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研究生: 豐佳燕
Chia-Yen Feng
論文名稱: 特教師資班學員認知型態對使用網路互動式遠距學習系統之影響
A Relational Study of Cognitive Styles and Their Attitude toward Interactive Internet Learning System for Members of Special Education Training Program
指導教授: 王華沛
Wang, Hua-Pei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 192
中文關鍵詞: 認知型態低場地獨立高場地獨立網路互動式遠距學習系統
英文關鍵詞: cognitive style, filed-dependent, filed-independent, nteractive internet learning system
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在分析不同認知型態的特教師資班學員在網路互動式遠距學習系統上的使用態度與互動表現之差異,並進一步探討影響使用「網路互動式遠距學習系統」之相關因素。為達上述目的,研究者以八十七學年度就讀國立台灣師範大學進修推廣部暑期特教研究所四十學分班四年級的學員 (N= 34 )及國立台北師範學院學士後幼教學分班三年級選修特教組學員(N=43)為研究對象,並經實施「團體嵌圖測驗」後,分為高場地獨立與低場地獨立兩組。以研究者設計的「網路互動式遠距教學系統」、自編「教學活動前的問卷調查與測驗」、「使用態度問卷」與「互動表現分析表」為主要研究工具,所得資料以單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析及Pearson積差相關等統計方法進行資料分析。茲就研究結果說明如下:一、低場地獨立組與高場地獨立組對「網路互動式學習系統」使用態度有所差異。其差異主要表現在「對系統之評價」的態度分項上,且高場地獨立組對「網路互動式學習系統」持較正面肯定態度。二、低場地獨立組與高場地獨立組的互動表現差異如下:(一)二組在互動類型S-S(同儕間)的互動次數、字數未達到顯著差異,且不同的互動內容次數與字數亦無顯著差異。(二)二組在互動類型S-T(師生間)的互動次數達顯著差異,其差異主要表現在E (Engaging)與S (Statement) 互動內容向度上;互動字數亦達顯著差異,其差異主要表現在S (Statement) 互動內容向度上。三、影響特教師資班學員使用「網路互動式遠距學習系統」之相關因素的分析結果如下:(一)電腦網路使用經驗、電腦網路先備知識、性別、校別、認知型態等變項與使用態度、互動次數、互動字數之間無顯著相關。(二)電腦操作能力與互動字數之間有顯著相關。(三)使用態度與互動次數、互動字數之間有顯著的相關存在。在各內容向度與互動次數、字數的相關方面,「系統可使用性」與互動次數、字數之間有顯著的正相關;「對系統之評價」、「對自我學習過程的看法」與互動次數、字數之間則無顯著的相關。四、學員對「網路互動式遠距學習系統」的看法與建議(一)對於參與討論的方式感到便利,因為透過此系統可以表達自己的看法,而且提供老師與學員間的立即回饋。(二)適合身心障礙者使用,但須提供輔助器材。(三)未來特教的師資培育可部分採用此系統,以克服時間與空間上的限制。最後,本研究對上述研究結果加以討論之外,並綜合研究結論與研究限制,提出若干在建構電腦網路遠距教學及未來研究上的建議,以作為特殊教育網路遠距學習與研究之參考。

    This study investigated the cognitive styles of special education teachers who participated in a technology class using an Interactive Internet Learning System (IILS), and explored their attitude toward IILS, the relationship among the factors in using IILS.The subjects were 34 members of in-service training class of special education in National Taiwan Normal University and 43 members of post-bachelor in-service study class of special education in National Taipei Teacher's College. A Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) was used to assess of Filed-Dependent (FD) and Filed-independent (FI) cognitive style of the subjects. Besides, the major instruments for this research were “The Attitudes Questionnaire of members used IILS " "Table of Interactive Performance" which were developed by the researcher. The obtained data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Chi-square Test, two-way MANOVA and Pearson correlation. The results of this study were as the follows:1.There were differences between FD members and FI members within the attitude toward IILS. The main difference indicated on the subtest of evaluation for the system. The FI members scored higher than the FD members. The result indicated the FI members have positive attitude toward IILS. 2.The differences of interactive performance between the FD members and FI members were as the follows:(1)The type of interaction between members and members: there were no significant differences in the frequency and words of interaction between FD and FI members, and there were no significant differences between each item on interactive contents.(2) The type of interaction between members and teacher: there were differences in the frequency of interaction between FD members and FI members, the main difference indicated on the item of interactive contents of engaging and statement; there were differences in the words of interaction between FD members and FI members, the main difference indicated on the item of interactive contents of statement.3.The correlation of factors relevant to members used the IILS, which results as follows:(1)There were no signification correlation among the variances of computer experience, internet literacy, gender, school, cognitive style, used attitude, frequency of interaction and words of interaction.(2)There were positive correlation between operative ability of computer and interactive words.(3)There were positive correlation among used attitude, the frequency of interaction and words of interaction. Among the scales, the system of usefulness, the frequency of interaction and words of interaction. While the evaluation for the system and the views of self-learning no significant correlation with the frequency of interaction and words of interaction.4.The opinions and suggestions for IILS were summarized as follows.(1)The IILS used convenient for engaging discussion, because participants can present their own opinion through IILS that provide teacher and members with immediate feedback.(2)The system was appropriate for disabilities with assistive devices. (3) The future of teacher education class for special education can partly adopt IILS, solving the limitation of time and space.In addition, the limitation of research, suggestions for internet distance education with further research are also discussed in this study.

    中文摘要 Ⅰ英文摘要 Ⅳ目次 Ⅶ表次 Ⅸ圖次 ⅩⅠ第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 1第二節 研究問題與假設 6第三節 名詞解釋 9第四節 研究範圍與限制 12第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 特教教師的進修與遠距教學之探討 15第二節 遠距教學中的互動性探討與相關研究 37第三節 認知型態及其相關研究 64第三章 研究方法 83第一節 研究架構 83第二節 研究對象 85第三節 研究工具 87第四節 實施程序 101第五節 資料處理與分析 104第四章 結果與討論 105第一節 實驗對象的認知型態 105第二節 控制變項之統計結果 106第三節 不同認知型態的特教師資班學員對「網路互動式遠距學習系統」使用態度之差異分析 119第四節 不同認知型態的特教師資班學員使用「網路互動式遠距學習系統」互動表現之差異分析 123 第五節 影響特教教師資班學員使用「網路互動式遠距學習系統」之相關因素分析 140第六節 研究結果與綜合討論 143第五章 結論與建議 153第一節 結論 154第二節 建議 156參考文獻 161附錄一 課程講授大綱 175附錄二 教師電腦網路使用經驗、操作能力、先備知識之調查問卷(預試問卷) 180附錄三 教師電腦網路使用經驗、操作能力、先備知識之調查問卷(正式問卷) 185附錄四「網路互動式遠距學習系統」使用態度調查問卷 189附錄五 互動表現記錄表 192

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