference in cold dust temperature, suggesting that the AGN activity and the dust temperature may not be directly correlated.

    Contents -I- Table -III- Figure -IV- Abstract -1- 1. Introduction -2- 2. Data -7- 2.1 Spitzer-COSMOS -7- 2.2 X-ray dataset: XMM-Newton & Chandra -8- 3. Method -9- 3.1 Matched X-ray and far-infrared point source catalog -9- 3.2 Redshift determination -11- 3.3 Total infrared luminosity -12- 3.4 Estimating dust temperature of host galaxy -13- 3.5 Correction of X-ray properties -16- 4. Results -24- 4.1 An AGN or star formation dominated sample? -24- 4.1.1 AGN criterion from color-color selection -25- 4.1.2 LX vs. LIR relation -26- 4.2 Dust temperature of host galaxy -31- 4.3 Hardness ratio of 70μm/X-ray galaxies -35- 5. Discussion -37- 5.1 AGN influence on the host galaxy dust temperature? -37- 5.2 AGN obscuration from starburst? -43- 6. Conclusio -45- Acknowledgements -46- References -48-

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