研究生: |
許尹鏵 Yin-Hua Hsu |
論文名稱: |
桑塔亞那(G. Santayana)的美學思想及其在教育美學上之蘊義 George Santayana's Aesthetics Thought and Its Significance In Aesthetics of Education |
指導教授: |
Lin, Ferng-Chyi |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | 桑塔亞那 、教育美學 、美感 、藝術中的理性 、自然主義美學 |
英文關鍵詞: | George Santayana, aesthetic education, The Sense of Beauty, Reason in Art, naturalistic aesthetics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:618 下載:32 |
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本研究旨在探討美國哲學家George Santayana的美學思想及其在教育美學上之價值,透過詮釋學與分析哲學之方法,先瞭解其生平、所處的時代脈絡、概覽整體思想背景及重要性。其次,觸及其美學思想層面,討論其濃厚自然主義氣息的美學思想,及承繼並修正Kant的美學思想;初步瞭解其美學思想後,簡要介紹其主要美學著作《美感》(The Sense of Beauty)一書的內涵,以為第四章論美感之基礎;並簡要說明其前後其審美觀點之轉變。
This thesis explores American philosopher George Santayana's thinking on Aesthetics and its Significance in the aesthetics of education. The hermeneutics and analytic philosophy method was used to analyze the background of George Santayana and the significance of his attribution on the aesthetics of education. Second, this thesis discusses George Santayana’s naturalistic aesthetic ideas, which inherited and corrected Kant's aesthetic thought. Then George Santayana’s main aesthetic writing “The Sense of Beauty” was introduced as the basis to illustrate the changes of his aesthetic views from the earlier to the later time.
The core of George Santayana’s aesthetic ideas can be divided into two parts: One is the beauty. This part discusses his views on the nature, material, form and expression of beauty, and introduces his unique perspective on play. The other is the different aspects of the meaning of art and taste, including the art of content and type, and the cultivation of aesthetic taste. In sum, George Santayana’s aesthetic ideas emphasize on the operation of senses, imagination and reason, and a variety of art types. These findings can be use to promote people’s aesthetic experience and taste.
In order to establish aesthetics education in Taiwan, there are three key findings can be used:
1.Education is an unexpected adventure, which includes the dimensions of creation and destruction. The educational process employs sense and sensibility as an expression of love. The aim of education is the pursuit of natural and reasonable happiness, and leads people to be themselves in the end.
2.Teachers should be poets. They must love to travel, turn stones into gold, focus on sensory experiences, cultivate romantic character in life, own a wealth of knowledge, continue to broaden their own horizons and elevate their minds.
3.Teachers must evoke students’ sensory perception, stimulate students' imagination, and cultivate their aesthetic experiences via adequately utilizing a variety of materials, such as music, images, myths, stories, poems, and plays.
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